Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


I'm an idiot. I've been to the Cho's Chows a few times by now—though I've technically only eaten there once—I should have known the place is closed on Sundays. I have wasted an entire morning physically and mentally preparing to go see Bailey again just to return home disappointed.

With that, the weekend is over. It's Monday again, and I'm back at band practice.

I am currently in a weird situation in which Roy has become the person in the room I feel the most comfortable around. I think Aiden has given up on talking to me, although I have been dropping hints towards the misunderstanding by purposely keeping extra distance from Mallory in the studio.

Yes, it was a misunderstanding. I never meant to kiss her, on both occasions. I was simply confused and distraught with the trouble I had been causing. A weekend away from her has cleared my head. I don't have any feelings for Mallory. And the more I think about it, she and Bailey actually look nothing alike.

Bailey is way cuter—

If only I can directly tell Mallory to leave me alone in the kindest way possible. So far, it's been difficult to gain some alone time with her without her trying to make a move on me or Roy calling the two of us out on it. Despite his loud antics, Roy is still the person I'm closest to at the moment. Well, the least awkward with is a better way to put it.

Noah's been particularly more silent today, and he's been making noticeably frequent trips to the restroom whenever we've decided to take a break. I hope he's not sick or something.

Another full day of practice is soon over, a little later than usual. This is the last week we have before our big gig at the Monolith, so we're trying to squeeze in as much extra time together at the studio as possible. We've finally reached the city. Our small-town band has come a long way, especially in the past year. This upcoming night just might be a crucial turning point for the band's future.

That's why I want to resolve my lie with Bailey before we go live. The sooner, the better. I don't want to stand on stage in front of a huge audience, knowing I'm still a screw-up towards the girl I've liked for years. She'll be a part of that audience too. Emma told me that she'll make sure to bring her. When that happens, I wish she can just see me as someone cool, with no other unnecessary false attachments.

"Guys, sorry, but I'm in a bit of a hurry tonight," I say, rushing out the door. "See you tomorrow!"

"But you forgot your girlfriend!" Roy shouts.

I think Aiden tells him to shut up, but by then I'm already too far out to be able to hear him clearly. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that I get home as fast as I can, change out of this sweaty t-shirt—No, scratch that. I'll get home, shower, make myself presentable, and head for the restaurant.

The place being closed yesterday turned out to be a good thing. It allowed me to have an extra day to finally prepare myself to come clean with this stupid lie.

I don't have a girlfriend. The only person I want to have as my girlfriend is her.



"Ah, I'm so late."

I spent too much time on appearances that it's way past nine when I arrive at the Cho's Chows. I don't see any more customers through the large front window, and the parking lot's nearly empty. It must be closing time. I have to hurry.

Right when I reach the door, I realize Bailey is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she's in the restroom. However, Emma and Ethan are present. Emma's back is towards me, while Ethan is facing in my direction. He looks kind of anxious, and too focused on whatever serious conversation he's in to even notice me. I don't have to hear him to know he's stammering over his words.

But when I open the front door, I hear him loud and clear.

"That speech had gone so much more smoothly in my head," he laughs nervously. "So, those are the reasons why I've fallen for you, Emma. And I would like to ask you out on a date—"

"Ah!" Emma screams.

I have done it now. I punched him.

I swear, I'm never this violent. This is the one unique instance in which my fist flies out before my rationality does. For a split second, it makes so much sense though. Why Bailey isn't around.

The image of her heartbroken face crying alone in a bathroom stall flashes before my eyes. This bastard has been leading her on this entire time!

And now, I've given said bastard a bloodied nose.

"Caleb, what the hell?!" Emma shouts furiously.

Regret hasn't quite hit me yet. I'm standing tall, proudly considering myself a hero—Until Bailey shows up out of the kitchen instead of the restroom. And far from what I have been believing to be true, she doesn't look heartbroken at all.

She is mortified.

At me.

"C-Caleb?" she says, perplexed and in disbelief at the scene in front of her. "Did you do this?"

Now she looks heartbroken, but it's because Ethan got hurt. She's not sad nor angry at him.

What is going on?

Her parents step out of the kitchen, and things continue to escalate. Her dad takes one look at Ethan, and shortly after I receive the most disappointed glare of my life.

With all of these upset eyes aimed at me, perhaps it isn't Bailey who has been led to deception tonight.

Perhaps it's me...

I don't stick around long enough to find out. I've done my fighting. Now, my brain is yelling at me that it's time for flight.

I dash out the door and back into my car as fast as my lungs allow. Everything seems to go numb. I can't even tell if I'm breathing right now. I barely feel my fingers as they get the keys in to start the engine.

I drive off, leaving an even bigger problem behind than what I had prior to coming here. I want to cry right now.

I don't think I can play the show next week. Not like this. Not with the idiocy I've just exposed to her. 

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