Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


I have blown everything to pieces. I have no right to ever go back there now. It's over. I have ruined everything.

My negative thoughts have been translating into my music as well. I'm definitely playing the same stuff we've been practicing over a hundred times. My fingers have every single note and beat memorized. Yet, compared to the heaviness of the drums and bass and Aiden's powerful vocals, my guitar seems so weak and out of place.

No one's said anything so far, but the way they're all staring at me gives it away. Even my band hates me now. The entire world might as well hate me at this point.

I went and punched a guy for absolutely no reason. I couldn't have been more wrong about Ethan and Bailey. His feelings were with Emma the entire time. Why did I make such a terrible assumption? Looking back on it, I feel like the biggest idiot ever. There were never any direct love signs between those two. Just two close coworkers. There was no rival to be had for me.

I could've had Bailey—

I shouldn't dwell on what could've been. It doesn't matter anymore. There's no recovering for me. I hope Emma and Bailey decide not to come to the show. My performance is atrocious as it is during practice. I don't want to imagine how depressing I'll sound when it's time for the real thing. I'll probably continue to ruin everything for everyone.

I can't play this show.

"Hey, Aiden," I say, walking into the studio. I'm early for the first time in what feels like ages.

Aiden only gives me a nod. He's sitting on the couch, flipping through the latest issue of a rock magazine. I try to be as unnoticeable as possible while setting my guitar up for practice.

"Caleb." His strong voice echoes in the silent room.

I slowly turn to him. "Y-Yeah?"

Aiden has his arms crossed. "The show's only three days away now."

I receive the implication behind that one sentence loud and clear. "Yeah. I'll get myself together."

"But will you? You know you've only been getting worse these past few days, right?"

His words cut through me like a knife. But I need to hear them, and Aiden's the only one in the band willing to say them. I want to apologize, though I stop myself short. Countless apologies have been made already. It has become a useless habit. Nothing is going to change.

"Something bad happened between you and Bailey, right?"

Bad doesn't even begin to explain the situation, but I nod.

After some time, he says, "Well?"


"Are you going to tell me what happened or not? You've been keeping your mouth shut for way too long. You may have fooled Roy and Noah, but I can see through you, Caleb. That little incident with Mallory meant nothing, didn't it?"

So, he was aware of it. I nod.

I nod a second time thinking of the many mistakes I have made. They are weighing down my chest so much, yet it's now that I fully realize just how hard it has been to breathe.

I'm holding my breath again, only because I'm thinking of what I ought to have done over a week ago.

I come clean to Aiden. I fill him in on every single shameful act of mine stemming from that stupid lie. He chuckles a few times. Perhaps from a third-person's point of view, this might all seem quite humorous. However, to me—the one giving the first-person recount—I'm overwhelmed with dread.

By the end of it, Aiden takes a minute to reassess what he's just heard. It was a lot, but he seems to have grasped exactly what he needs to tell me. "All that happened, yet deep down you still don't want to get over her."

I can't get over her...

I'm sitting on the floor in silence, looking down at my dampened palms. I'm ready for whatever scolding is about to get thrown at me. I would yell at me too had I been in Aiden's shoes.

"Cheer up, will you?"

I lift my head up at him. "What?"

"Don't you see the one good thing that's come out of this?"

"Um, no...?"

"You finally learned Bailey is single and up for grabs. Sure, things with her are a bit messy right now, but at least you know you're free of competition."

My eyes widen at that revelation. Aiden is a genius! "Then, I just have to focus on winning her over."

"Exactly. And you have a pretty good chance ahead of you in three days."

"The show."

Aiden smirks.

In an instant, all my thoughts of quitting the show have disappeared. I have gained a new sense of conviction. "Thanks, Aiden. I have myself together now."

"About time."

On cue, Roy and Noah arrive at the studio. I smile. It's time to practice. 

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