Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I'll definitely go back to her today!

...Okay, tomorrow for sure!

Those two sentences pretty much summarize my mornings and nights for the past few days.

I still haven't returned to the restaurant. I know that the longer I wait, the more my lie will inevitably become the truth to her. But this is a lot harder than I thought. I would much rather play my guitar without rest until all the strings break. A few of my fingers will likely be bleeding by the end of it, but it's better than this mental torture!

My mind chooses now to finally focus on how that Ethan guy really might not be Bailey's boyfriend and I simply have overanalyzed everything. It's a few days too late for that. I've already dug myself into a grave, which is only getting deeper with each day. Besides, just because Ethan isn't Bailey's boyfriend does not mean he is no longer my adversary.

Oh, god. He's probably winning over her heart at this very moment!

Damn it! I'm wasting so much time here. Yet, it's not like I can just bust out of band practice right now either. The guys need me, especially with the show coming up. A few more hours to go. Then, maybe I'll finally have the courage to see Bailey again tonight.

I'm checking the time on my phone every chance I get. I try not to be too noticeable about it, although I look on edge as it is sitting here with my restless legs. I'm surprised they haven't started an earthquake with how much they are shaking. This sucks! Up until now, I've found that playing music had never failed to take my mind off of things. But it seems that when it comes to love problems, my guitar can only do so much.

Noah eyeing me like a sickly hawk from across the room is not helping either. I still have yet to help him with his own problem. It's not like I haven't been trying. I've offered my assistance a few times already, but it's taking a lot of time for Noah to open up. I thought we were closer friends than that. He keeps pushing me away, though in that overly polite and anxious Noah kind of way. I feel like if I say anything back, he'll start crying.

The band decides to take a ten-minute break. While I'm idling it away like a nervous wreck, Noah spends it awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. From the direction of his gaze and the thirsty look on his face, I think he wants to drink some of the lemonade that Mallory brought. She's been coming to the studio every day with drinks and snacks. Apparently, it's a part of her duty as our self-proclaimed manager of sorts. She's been with us since the beginning, tagging along with Noah to practice whenever she could. The two of them attend the same private high school and are in the same grade. Although, they don't exactly seem like close friends from what I can tell.

Mallory is conversing with Roy at the table, blocking all chances for Noah to get his lemonade. He really must be terrified of him. I can't entirely blame him though. Noah and Roy might as well be from two different planets. I don't think they share a single thing in common. Even their physiques are polar opposites. While Noah is freakishly tall and underweight, Roy is on the shorter side but has more than enough meat and muscle on his bones to go around.

I feel more nervous watching Noah sway back and forth like a bare tree caught in a windstorm. My legs can't stay still anyway, might as well put them to good use. I get up from my chair and walk to the table.

"Hey, Mallory."

"Caleb!" Her smile grows in both surprise and delight. "What can I do for you?"

"I was just about to get some of the lemonade—"

"I'll get it for you!" She pours me a cup, nearly filling it to the rim. "Here you go. Have as much as you want."

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