Chapter 09

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Chapter 09


"Two of the best ramen in the world for two most beautiful girls," my dad says, setting the steaming bowls in front of us.

"Thanks, Mr. Cho!" Emma replies.

After her surprise entrance this morning, Emma had a few errands to run in the city but came back for lunch. The moment she walked through the restaurant doors again, the ever-extroverted Ethan returned to being as antisocial as his cat. He hasn't come out of the kitchen once since Emma's appearance. Naturally, he has yet to even say hi to her. It's odd seeing him this quiet. I think about whether I should tell Emma about it—the fact she most likely has a new French admirer—but I figure it's best not to unintentionally embarrass anyone. I should also hear the full story from Ethan first before taking any action, not that I'm one to typically act out in situations like this anyway.

Emma takes her phone out for the five-minute masterpiece my dad has created. She snaps a picture with the perfect food filter to make any person hungry. She says, "I'm totally putting this up on Instagram."


Emma goes in for her first chopstick full. Her eyes widen with delight as soon as the warm, savory broth hits her tongue. "Man, Mr. Cho never fails to amaze."

Checking that my dad isn't around, I whisper, "Don't tell him that though. You know his ego dangerously skyrockets whenever he receives a compliment."

"But it's well-deserved. Your dad is the best cook I know." With a cheeky smile, Emma momentarily places her chopsticks down and cups her hands around her mouth. She shouts to the open kitchen, "I love you, Mr. Cho! You make amazing ramen!"

My dad comes out right away with immense satisfaction written all over his face. "Of course, I do!"

My mom isn't in sight, but I can sense her disapproval towards my dad's arrogance permeating through airconditioned the air. Had she been around, she probably would've replied with something that could instantly crush his spirits and drag him straight back down to earth. They balance each other out oddly well in that way.

Behind my dad, I notice Ethan is trying to act as casual as possible whilst stealing glances at Emma. I really want to tell her about it, though I save it for another time if and when it's meant to be. Besides, Emma has already moved on to uploading her ramen picture for her couple thousand followers to drool over.

I can never wrap my head around how Emma can be cool with putting her life online for so many to see. For so many to judge. Although I like using Instagram too, I don't have an account. Not anymore, anyway. I did once, but that was before the bullying had gone from solely offline to online too.

"Hey, Bae. You said you remembered Caleb, right?"

I force down the mouthful of hot ramen I just took in and choke out, "Um, yeah."

This isn't good. My cheeks are getting warm simply from the mention of his name. Unfortunately, unlike before, I'm not on the phone with Emma. She can see every bit of the blush quickly taking over my pale complexion.

While I lower my head to conceal all signs of redness, Emma continues, "Well, the weirdest thing happened the other day."

"What could that be...?"

"Caleb randomly DM'ed me on Instagram, but all he sent was He. Super weird, right?"

Rather than focusing on the current matter itself, all I can think about is the fact that Emma knows Caleb's Instagram. I can only imagine what it would feel like to be in such close contact with him.

On second thought, even imagining is hard. The idea of Caleb ever messaging me regardless of the context is next to impossible. It's simply another pitiful fantasy of the ugly girl who shouldn't even have the right to crush on anyone, let alone someone as awesome as Caleb Edmonds.

Feeling especially more discouraged than usual, I now want to drop this conversation entirely. I doubt Caleb would even want someone like me talking about him. The image of his smiling face contorted into that of disgust comes to mind.

In an attempt to change the topic, I quietly start, "Em, I—"

"It sucks that you never got the chance to become friends with him," Emma cuts in.


She giggles at a sudden thought. "Caleb is the type of guy who may look cool and hard to approach at first glance, but once you get to know him, you'll learn that he's actually the biggest dork in the world."

Dork and Caleb? Those are two words I never would have thought to put together. I can't say that out loud though, in fear of showing even one percent of my true feelings. At the same time, my silence further encourages Emma to talk about the one person I'd like to avoid talking about. She springs up from her hunched position over her food at a sudden revelation.

"Oh, I just remembered! Caleb moved to Freer City recently, what with the upcoming show and college. He got into Freer University. The same school as you."

Maintaining an indifferent expression is getting harder by the second. There's a slight chance I might get to see Caleb around campus in September! In order to stay grounded, I remind myself that even if we do go to the same school, we'll never wind up talking anyway. We're practically strangers to each other. It was like that in middle school, and it'll be the same in college, too.

There is no point in hoping for anything...

"You know, thinking about it, I should ask Caleb if he wants to hang out with us sometime. He'll probably remember you."

No, he won't

"No, it's fine, Em. Really."

"Oh, come on. Just asking won't hurt anybody—"

"No," I say more firmly to her surprise. "I barely know him. It'd be awkward."

To my relief, Emma lets the conversation go from there. She probably picked up on the seriousness in my voice. Being friends with her for so long has taught me that Emma Scott tends to avoid all signs of tension and conflict, no matter how small. She does not like dealing with negative emotions, and that's why she always goes out of her way to make those around her happy.

Reopening the camera app on her phone, Emma says, "Bae, let's take a selfie together. It's been so long."

It really has been. Not only has it been forever since I got to meet my best friend in person like this, but it's also been forever since I've gotten a picture of myself taken. A picture should be saved for both things and people that are pleasing to the eye. Who would want to see a picture of something that is clearly not?

Nevertheless, I can't refuse the suggestion as Emma already has her phone angled towards the two of us and the aftermath of our meal. I manage a small, shy smile. With a press of a button, the deed is done.

"Aw! You look so cute here, Bae."

"Uh, yeah. Thanks..." Just in case, I feel the need to add, "Please don't post that on Instagram though."

Emma gives me a reassuring nod. "No worries. I won't put it up on my profile if you don't want me to."

I sigh in relief. "Thanks."

"Sure thing."

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