Words For Bullets

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Ford's heart pounded, drowning out all sound expect for the screams haunting his thoughts. He sat on the bed, cursing himself for what he had done, thinking of he and Fiddleford's past, so many happy memories but the bad ones clogged his thoughts as he clutched the memories in his six fingered grasp. One memory especially kept returning to his mind, one from many many months ago, almost an entire year ago.

"Stanford, please just tell me, who are you working with!?" Fiddleford had tears in his deep blue eyes as his southern drawl came out stronger than usual. "Fiddleford, I..I can't..." Ford didn't know how to answer, Fiddleford would never believe him would he? Besides, Bill probably wanted to stay a secret. It was for Fiddleford's own good, or at least that's what Ford told himself. "S..Stanford..." Fiddleford looked deeply hurt look on his face and backed away from Ford. "Trust me on this." Ford rubbed his friends shoulder softly, hoping to sooth his friend.

Ford felt his hands shake in a almost violent manner as tears ran down his face. "I trusted that bastard..." Ford stood up and ran down to his private study, his fists clenched as he felt thousands of eyes watching him, the voices in his head growing louder with every step. He sat down on the ground surrounded by tapestries and prisms, only furthering his paranoia.

"Bill! You tricked me! Where does that portal really lead!?" Ford ran deep into the blue realm full of books and parchment, only stopping when he saw Bill's back, his face was turned to what looked like a tear in reality, filled to the brim with the silhouettes of other demons, as Bill laughed his obnoxious and annoying laugh the creatures seemed to grow rowdy. "Looks like mister brainiac finally got smart," Bill turned to look at Ford "let's just say when that portal's done charging up your dimension's gonna learn how to party, right guys?" he pointed to the multicolored tear that seemingly gave off the scent of blood. The demons all cheered and laughed in unison. "No! I'll stop you! I'll shut it down!" Ford's anger began to fester as he screamed at the entity he once trusted, now being more angry at himself than anything. "A deal's a deal, Sixer! You can't stop the bridge between our worlds from coming but, it'd be fun to watch you try, cute even!" Bill started off with a stern tone, which Ford thought was oddly out of character but that tone soon faded into his normal inhuman tone that sent shivers down Ford's spine as he woke up. He was barely able to get a breath and could feel the eyes closing in on him with every passing second. "H..he betrayed me." Ford was still processing all the events that led up to that moment, he couldn't believe himself, because of his naive mind he had lost what he cared about most. "I have to shut it down!" He ran down the staircase and into the control room. He flipped a few switches trying not to think as he ran into the room that held the portal, pushing a large red button as memories of the events that unfolded in that very room flooded his mind, finalizing the shut down of the portal he took a moment to breathe but he could feel his heart tightening in his chest as one word rang through his mind: Fiddleford.
No..he couldn't face him...not yet, maybe if he rested for the night.He wasn't able to sleep with feeling of loneliness and regret looming with a gun pointed to his head with it's finger on the trigger, just waiting for the right moment.
As morning came Ford's eyes were heavy and red,  a night without sleep, only paranoia, putting him further on edge. He had no idea where Fiddleford would've gone but he was going to find him and he was going to tell him how much he loved him, even if he didn't feel the same anymore.

"C'mon Fidds, you had to have left a note, anything?" Ford shuffled through the stacks of papers in his room and looked through the drawers previously holding Fiddleford's clothing. Nothing. He left the room, barely able to stand but he made his way to the kitchen, stumbling over to the table, his legs felt like jello as he heard Bills insane and inhuman laughter echo throughout his body. "Shut up.." He sneered. His eyes wandered the room as he steadied himself by leaning on the counter. He couldn't figure out what was going on, it was as if he was fighting over the control of his own body. He  quickly noticed the trash can was full of crumpled up paper, not lined paper, the nice blank expensive paper, which was a important detail which Ford found odd, Fiddleford would never waste paper like that.
"What the..?" Ford pulled himself towards the garbage can filled to the brim with paper. He pulled a chair up and picked one of the papers up and un-crumpled it. 

"Dear, Stanford, 
I hate to have left you but I just can't do this again.." It was scratched out but Ford could still read it enough. Nothing else was written on the paper so Ford picked up another, and another, and so on, reading every word. Certain words kept reappearing in non-coherent sentences. "Tate", "yours", "accident", "night before graduation", "twins", "six fingers", "daughter", "during birth", "lost her", "I lied." and lastly, written most of all was "I'm sorry."
Ford's heavy and broken heart sank into his stomach as he imagined how much Fiddleford had to lie and hide, all because of him. He just couldn't get the thoughts out of his head, what if he stayed with Fiddleford? Would they have been a happy family from the beginning? Would Fiddleford have gone without the grief of loosing a baby? Would Fiddleford still be here? Twins. What Fiddleford must go through just when looking at his own son. Six fingers. "Damn it!" Ford clenched his fist as he rested the blame on his own shoulders. They were young and naive. Fiddleford didn't deserve to go through that, especially not without someone that loved him.

Ford sat there for what felt like an eternity, almost regretting that he pieced it all together as his hands shook, still holding the notes in his six fingered hands. Barely bringing himself to pick up the last note that simply had a address written, under which was a very shaky "Goodbye." Ford could still see the tear stains, just like on all the other notes. "F..Fiddleford.." He stuttered as his own tears fell onto the paper. "I'm going to find you, I promise, it's all just a nightmare..." Ford whispered and pulled the ring and paper out of his pocket to kiss them gently before standing, only for pain to shoot through his body. "Leave me alone!" He shouted as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end at the feeling of a cold dead hand on his back and then one on his neck. "Oh c'mon, Fordsie, let's have some fun..." he heard an all to familiar voice whisper in his ear. Ford practically jumped at the voice before running out of the house, putting his coat on as he ran and gritted his teeth. He didn't know what to do, the only lead he had was a address, so he ran into town as fast as he could, not daring to look back. He tried to run faster, he had to escape those eyes but it felt as though he was getting no where, no matter how fast or long he ran he couldn't escape those cold, cold hands that seemed to pull him back with every step he took. "Please. Just let me see him again.." Ford could barely speak as he felt a cold breath on the back of his neck as a voice whispered what to any other person would be nothing but gibberish. "L fdq vdyh klp, brx mxvw kdyh wr pdnh rqh odvw ghdo zlwk ph. Lw'v brxu odvw krsh, Vlahu."  The voice was so quiet as it whispered into Ford's left ear yet it pained Ford's head. "...Rndb"  Ford responded in a timid voice before reaching his hand out. The world around him became altered and gray. His head ached and his stomach turned, why did it feel so different? He fell to his knees, unable to take the pain any longer he held the sides of his head and screamed, trying to block out the screams and pleas of the tortured creatures from a far off burning dimension. A loud and inhuman cackle echoed through the gray forest.

"Vohhs wljkw, vpduw jxb!"

{Codes are in the Caesar Cipher. Also, sorry the timeline is confusing but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ALSO! Super important question, what have you guys thought of this fanfic so far? It only has a few more chapters to go so I kinda just want to make sure I don't have to end it early.}

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