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Just poppin' into answer a few questions I've been asked (keeping them anonymous) through message:

"Was Yams dreaming?"

Tadashi was actually in a coma. He never killed his sister, his mother never exploded or abused him, and his father never died. He never met Kei, he never met Tooru, he never met anyone. So, I guess you can consider it as a dream.

"Is it supposed to be live he's reliving his life?"

Not exactly. It's supposed to be like he was having his own little fantasy world where he actually found a soulmate. I didn't have enough material, but Yams never finds his soulmate. I was going to end it somewhat the same way, except he would be older and his soulmate would be dead or something. But no, it's his own vision of having felt love.

"Does Yams see the future?"

Um,,,no? It's only his imagination bro. He wants to know what it's like to love.

"Didn't his dad die?"

As the 'doctor' explained, he did get mugged. The same thing happened as Yams explained, except he was brought into his small year long coma before his mother and father were able to rescue him. He was unconscious during the time (he began to imagine what happened after that in his mind), but his mother and father came and tried their best to fight off the thugs. They were a bit scratched up but they weren't as bad as Tadashi was.

"How did he get into a coma?"

The thugs were going to rape him (this happens more often then you think) and so they tried to drug him. But, Tadashi being a kid, he couldn't take it. The drug (PCP) was too much for a small four year old boy's body to handle. Once he was brought to the hospital, his condition was worse and they couldn't get do anything about the overdose, since it was injected. Soon enough, the drug became a virus and Tadashi was at a fatal point. I brought him out of his coma before he was to die. A sign that he was going to die was meeting Tooru. I know it seems confusing but it was as if Tooru was a drug. "Ever since you came into my life, I've completely forgotten about my problems and misery" ~ Tadashi quoted to Tooru. He even called him an 'angel'. Most people consider drugs to be a 'safe haven ' or a 'stress reliever', but in reality drugs kill you. (I'm getting too far into detail...you nerd // slaps self) ANYWAY, HE WAS DRUGGED.

"So that whole thing was a figment of his imagination?"

Mmmmm, pretty much, yeah. It was him imaging what love felt like and such. Forgive me if details are off, I've personally never been in love so I wouldn't know what it feels like.

Okay that's actually only a few questions, the others were pretty much the same or similar. (if you have any OTHER questions, feel free to ask).


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