Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Caleb wouldn't have lied. Of course, he wouldn't have. That one percent part of me that wants to believe he had is just being ridiculous and obviously can't come to terms with reality.

I have to let it all go already.

I have to let him go.

I shouldn't be thinking about someone who has a girlfriend. That is beyond creepy, even without the fact that he barely knows who I am. Why can't I simply press an erase button and completely forget about this crush that stems from middle school? It's pathetic. To have liked a single person for this long...

I'll probably never be able to date anyone anyway. I should give up while I can. No one would ever like me that way. Especially him.

These photos only further prove how far up he is from my own level.

"That's Aiden, the lead singer. And this is Roy, the drummer. He's my favorite," Emma explains, showing me the most recent pictures on Midnight on Saturn's Instagram.

My eyes are glued to the screen. Both of them are attractive in their own unique way. Aiden has a sharp face and piercing stare worthy of being in a fashion magazine, while Roy with his muscles, short beard, and tattoos looks like he could be able to fight and win over any girl he wanted. If this is what the band members are like, no wonder Caleb is a part of them. He would have no problem hanging around cool people like them.

Turning to the next photo, Emma says, "Oh, here's Caleb!"

My eyes immediately fall on his face. He's smiling, and I automatically smile too. I wish I could've stopped there, but it's too late. I notice the girl next to him. She has her arm wrapped around his. She has her arm around the other boy's in the picture too. But the way she holds onto the two guys is different. With Caleb, it's more sincere.

"I think I've seen that girl before," Emma says, trying to remember. "Ah! I've seen her at shows before. She seemed really close to the entire band."

She must be close to Caleb too, then. It's not surprising. She may be Asian like me, but unlike me, she's the pretty kind. I doubt anyone would ever tease her like the way people had done to me. She doesn't have to hide any part of her face.

What's with your bangs, Cho Chang? They're ugly as f—

I take a deep breath. Yet another thing I have to let go of.  But it's so hard. Painful even. Their voices still make my entire body go numb.

It's been a long day. I want to go home.


I thought I've imagined the voice, but the tiny bell at the door is left chiming.

"Caleb!" Emma says. "What brings you here?"

I'm starting to feel sick.

"Oh, I was just passing by."

"We're actually closing up right now, but I can ask if you can still get some takeout."

"No, no! It's totally fine—"

"I'll ask," I say, nearly out of breath.

I have to get out of here. I can't stay in his sight any longer.

I rush into the kitchen, and I don't know what comes over me. I'm crying. Something just hurts inside.

I'm both sorry and grateful Ethan is nearby. He immediately comes to my side and gives me a gentle pat on the back. Absolutely mortified by my current state, my logic must be broken because I think it's okay to bury my face into his chest.

I want to hide my face at all costs. I don't want him to look at me.

"Bailey, what's wrong?"

In only a few seconds, my best friend is next to me too. "Oh, my gosh. What happened?"

I shake my head because in actuality I'm not so sure myself.

Oh, no. I realize now what a huge scene I have created. Caleb must be watching me right now. Watching this pitiful side of me...

I press myself even deeper into Ethan's chest, wishing I can disappear and never come back. 

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