Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


"Em, I really should work tonight," I say, watching the clock slowly approach six p.m.

"Look, I know your name's Bailey, but you can't bail on me like this," Emma replies. "You promised you would go to the show with me."

I did, but that was before my head got even more complicated at the thought of Caleb. Nothing about him to me is certain right now. Why he frequented the restaurant before. Why he stopped coming after that one night. Whether he truly is the nice person I've always seen him to be. Or rather someone violent...

Whether he's still with his girlfriend or not.

That last one shouldn't matter to me. Actually, none of them should. Even if we did seem to get along during his single meal here, that time was too short to have made us real friends.

I'm no one to him. Not even a fan.

"I shouldn't go..."

Emma frowns. "Is it because of your parents?"

I don't give her a reply, leaving it open to her assumptions.

"Oh, come on, Bae! They're both cool with us leaving work a little early tonight. I mean, your mom is at least. And Ethan's willing to cover for us, too. Which I'll make sure to repay him for the both of us during our next date." She winks.

I sigh. "I just—"

I just don't think I should see him right now.

The bell rings as the front door opens. Things seem to move in slow motion until I blink a few times for a reality check. However, my eyes aren't deceiving me.

What is Caleb doing here?

"Joel, what are you doing here?" Emma says.


"Hey, Emma." He waves at her. "Great to see you again."

He waves at me, too. I stand there quietly, staring at this person who oddly looks like Caleb yet at the same time does not.

Thankfully, Emma explains, "Bae, this is Joel. He's Caleb's older brother. They look really alike, huh?"


The resemblance between these brothers is uncanny. Joel just happens to be a little taller with more of an athletic build to him.

"Nice to meet you, Bae." He smiles and puts out a hand.

I shyly take it for a shake. "H-Hi. My name's actually Bailey." I give out the most awkward friendly laugh ever. I feel just as nervous as when Caleb is around.

"Right. Bailey," he corrects. "Caleb's told me a lot about you."

"He did—" I choke on the lump in my throat. Why would Caleb ever mention me to his older brother?

Joel chuckles. "Yeah. And he told me to come here and personally escort you to his show tonight."

"He did—" This all sounds so absurd that I've begun to hiccup.

Shrugging, he says, "Well, he might have worded it a bit differently."

Joel looks at me with a wide adoring smile. Adoring to him, but painful to receive on my end. I am beyond embarrassed. I wish he would turn away already, but his eyes are locked on me. His eyes are the same shade of light green as Caleb's.

I'm holding my breath now, partially to stop hiccupping. It's not very effective, unfortunately. I want to grab a glass of water from the kitchen, but I also don't want to seem rude and suddenly walk off.

I'm stuck. Until Ethan comes to the rescue.

"Are you okay, Bae?" He hands me some water.

"Thanks..." I gulp it down and continue to hold my breath for a few more seconds. It's kind of working...

Meanwhile, Ethan is eyeing Joel suspiciously. I can't blame him though with Joel's face being a direct reminder of Caleb's. The two guys are standing close enough for me to notice their similar heights, which puts them towering over me. I naturally take a step away from the tall group. Emma stays, being able to blend in at five feet nine. She also just wants to tease Ethan a bit.

"Joel, I noticed you're quite a successful model judging by your Instagram account," Emma says. "Congrats!"

Joel gives a modest laugh. "Oh, thanks. Yeah, I've been pretty busy with work lately."

"Hey, do you think I can try my hands at modeling?" Emma flips her head back and strikes a glamour pose.

Ethan is not happy Joel got to see that. With how generous he is about everything else in life, I would've never taken him to be the overly jealous type in a relationship. I can see why Emma enjoys teasing him about it though.

After some thought, Joel replies, "Now that you mention it, I do know a photographer I can introduce you to."

"That's great! Can you give me their number?"

"Woah, hold on!" Ethan calls out. "Emma, if you wanted to try modeling, you should've asked me first. My mom works in the fashion industry too, you know."

Emma acts unimpressed. "Yeah, but she's in France, isn't she? Joel's right here."

"But—" Perhaps Ethan has spent too much time around my dad because the way both of them pout in defeat is almost identical.

Joel finally catches on to Ethan's place in this conversation. "Are you two dating by any chance?"

"Yes!" Ethan gives a great big nod. "She is my girlfriend."

Emma can't hold a straight face anymore. She's biting her lip to hold in her laugh.

"Okay, then," Joel says, taking a step back. He gets a phone call. "Oh, it's my boyfriend. I'll be right back."

Joel sits at a faraway table to talk in private while a confused Ethan leans over to Emma and whispers, "He's gay?"

"He's in a gay relationship," Emma replies nonchalantly.

"You knew, and you didn't tell me?"

"I just like seeing you get jealous, babe." She gives him a short kiss on the cheek.

Ethan wants to get mad at her but gives up on it quickly.

Joel's back. "So, that was my boyfriend, Matt. He's the owner of the venue Caleb's band is playing at tonight. We should probably get going now if we don't want to be late."

"Have fun," Ethan says, now totally fine with Joel's presence.

"I sure will." Emma grins and practically squeals, "I can't wait to go see Roy again!"

"Wait, who's Roy?"

Emma merely shrugs as she follows Joel out. "Come on, Bae!"

Ethan gives me a slight push forward. "Go on. Have fun. And could you please keep an eye on Emma, for me?"

It's his favor that ultimately gets me to budge. "Sure thing."

As I'm heading for the door, my mom sticks her head out of the kitchen and shouts, "Home by ten, Bailey! But maybe come a little bit later, too!"

I'm not sure what she means, but reply, "Um, okay, mom."

My dad is trying to push his way towards me, although my mom is mercilessly holding him by the collar. "Bailey, that Caleb boy is no good! Stay away from him and any other perverts—OW!"

My mom pinched him on his side. "Come later! And get a photo with Caleb!"

"No, my precious daughter!"

I wave my parents goodbye and rush out to catch up to Emma and Joel, who are both getting into the latter's car. For once, I'm happily willing to listen to my dad over my mom.

Stay away from Caleb.

I'm simply going there to enjoy the show. 

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