Starry Eyes, Starry Skies

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{In the context of this entire fanfic, this song is from Ford's POV, I'm sorry, I'm gay Steven Universe trash.}

The days passed as did the weeks and months, Tate had been doing well, he wasn't being bullied as bad as when he started going there, he even made some friends! Which was a huge relief to both his father's, speaking of which, he definitely started considering Ford as another dad and Ford couldn't be happier, he finally had a family and since he had a talk with Bill, Fiddleford was doing so much better emotionally and physically. The work on the portal had slowed down a bit, it was almost complete but Ford and Fiddleford had been a bit busy, Ford barely even cared about the portal anymore, he was happy with what he had and wouldn't trade it for anything but Bill, on the other hand....he had a different point of view.

"Fidds, hurry up! We don't want to be late!" Ford waited atop a hill for his lover, with a picnic basket clutched in his left six fingered hand. Tonight was supposed to be a meteor shower, Ford was a bit disappointed that Tate wouldn't be there to witness it, he was at a birthday party/sleepover, but this gave Ford the chance to treat his lover with a surprise. "I'm comin'! Hold yer' horses!" Fiddleford chuckled and met Ford on top of the hill, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Ford blushed and set up a large red blanket on the grass. "Wait! Turn around." Ford smiled at his partner who did as he was told. Ford sat a white lily on the blanket as well as a radio and then covered Fiddleford's eyes with his large hands and turned him around, once he removed his hands Fiddleford smiled brightly and planted a giant kiss on Ford's lips, wrapping his arms around the brunette's neck, ruffling his soft brown hair.

"Suprise!" Ford chuckled and sat down beside Fiddleford on the blanket, truthfully it wasn't much of a surprise but Fiddleford could care less, he thought it was sweet. Fiddleford leaned on Fords shoulder, letting his partners warmth surround him, shielding him from the chill of the night. The stars were bright and shining above them as if protecting them from the rest of the cruel world. "Thank you for all you've done fer' Tate and I these last few months..." Fiddleford said quietly as the radio served as nothing but background noise. "Fidds, there's no need to thank me, I love you both, you're the only family I really have, and I would never let anything happen to you." Ford held onto Fiddleford's hand as the taller man buried his face into Ford's brown hair. Ford hadn't shown his face around his family since his second year in college, he couldn't knowing he'd have to hide himself from them. He felt bad at times, he hadn't seen his baby brother, who must've been around twelve or so now, in such a long time, he hated that his mother would be practically raising him on her own and he felt so guilty but wasn't sure what to do but now, he had the chance to protect and love a family of his own. "I'm honored to be considered a Pines." Fiddleford chuckled and smiled into Ford's hair, which smelled of strawberries. "Oh? Taking my surname are we?" Ford smirked playfully as he joked with his lover who always enjoyed Ford when he was playful. "Well, it sounds better than McGucket." Fiddleford laughed, he never really thought about this, after all it's not like they could be married, thanks to those monkeys with sticks up their butts running the country, but he liked to believe maybe he or his future family with be able to marry whoever they love. "Well  I, think McGucket is a very nice and unique surname." Ford couldn't hold a straight face as his lover shifted from his seat, leaning on Ford to sitting cross legged beside Ford with his eyebrow raised. "Yes, 'unique', what does it matter anyway?" Fiddleford laid back so his back was flattened on the blanket, his eyes fixated on the streaks of light shooting across the navy blue sky. Ford did the same, making noises of discomfort due to his back that got mauled on one of his investigations. "Hey, you never know, maybe we'll get married one day." Ford cuddled up next to Fiddleford who laughed and smiled brightly, while yes, he liked to think about it he doubted it ever happening. "Hate ta' burst yer' bubble darlin' but, I think we'd be too old to have a proper honeymoon or dead by the time that our marriage becomes legal." Fiddleford tried to joke about it but he really did bother him.

Ford sighed and sat up, reaching in his pocket, pulling out a small box as Fiddleford was concentrated on the stars. "You know, you might be're right about everything but, that's not going to stop me from seeing you as my lifelong partner." Ford shook as he spoke, he practiced this for weeks on end yet it still sounded so corny but he really wanted to speak from the heart so, that's what he did. Fiddleford blushed and sat up, his eyes as starry as the sky above. "Ford I..."The flustered southerner couldn't even speak. "I..I know it wouldn't be made official but...Fiddleford Hadron McGucket, I love you, more than anything in all the galaxies, and I want to spend my eternity with you." Ford's shaky hands opened the small box, containing a gold ring with three emeralds placed inside the gold, perfectly distanced from one another. Fiddleford felt tears rush down his face as he practically tackled Ford to the ground, hugging him tightly and kissing him with so much love and warmth it made Ford's face burn as he wrapped his arms around his partner and kissed him for what felt like years, he never wanted it to end but, it had to eventually. 

"Ford.. I..I love you so much." Fiddleford had a hard time finding his words as Ford slipped the perfect ring onto Fiddleford ring finger. "I've never loved anyone or anything more than you." Ford kissed Fiddleford again, softly, while holding his hand, pulling another ring out his pocket with the other. Once the kiss was broken he held the ring in front of Fiddleford and smiled warmly. "Mind doing the honors?" He said sweetly, a slight Jersey accent gracing his tongue. Fiddleford carefully took the golden ring, this time with three small rubies, and held onto Ford's left hand, he counted the fingers trying to figure out which would be the ring finger, noticing this Ford chuckled and used his right hand to help a nervous Fiddleford slip the beautiful ring onto his six fingered hand. Their eyes met, Ford couldn't help but stare into those gorgeous blue eyes, catching the light reflecting from the moon so perfectly, Fiddleford could feel his heart melt in the soothing warmth of Ford's handsome brown eyes, reflecting the stars, he could've sworn he saw two stars shoot across them. They leaned in for another kiss as they were bathed in the night skies glow, this moment felt like a dream, a perfect blissful dream that they hoped would last forever.

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