The Game Of Life

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"I thought you were supposed to be smart, Sixer..." Ford shook as the voice echoed in his ear, getting louder with every repeat. Ford tried to speak but couldn't move his lips, as though they were sewn shut. He squirmed in place as a freezing air blew from behind him. He couldn't see anything other than the gray forest, still and dead, as though it were frozen in ash like the city of Pompeii. "As much as I love to watch you struggle," Ford could hear the voice shudder, it really did find pleasure in this."I, no, no, we have some business to attend to." Bill laughed menacingly. 'No! I won't let you win..' Ford squirmed in his thoughts still unable to speak. "Oh? Is that right?" A bright flash of light blinded Ford as he felt those spine tingling fingers on his face and neck. "I'd love to see you try and stop me, Fordsie." A slimy object caressed Fords  face, causing him to shiver from the touch of what he could only guess was a tongue. 'You're disgusting.' Ford shook, his blurry vision coming back to see Bill, who stared at him with a black eye set into a red body, one of his tongues still resting on Fords pale face. "That's the biggest compliment I've ever gotten!" Bill laughed and tightened his grasp on Ford. 'What do you want with me!?' Ford could feel as air was pulled from his lungs but he couldn't gasp for air, he was still and dead. "Just stalling, can't let your feelings get in the way. Big things are coming, Stanford Pines, and you can't do anything about it so, how about you just stop trying and accept the fact that you can't save them. Save yourself from hurting those you love, just face the music and become one of us. All that lying and manipulation can be avoided, oh who am I kidding, it can't. You're a liar. You manipulate other just so you can sleep at night, don't you get it? You and I, we're the same. Let them go."

  "Wkh ixwxuh lv frplqj idvwhu wkdq brx nqrz, d slqh wuhh zloo idoo dqg d vkrrwlqj vwdu zloo exuq, dv dq dxwkru uhfdoov dqg uhfrxqwv klv plvwdnhv idoolqj dsduw, wkh sdjhv exuqlqj lq klv hyhq judvs, qrw hyhq klv uhiohfwlrq zloo sxoo klp iurp wkh fkdrv kh fdxvhg. Dv klv vshfwdfohv irj dqg phprulhv idgh, wkh doo vhhlqj hbh zloo olehudwh wkhp doo iurp klv wkurqh ri vfuhdpv."

"I'm nothing like you!" Ford clutched his chest, gasping for air, as if he had almost drowned in the sea of his grim thoughts. The world around him was silent, as if he were alone. Once his breathing regulated, his eyes became focused and he quickly realized where he was. He was standing in front of a cobalt blue door, one he'd seen before, it belonged to a small white house, one he and Fiddleford had been considering buying, using the shack as just a work place, thinking an actual house would be safer for Tate to grow up in. "Fiddleford?" Ford softly knocked on the door, not questioning how he got there. 

Ford bit his lip as he heard soft footsteps walking towards the door, undoubtedly belonging to Fiddleford. Tears began to form in his eyes as the door slowly opened. A pale but smiling face looked at Ford with gorgeous blue eyes, bluer than the sea and brighter than the stars. "Fidds! You were right! You're always right, I'm sorry..." Ford slung himself onto Fiddleford, wrapping his arms tightly around the other man. "Uhh... howdy....fella..who are ya exactly?" His southern accent was so much thicker than usual. "I....Fiddleford?" Ford backed away from Fiddleford, his eyes wandering, looking into the door, noticing a chalk board and a graph behind Fiddleford's shoulder, in the far corner of the room. "That's ma name, partner." The southerner laughed it wasn't his laugh, it wasn't the laugh that would make Ford blush and smile, it wasn't a contagious laugh that would brink joy to Ford on his darkest days, the laugh that would be the sun on rainy days, the one that reminded Ford of his days in college playing Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons with his sweet and dorky school sweetheart, no, it was the laugh of a man he'd never met. "Fidds...Fiddleford..I..I'm so sorry...." Ford tried to keep his tears from falling from his eyes. "I...I was mistaken, I...I thought you were an old friend of mine from college..sorry to have wasted your time." Ford turned and started to walk off. "Hey, pal! I still didn't get yer' name!" Fiddleford pushed his round glasses back up his nose. Ford trembled in his place. " name's..." Ford couldn't hold himself back any longer, he had to escape this suffocating atmosphere, so he ran, he ran for thirty years, never stopping, he couldn't, he couldn't stand that feeling, everyone he cared about was destroyed, he ruined every life he ever touched, turning them into golden pawns in he and Bill's game of chess, the one he started and was going to finish, on his own.



{Woot, this was the last chapter of the younger Fiddauthor, I was thinking about adding more chapters, taking place post-Weirdmageddon, but I might just make a sequel fanfic instead. What do you guys think?}

P.S that code decodes to:  The future is coming faster than you know, a pine tree will fall and a shooting star will burn, as an author recalls and recounts his mistakes, falling apart, the pages burning in his even grasp, not even his reflection will pull him from the chaos he caused. As his spectacles fog and memories fade, the all seeing eye will liberate them all from his throne of screams.

I was really proud of it lmao

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