Chapter 40 (End)

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This is the final chapter.

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Chapter 40


I wish I can be stuck in yesterday. It felt like a dream. What Bailey had told me.

I love you even more now.

She's liked me back all this time. And she loves me now.

Loves me.

I stop in front of our band's studio door. I'm here half an hour early. Maybe if I speed, I can see Bailey at the restaurant really quickly before practice—

Yeah, I've got to stop dreaming. Wake up, you lovestruck idiot.

But it is quite nice being a lovestruck idiot. It's the only version of an idiot I ever want to be.

I enter the studio expecting the place to be empty. I doubted even Aiden would be here yet. The only reason I'm here at this time is that I want to get a moment of complete solitude with my guitar. Call it musical meditation. Otherwise, there is no way I'll be able to stay patient and sane throughout the next few hours until I can go see Bailey again.

While yesterday had become one of the happiest days of my life, it was also torturous to get through.

I miss seeing her.

I miss hearing her.

I miss holding her.

I miss smelling her.

I just miss her.

I probably sound crazy right now.

"Th-This is crazy, Mallory! We shouldn't be doing this here!"

I'm not sure if I should let my presence be known, but it's too late. I've already begun speaking. "Um. Hey, guys..."

Mallory is straddled over Noah's lap with her hands at his cheeks like she's about to kiss him. Actually, I have a feeling they've already been making out before I came in. It sure seems that way with how red Noah's face is.

He immediately lifts his hands up as if I'm some cop. Dreadfully, he shouts, "Caleb, you're here!"

Mallory grins when she sees me. "Hey, way to walk in on me and my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Noah and I say in unison, though with greatly contrasting tones.

"Congratulations," I add, only to realize I have another mess to apologize for. However, taking responsibility for my actions has become easier now. The first time is always the hardest. "Look, to the both of you. I'm really sorry about my actions on Friday. And to Mallory, I'm sorry for everything before that too—"

"You're ruining the romantic mood here, you know," Mallory says, pouting, though she quickly changes back to a smile. "I forgive you."

"You do?" I blurt out, surprised at how easily she's said that.

"Yeah, totally. Aiden told all of us your backstory over the weekend. About your seven-year-long crush. Sheesh, you're worse than Noah here." She pokes him on the forehead, quite forcefully too seeing how his entire torso gets pushed back and wobbles feebly. "This one's been crushing on me for the past three years."

Both me and Noah are speechless. This one girl has simultaneously killed both of our manly confidence.

I guess I deserve this much.


Band practice goes by smoothly. We have another show coming up this weekend, and two on the week after. There's no time for us to catch a break. That is why we agree to end our session an hour earlier than usual while we still can.

"Hey, I'm thinking of buying us dinner tonight," Aiden says.

Roy glares at him in disbelief. "Seriously? Wait, is it someone's birthday today?"

Aiden smirks. "Not really. I just happen to be craving Korean food and thought you should all tag along."

I'm the last one to get the hint, and it's only because every person in the room is staring at me. So, Aiden really must have told them everything. I feel like I've been killed twice today.


"Welcome—Oh, my god!" Emma squeals as soon as she sees Roy. Afterward, she realizes the entire band is here. "Come on in! Take a seat anywhere."

"Let's sit at the small table over there," Mallory says, pulling Noah along without waiting for a reply. He obediently follows her anyway.

Aiden and Roy grab a table for four people, expecting me to join them. However, Emma immediately steals away the empty seat next to Roy. It doesn't take long before Ethan arrives at the scene and sits across from her, making Aiden tense up at how tall and angry he is.

"I'm her boyfriend," Ethan says, glaring deep into Roy's eyes.

"O-Okay," Roy replies in a bit of a daze. "That's cool, man. How long have you guys been dating?"

Emma says, "Only a few—"

"We'll be together for a very long time," Ethan cuts in.

While all this is going on, I'm left standing in the middle of the restaurant, looking around for a table.

And a girl.

She finds me first.

"Caleb, hi."


"Um, there's a table here," she says, realizing I've been abandoned by the rest of the band.

I don't care though. The table she points to is for two people. She and I make two.

"Can you sit here with me for a short while?" I ask.

Bailey gazes around the restaurant, which isn't quite busy yet since we came before the chaos of the dinner shift. She nods and sits down.

Opening the menu in her hands for me, she says, "What are you feeling tonight? Noodles or—"


She blinks a few times. "W-What?"

Her confused face is too cute for me to hold still anymore. I reach for it from across the table, landing a soft kiss on her lips.


"Woohoo!" Roy whistles.

Emma joins him. Mallory and Ethan are clapping. Aiden merely smirks. Noah pretends he hasn't seen anything. And with that, everyone just as quickly returns to going about their own business. We should, too.

I casually flip through the menu, briefly peeking up at the incredible blush I've given Bailey. She can't look at me anymore.

I'm so happy right now.

Unable to contain my huge smile, I say, "So, Bailey. Should I get the—"

"You should try the noodles tonight," she says in a low, serious voice.

I gulp, my smile slowly fading. "A-Are you sure?"

"Yes." She takes the menu from me and quietly stands back up. She then turns around to hide her embarrassed face, taking in a deep breath. "I'll ask my dad to make them extra spicier this time. Just for you."

I grab her hand. "Bailey, I'm sorry. I was an idiot. I still am an idiot!"

"I know," she says, pulling her hand away. "I now know very well, Caleb."

. . .

Thank you so much for supporting our noodles until the end. 🍜❤️

Special chapter and epilogue coming up!

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