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"You know, some people say you can see something if you look into the Gremloblins eyes, you don't happen to remember seeing anything do you? It would be good information for my journals." Ford bandaged Fiddlefords arm up, which had been clawed during the attack. 

"I...well...I'd rather like not going into too much detail about it...this is going to sound...dumb, but, Ford, I swear that I saw my worst nightmare, but it didn't feel like some sorta dream, it felt real..." Fiddlefords eyes became wet at the memory of what he saw in those horrible monstrous eyes. Ford grew concerned and he wiped a tear from Fiddlefords soft pale cheek, that grew a rosey color due to the touch of Fords large six fingered hand. "No, no, it doesn't sound dumb at all, and I understand you not wanting to talk about it. Do you need anything before I go finish up the new journal entries?" Ford began to stand up but was stopped by Fidds hand in his own. Fiddleford shook his head then squeezed Fords hand gently. "Can we" Fiddleford asked meekly, to which Ford responded to with a nervous nod. The cute nervousness of Ford wasn't helping the situation. 

"Of course! What is it?" Ford sat back down beside Fiddleford, who managed to gather enough strength to sit up. "I'm sorry I ruined your research today, I know how much it means to you and I feel just awful about it..." Fidds said in an uncharacteristically shy tone. Ford definitely tended to be the shy bundle of nerves, but today had been anything but normal, even by Fords standards. "It's really no problem Fidds, I got all the data  needed, and then some! Plus, now I get to repay you for all those times you've had to fix me up after an accident." Ford chuckled lightly as he fought to keep the mood light and to keep Fiddlefords emotions on the up. "I just feel like I'm so useless on these researchin' trips, I'm such a scaredy cat, I just don't understand why you chose me to be your assistant...I'm nothin' but a scared and clumsy farm boy...I just screw it all up for're so brilliant but I'm..I'm just some ole' hick." This was one of the many things Fiddleford struggled with but never talked about, not even with Ford. He pretended that those names didn't get to him but, they always have. He tried to brush it off in the past, primarily in college because he had to keep Ford from becoming too depressed, which was something he'd never complain about. If Ford was happy, so was he. But recently those names came back to haunt him, no one would hire him for anything technological or even simple engineering jobs because none of them would ever take him seriously. 

More tears began to roll down his face as he looked down, full of shame and embarrassment. "Fidds, you know that's not true. You are the smartest person I know, hell, you're smarter than me! But you know what, that isn't why I called you up here." Ford wiped more tears from Fiddlefords tired and confused face. "Fiddleford, you are the one person I know I can trust with all my heart and not doubt it even for a second. Fidds, when we met back in college you saved me from countless bullies, you were the second person in my entire life to say my hands were cool, first being my brother of course,and  I've never doubted you or your intelligence. You are brilliant in every sense of the word. Just because you're from the south and sound a bit different doesn't effect that in any way whatsoever. In fact, I've always found it charming, but your accent and home don't define who you are as a's my fault for dragging you on expeditions when you're not comfortable...heh..guess it's because I still feel so safe with you." Ford rubbed the back of his head and blushed lightly. Fiddleford couldn't believe what he just heard and his face was a deep shade of red. He was completely unsure about he should respond and his nerves skyrocketed through the roof. He just couldn't find the words to respond and Fords goofy and lovable nervous smile didn't help any. 

"Ford..I..I can't thank you enough and I just.." Fidds began to breakdown again, he never expected to hear any of that from anyone, let alone Stanford Pines, the man that got twelve PHDs in a matter of four years. Ford wrapped his arms around the sobbing sandy haired man again and smiled warmly.

"There's no need to thank me for the truth." He said softly into Fidds ear.

(Oops I got more emotional over this than I should have but I tend to focus more on Fords problems in other fanfics but Fidds has issues of his own so, here's a chapter for Fiddleford appreciation because he's a sweetheart that deserves more love!)

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