Chapter 11

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"I said I'd give all my love to you, didn't I?"

Yamaguchi's POV:

"Only if you call me Tadashi" I said in a smirk. He gave a lop sided smile then yawned. Come to think of it, it's been a pretty rough day for both of us. Maybe I should let him live with me from now on or something.

"Do you want to go to bed? You can have mine, I'll take my mother's" I said while showing him to my room. I doubt he'll try to look for anything. Even if he did, I think i hid them well enough out of sight.

"No- I mean...I want to sleep with you..." He said shyly with a blush. I smiled and kissed his nose and his face perked up. I opened my SAFE drawer and pulled out a shirt that was too oversized for me and a pair of shorts. He looked at the shirt and gave me a weird look.

"That's weird, I had a shirt just like this" he said while furrowing his eyebrows. I felt a lump in my throat form. Think of an excuse Tadashi..!

"Really? That's weird. My cousin, Suga, gave it to me but it was too big" I said as a lie. Well, Suga is my older cousin, but he didn't give me the shirt. It's Kei's of course, I just stole it.

"Here, I'll let you change in here. I'll change in the bathroom" I said and closed the door. I walked into the bathroom and fell to the floor. I grabbed the shirt I was holding, covered my face, and let my scream out through it. I let it all out and actually began to change. Once I got out, I knocked on the door.

"Kei, are you done yet?" I asked while holding the door knob, no answer. I felt my breathing become unsteady as I continued to hear nothing but silence. Calm down Tadashi, he's probably just playing with you. I calmed my breathing down and slowly opened the door.

"I'm coming in..." I said. I stopped in my tracks and immediately felt relieved. He was sleeping peacefully with the dim light shining perfectly in his face through the window. I noticed he still had his glasses on. I closed the window and curtain from above him and put his glasses on the night stand beside the bed. Just as I was getting up to leave to the other room to sleep, I felt his two strong arms pull me down next to him.

"K-Kei? I thought you were sleep?" I asked/stated (?). He buried his face within my chest and mumbled.

"I want you to sleep here, with me" he said through my shirt. I smiled and nodded. Once we got settled, I remembered some important 'business' I had to take care of. Once I was definitely certain he was asleep, I got up, and left.

*time skip*

I just walked into the house, I looked at the time.

4:23 am

"He should still be asleep so that's good" I said to myself as I took off my clothes and put them in the washer, leaving me on with only a white tank top and shorts I left at the doorway entrance. I walked over to my room and saw Kei still asleep. I then walked into the restroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I touched my cheek full of blood and smiled widely.

"I should really wash my face. Kei won't like it if he sees me covered in this. He won't like it at all" I told myself as I watched the water mixed with blood pour down the drain. I smashed a bit on my face and scrubbed. I then grabbed the soap bar and began rapidly scrubbing my hands and face. Satisfyingly clean, I dried myself and got out of the bathroom. I slowly walked into the room, careful not to wake him up. As soon as I got back into bed, I cuddle right underneath him and he subconsciously wrapped his arms around me. I nuzzled my face into his arms and smiled.

"It's like I always dreamed it would be..." I whispered to myself with a light tear spilling from my eye. I soon fell asleep, giving me only two hours of rest throughout the day.

A/N: I can't write fluff guys, I'm sorry
It's so short, ugh
It really sucks, I know

Later brats ♪~ ()

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