Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


We're all here, little bro! Joel messages me.

He really did it. This is one of those few rare instances when I am truly glad I have an older brother. I told him everything last night. It was about time I did. He took every single word seriously. No jokes. No light brotherly teasing. He's matured a lot. By the end of it, he simply asked what he can do to help me out.

"The only thing I want is to make sure she comes to the show tomorrow."

"Don't worry. Leave that to me, little bro."

A hand runs through my hair, ruffling up the perfect mess Aiden has already made for me. Speaking of Aiden, he's looking at me from across the backstage band room. He's frowning.

Now I know why.

Mallory has this huge smile on her face as she gazes up at me. "Wow, Caleb. You look good."

"Uh, thanks..." I reply, trying to get my hair back the way it was.

"Good luck out there." Her voice slurs a bit. She has a bottle of beer in her hand. It's nearly empty.

I guess no one bothered to mention to Matt that Mallory and Noah are still high school students. I'm not too worried about Noah since none of us expect him to do something that might potentially get him into trouble. Mallory, on the other hand, is giving me some bad vibes, especially with the numerous unopened alcohol bottles on the table, courtesy of the bar owner. She is heading straight for them. However, whatever she lets herself get into throughout the evening is the least of my concerns. I have more important things to worry about at the moment.

Somewhere amongst the crowd out there is Bailey. This is the first time I'll get to play in front of her. Show her my passion in life. My hands are shaking like crazy. I won't be able to hold a single chord in this state.

Although it's completely against my personal never get drunk while playing rule, I take a shot of vodka. Just enough to loosen up my anxieties. My throat burns, but it's actually quite soothing with how cold and numb the rest of my body feels.

"Getting stage fright?" Aiden asks. He smirks before drinking some of his beer.

I laugh, revealing just how nervous I am.

He pats me on the back. "Just do exactly what you did at soundcheck earlier. You'll be fine."

I nod and take a deep breath.

"Woo! I'm getting revved up already!" Roy shouts, waving his drumsticks in the air. "Our biggest gig yet!"

"Hell yeah!" Aiden shouts in response.

In contrast, Noah is standing in the corner, paler than ever. He was like this during our very first show as well. Actually, now that I think about it, he's been like this before every single live show of ours. And just like those past shows, he'll probably be out there destroying all of our songs on his bass without a single mistake in no time. It must be nice not having your nervousness affect your performance in the slightest.

I bet I'm the only person in the band who isn't ready to go out on stage yet. But I have to remind myself that we've been preparing for this moment for weeks now. There is no turning back. I can only move forward from here on out.

And out there she waits.

I take another deep breath.

Matt's voice soon rings out from the speakers. "I think we've kept you waiting long enough now, huh?"

A response comes from our largest audience thus far.

"Okay, I'm going to need everybody to scream as loud as you possibly can as I call out our guest performers for the night. Are you ready?" Matt pauses as the screaming begins. "Midnight on Saturn, everybody!"

"Let's go, guys," Aiden says.

It feels like the female voices always tend to grow whenever Aiden and I walk on stage. Could one of those voices be hers...?

I'm the last to step up in front of the crowd. Initially, I can't bring myself to focus on a single face. I grab my guitar and take my place at my mic. I close my eyes for a brief second, blocking out Aiden's introduction and the audience's calls. I try to find some sort of inner calm before the chaos of our rock music ensues.

So much stuff has gone down during these past few weeks. Petty lies and stupid misunderstandings. But now, it's like things are coming back full circle. The truth is out on Bailey's end. I finally know that I can have a chance with her. I just have to truthfully show myself to her tonight.

This is it.

When I open my eyes again, I immediately find her. 

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