Hidden Cave

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After a couple of hours of floating around and scanning the lake they some how turned up empty, much to their shared disappointment.

"Don't worry, F, I'm sure we'll find something....eventually." My, how very vague of you, Stanford Pines.  "Well, you aren't necessarily wrong, but, I'm not worried, I'm pretty hot, however." Fiddleford fanned himself with a small, thick, paperback book that he had brought along to read. "And, you definitely aren't wrong there..." Ford quietly sighed his words as he gazed at those beautiful blue eyes, deep as the ocean and that shirt, the top three buttons undone, hoping to find relief from the heat, the sweat glistening on his chest and that ponytail holding up his perfectly knotted light brown hair that almost looked blonde in the harsh rays of the sun. Ford didn't quite realize Fiddleford meant temperature wise, not at first, he was a bit distracted, any man or woman with sense would be, but once he did he cleared his throat and tried to brush it off. "How about we take a break in that hidden cave that I mentioned?" Ford suggested and pointed the boat in the direction of the falls once he got a confirmation nod from the southerner. 

Fiddleford dipped his pale hand in the water as they approached their destination, the cool refreshing water felt incredibly refreshing on his burning skin. "Hold on!" Ford warned before driving the small wooden boat through the rushing water falling from the floating cliffs towering over them, as if they were walls blocking out the rest of the world.

The rickety boat crashed through the veil of crashing water and almost crashed into the shore of the small, dark and damp cave. "Was that really necessary?!" Fiddleford pulled himself up from the bottom of the soaking boat, where he had fallen. "Sorry about that Fidds, I just got a bit carried away." Ford chuckled and helped his soggy friend out of the tiny boat. "So what do you think of my little discovery?" Ford beamed proudly, although his so called 'discovery' had without a doubt been found in the past,as evident by the littered Pitt Cola cans and cigarettes that cluttered one of the caves corners. But, Fidds still smiled, after all Ford was excited about it, plus it was nice and cool, which was a much welcomed change from the heat. "It's nice! An' surprisingly cozy, bein' a cave and all." Fiddleford chuckled and helped Ford unpack their now, soaking wet bags. Once unpacked, Ford stretched, his back popping in the processes and he groaned with relief. "Mind if I start swimming?" He asked a unneeded question as he often did, for some odd and unknown reason as if he was so conditioned to asking permission, unless it was permission to go on some deadly monster hunting adventure, or misadventure as the case so happened to be 97% of the time. Fiddleford nodded and sat down on a towel beside the water and watched as Ford threw his black t-shirt to the side and dive into the cold and crisp water. Fiddleford watched as the brunette swam with a smile on his face. Ford practically grew up on a beach and seemed so at home with the water, it gave Fiddleford such a fuzzy, joyful feeling.

"Come on, Fidds! The water feels great!" Ford swam to where Fiddleford was sitting with his legs crossed. Ford had such a big dorky grin on his face. "I would love to but, fortunately, I have a book to finish." Fiddleford smirked and pulled out the small book he was fanning himself with earlier and waved it in front of his face. As if he were actually going to read it, truthfully he just planned on watching Ford enjoy himself, it's not that he didn't  enjoy swimming because he definitely did but something about swimming with Ford sent chills throughout his body, not bad ones, good ones and he didn't want to risk anything. "I grew up surrounded by two of the best liars you'll meet and let me just say, you certainly aren't one of them." Ford teased, he wasn't going to stop until he convinced Fiddleford to swim with him, for several....reasons, the biggest of which being that he really just wanted Fiddleford to have fun and relax, after all he's been through recently, he certainly deserves it.

Fiddleford started to unbutton the rest of the buttons on the borrowed shirt. "If I get in, would ya' stop lookin' at me with those big puppy dog eyes of yers'?" He approached the lake water and redid his ponytail, tighter this time. "I don't think I can make that promise at the moment." Ford blushed and joked, causing Fiddleford to turn around and pretend to start walking away, but not before Ford grabbed his hand and pulled him in. With a displeased gurkle he breached the surface of the water and glared at Ford before spitting out water. "You've done it now, Pines..." Fiddlefords serious and angry face quickly faded into a smirk as he began to splash Ford with water. Laughter soon filled and echoed throughout the cave.

(These nerds are killing meee. That description of Fiddleford just....it's really more from Ford's perspective and I have many regrets.)

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