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Yamaguchi's POV:

"Nice face, freckles"

"You're ugly"

"You're so weak"




I began to cry as they kicked sand in my face. They laughed.

"All you do is cry, you whimp!" One of  them yelled.  I looked at the ground, not wanting to look at their faces. I saw one of  them grab a rock and I closed my eyes. Oh no, they're gonna hit me! So I waited for it to come...but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw the three bullies frozen and staring at boy. The boy was fairly tall, he had beautiful blond hair, and adorable looking glasses. It was in that moment where I felt something I've never felt before.

"W-what are you looking at Tsukkishima!?" Yelled the kid in the middle. Tsukki...

"G-get lost!" Another one said. He just stared at me.

"Pathetic" he spoke as he turned around to walk away. The bullies ran off  once they heard him. 'Wait' I wanted to say, but no words came out. I wanted to run after him, but I didn't move. I felt my left wrist tingle, so I looked down at it. My eyes widened as I saw what was imprinted there.


Later brats ♪~ ()

'Pathetic' [TsukkiYama]Where stories live. Discover now