Chapter 23.5

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Chapter 23.5



I'm groaning with my hands on my stomach as I get off the taxi. This is the one time I'm grateful for the heavy city traffic. If the driver had gone even slightly faster, I probably would've hurled again.

Ah, man! Getting sick off of shellfish at a foreign restaurant is such a cliché. I really wanted to hang out with Bailey and Ethan today. I thought Ethan was just an awkward guy at first, but he's actually pretty cool once I got to know him. He kind of reminds me of my first boyfriend. He was French, too. I wonder if he actually became a model like he set out to be. Now that I think about it, Ethan also has some major modeling potential. Geez, what's with these French guys being so tall and handsome? Yet another cliché!

I shouldn't be thinking about this in the middle of the sidewalk. I have to get home and empty my stomach again.

Those oysters had been so good. To have to let go of them in such an unfashionable manner. What a shame...


I turn around at the front door of my apartment building. The bathroom will have to wait a little bit longer. "Caleb, hey! What brings you here?"

He raises the several bags in his hands. "My brother's dragging me around to do some shopping."

Right on cue, Joel comes out of a boutique and rushes towards us. "Hey, you should've waited for me! Who's this?"

"Hi, I'm Emma. Caleb's school friend—" I clench my stomach.

"Are you okay?" Caleb asks, concerned.

I manage to push down the nausea for now, but there's no telling when it'll return. "I was out with Bailey and Ethan—maybe you remember him from the restaurant—but I'm pretty sure I got food poisoning and had to come home early. The two of them are probably having a ton of fun without me at Ethan's place by now."

I sigh, thinking about how big Ethan's penthouse must be and the fluffiness of his adorable kitty. But then, my eyes focus back on Caleb who appears even more concerned than before. I guess I must look a lot sicker than I thought. My insides sure are telling me so.

"Anyway, I seriously have to go—" I nearly gag. The bathroom has waited long enough now. "Bye!"

As I open the door and rush inside, I overhear Joel saying something to Caleb. "You're thinking about her again, huh? Things will work out, little bro. Don't worry."

I wonder who he is referring to. Could it be that Caleb has gotten into a fight with his girlfriend or something? I don't have much time to deliberate on it, as I run into my apartment and head straight for the toilet. 

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