Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


The show is a massive success. We even got to play an encore song.

For every single one of our past shows, the band always took time afterward to talk to the fans and take pictures. However, this crowd tonight has become something greater than we can handle, which has made us four come to an agreement to take a breather backstage first before starting the engagement hour.

While I am glad to get a moment of rest in the backstage room, I'm unable to stay seated for too long. There's a girl out there I need to talk to.

"Yo, chill out a bit, Caleb," Roy says, sprawled out on the couch next to the air conditioner to cool off his sweat. He takes a long sip of his beer.

Mallory puts an arm around me. "I guess you still have a lot of energy left from the show," she says teasingly, her breath laced heavily with alcohol. Her eyes are glossed over and look to be dreaming as she tilts her head up at me. "Let's have a ton of fun now, you and me. Okay?"

I pull away from her and say in the nicest voice possible, "Mallory, I think you're drunk. You should sit down."

I catch a glimpse of Noah standing against the wall. He turns his head when our eyes briefly meet. Something has got him worried.

A knock comes at the door. It's Matt. "You guys killed it tonight! The crowd doesn't seem to be getting any smaller out there."

"We'll head back out soon," Aiden says.

Matt waves out a hand for Aiden to remain seated where he is. "Nah, no need to rush. We have all night for the meet and greets. But"—he looks specifically at me—"there are two young ladies I'm allowing special early access to if you won't mind."

"Hey, everyone!" Emma squeals. She brushes past me and heads straight for Roy, whom she has made very obvious is her favorite. She's practically sitting on his lap, showering him with compliments about the show.

I wonder what Ethan would have to say about that.

I'm not sure why he crossed my mind all of a sudden. Then, I realize his coworker—just coworker and nothing else—is standing right in front of me.

"Bailey," I slip out.

I've lost control of my smile. This is the moment I've been waiting for all night.

Closing the door on his way out, Matt says, "Well, then. Back to work for me." Although his back is turned, I sense the satisfaction on his face.

"Um, hey," Bailey finally says. Her cheeks are bright red. She's so cute.

"It was pretty hot out there, huh?" I say at an attempt to start a conversation.

She laughs shyly. "Yeah, it was. But it must have been hotter on stage."

I grow aware of how soaked my t-shirt and hair are from sweating throughout the show. I can only hope I still look somewhat presentable. Even so, I keep my distance just in case I might be grossing her out. I let out an awkward laugh. "Yeah, a little bit."

"You played really well out there." She pauses, only to quietly add, "I'm a fan..."

My heart stops.

She takes in a sharp breath. "Of the band, I mean! I'm a fan of the band now. I'm glad Emma told me about this show, or I would have never known..."

I should be putting in more effort to keep this conversation going, but my adrenaline-pumped thoughts are so focused on how much I want to take a leap forward and hug her.

And kiss her.

Kiss her.

Mallory's arms slip around my waist from behind. I'm tempted to push her away. However, I don't in fear of appearing too aggressive to the girl whom I've already punched someone in front of.

Having come back from yet another shot of vodka, Mallory says, "Caleb, it's so boring in here. Let's go somewhere more exciting!"

Bailey's staring at the two of us, unsure what to make of the situation. No, I spoke too soon. She has her mind set on exactly what's going on here. "She must be your girlfriend."

My heart that has been overfilled with joy takes a sharp sour turn in the opposite direction. This damn imaginary girlfriend!

I'm feeling braver than usual, probably because I just finished a show for over a hundred people. "She's not my damn girlfriend!" I shout, silencing the entire room.

"You're such a hard one to crack, Caleb," Mallory sighs. "Why the hell did you even kiss me in the first place?"

No. Bailey shouldn't have heard that.

"It meant nothing!" I try to explain, but my words don't reach her.

Bailey backs up towards the door. "I feel like I'm interrupting something. I'm sorry. Um, I'll just wait outside for Emma."

No. Don't go! I'm supposed to be winning you over tonight—

She's out.

I roll my hands into tight fists. My next words are overtaken by fury. "Damn it! You've ruined everything!"

And now I've clearly upset two girls this evening.

Mallory's emotions are currently just as uncontrollable as mine. But in her case, she's crying.

What have I done?

"Caleb, stop being such a jerk!"

The room is silent once again. This time, it's due to the fact that the band member least likely to speak out has actually spoken out for once.

Noah's pale skin glows bright red as he stumbles over to Mallory's side. She's gone numb from her tears that she's open to any soothing embrace. Even one from Noah.

"When I asked for your help before," Noah starts nervously, "it was because of Mallory. I...I like her! I still like her! S-So...C-Could you stop being so mean to her and take responsibility for your own actions?!" He rushes out of the room with Mallory who is still wrapped in his arms.

Roy applauds, completely wowed by this unexpected turn of events. Emma isn't clapping, but she's simply sticking around for the show as well.

Aiden, on the other hand, narrows his brows at me. He is not amused by any of this. He says, "I was about to step in, but I think we can agree Noah has said everything that was needed. It's really about time you take responsibility for your actions, Caleb."

I lower my head as it grows complicated with so many regrets. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize to me. Go, you idiot."

That is all I need to hear. I immediately turn around, dashing out the door. Sure, there are a lot of people I should be apologizing to. But at the moment, Bailey is the most important. I don't want to lie to her anymore.

I push my way through the lively bunch of bar-goers. A few people stop me, asking for a picture, but I kindly let them know I'll get back to them later. The entire time, my eyes scan every face within range. Bailey is nowhere to be seen.

I spot my brother though, tipsily flirting with Matt at the bar counter. However, he comes to a fast halt on everything the moment he spots me. He motions for me to come closer.

"I saw Bailey step outside just now," he tells me. "She looked like she needed some fresh air. She's alone. Now's your chance, little bro!"

Seriously, I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for all his help tonight. "Thanks, Joel," I say sincerely.

He sends me off with a good luck, which is the only thing I'll be needing right now.

This is my chance. In reality, this is my last chance. I'm so tired of screwing things up between me and her. I'm done. I'm coming clean. The single thing I can hope for is that she won't come to hate me by the end of it.

"Bailey!" I call out.

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