Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


"We made it just in time," Joel says as we enter the bar.

This is the first time I've been to a place like this. I have never even gotten to taste alcohol before at home. Neither of my parents are fond of drinking. On the rare occasions they had shared a bottle of wine during the holidays, naturally as their only precious child, I wasn't allowed in on the special festivities. My dad often warned me that alcohol would stunt my growth, not that there was ever a risk of me secretly going out to drink anyway.

However, now as a high school graduate on her way to university, I think my days of growth are over, or at the very least coming to an end. It is quite sad to think about, but it also brings joy to be able to open a new chapter of my life. Perhaps I can embrace it with a clean slate. I don't want to be anchored down by the pains of my past forever. I think these past four years have tormented me enough.

I decide to take a daring leap into adulthood and accept Joel's offer to get me and Emma a cocktail.

"Are you sure your parents will be okay with you having alcohol?" Emma asks after Joel heads to the bar. We watch him give his boyfriend a greeting kiss on the lips.

I shrug, trying to push aside the guilt for one night. "Um, they don't have to find out...?"

"Look at you," Emma says proudly, nudging me by the arm. "It's about time you entered your rebellious phase. No worries! Whatever happens tonight, all your secrets are safe with me!"

"Thanks, Em."

I'm smiling. I can't stop smiling. There's so much excitement radiating from within this closed space. I'm going to have fun tonight, I know it.

"Two Peach Crushes for the ladies," Joel says upon his return. He hands each of us our drinks. "Extra vodka for the pursuing model."

Emma laughs. She takes a sip and nods in approval. "I didn't think you'd actually do that."

"Hey, I'm a man of my word." Joel shines an attractive grin. "Bailey, if you need anything else too, I'll be around. I have a soft spot for taking favors from cute girls."

Joel waves at us as he heads back to his boyfriend. He begins assisting him with serving drinks and chatting with the customers seated around the bar counter.

I take a long sip of my drink to cool my burning face. I'm blushing at the thought of Joel having indirectly referred to me as a cute girl. No, that can't be right. All the alcohol-fueled energy around me simply must be messing with my head. He was just being nice. That's all it was.

I sip more of my Peach Crush. It's chilled, fruity, sweet, and nothing like the bitterness of my presumptions. A slightly elevated form of juice. I like it. I'm liking alcohol now.

"Hey, come on," Emma says, pulling me into the growing crowd in front of the stage. "The show's going to start soon. Let's find a good spot."

Once we find a good viewing spot for the concert, Joel's boyfriend steps onto the stage. He grabs the mic and says, "I think we've kept you waiting long enough now, huh?"

I join Emma and many others in shouting out a reply. I can't recall the last time I've been able to let my voice out this loudly. I'm a little embarrassed by it, but this cocktail is giving me confidence.

I'm actually screaming alongside Emma as the band is called out. It feels surreal to see the members in real life instead of on Emma's phone screen. Attractive in pictures and attractive in person.

He's like that, too.

Caleb is the last one to take his position on stage. I suddenly can't scream anymore despite all the other females shouting their words of support with all their strength.

"I love you, Caleb!" a girl squeals from behind me.

I love you, Caleb.

My heart is beating like crazy. Those words won't leave my mind.

Caleb strums a sustained power chord in preparation for the band's performance and to exhilarate the crowd even further. My eyes are stuck on his strong hands. On what it would feel like to hold them.

Would they be rough or soft?

I immediately shut my eyes. Although no one can hear my thoughts except for me, I still want to hide somewhere isolated and quiet. There is always that impossible possibility that someone just might hear me.

What if he might be able to hear me? That would be disastrous!

I pick up the voice of whom I assume is the lead singer, Aiden. He's making a short introduction for the band. Afterwards, he says, "Our first song is called 'This Is It'!"

I open my eyes.

My heart jumps.

Caleb's eyes are on me. Even though it is much more likely that he's only staring in my general direction, somehow—just somehow—I know it's me he's focusing on.

A huge smile pops up from my shaking lips, as happiness fills my pounding chest. I'm screaming again. My screams are aimed solely at him. I wonder if he can sense them reaching him.

The memories of him eating noodles across the table from me return. Those fingers that had so awkwardly held the restaurant chopsticks are now playing intricate riffs and chords comfortably on a shiny black electric guitar. He is really talented. This boy is amazing on so many different levels.

Whatever negative instances might have occurred regarding him during these past few weeks are meaningless just for this one night. On this one night, I'm allowing my emotions to run free for once. Both the rock music and crowd are so loud anyway. No one will be able to hear my thoughts within all this vibrant noise.

I like you.

As a fan of your talent. As a former classmate. As my first crush.


I still like you, Caleb. 

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