Chapter 19

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This place is real, it's actually really pretty. I've been^

"These violent delights have violent ends. Their triumph die, like fire and powder, which they kiss, consume"

Oikawa's POV:

"Follow me" I said while extending my hand out for him. He took it and I immediately felt my heart burst. He's so precious and delicate, why is he so broken? Did someone hurt him? If someone did, I'm gonna-

"Woah!" He exclaimed as we approached the magnificent tunnel I wanted to show him. The manor behind us and the sea ahead, he's gonna love it! It'll be the perfect opportunity once the sun sets too! I checked the time.

6:34 pm

In about a few minutes, the sun should hit its peak lighting. It'll be perfect!

"This is so cool, how have I never heard of this place?" He questioned. I gave a light chuckle.

"Well, this place isn't very popular. It's kinda hidden" I answered. He made an 'O' shape with his mouth. He's so adorable, it's hard to actually believe he's gone through so much adversity. We began to walk into the tunnel. He looked at his surroundings frantically like an adorable child, while I stared at his all featuring beauty. The way the sun made his soft freckled skin shine lightly, the way his hair swayed each time he moved. His beautiful voice and his perfect laugh. His amazing personality and lovely characteristic traits. I stopped walking and just stared at his glorious figure.

"Beautiful..." I whispered referring to him. He noticed I stopped walking and turned towards me.

"What?" He asked. I felt my face heat up.

"I-I said it looks beautiful!" I yelled out accidentally. He smiled and nodded.

"It really is beautiful here...thank you for bringing me here, Oikawa!" He exclaimed. I nodded with a small smile and turned towards the water visible across the trees. The sky was a beautiful array of bright orange, light purple, and a nice shade of pink. Now seems like the perfect time to do it.

"H-hey...Yamaguchi?" I called. He looke at me right in the eyes.


"U-um...well...I-uh..." WHY DOES THIS SEEM SO HARD TO DO!? I sighed and looked at the ground.

"A few months ago, I moved in next door to you. At first I was afraid, I heard scary noises and screams coming from your home. I did what any other person would do and go check it out. I was terrified out of my mind, but then I saw you... You were the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I didn't think we'd get this close, honestly. My life hasn't exactly been...perfect, and neither has yours, as you've told me..." I stopped in a chuckle as I covered my eyes from him with one hand and my other in my right pocket.

"I'm making this too complicated...what I'm trying to say is..." I sap used in order to put the words together right.

"Well, I like you...a lot. More then I can explain. Y-you make me and you always find a way to make my day ten times better. Now, I know we're not soul mates but..." I said as I looked at my blank left wrist.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked while keeping my head lowered. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he thinks I'm wired? What if he isn't gay? What if he's already-no, he would've told me. What if-

"Of course!" He said cutting me off my thoughts with a hug. I smiled to myself and hugged him back. I was so happy, I finally have found someone to love and call my own. Even if we aren't soulmates, I still love him. I'm going to love him forever, either be friend or lover, I will always be there for him. Without realization, our lips were merely centimeters away from each other. I couldn't help but close the gap between us.

Tsukishima's POV:

I sat on the rooftop as I watched the sun set. The other two were watching some kind of 'Harry Potter' movie that I  don't really find it interesting. I had Tadashi on my mind, all the time. No matter how gruesome the deeds he has done are, I still love him for a strange reason. I want to see his beautiful smile. I want to see his lovely face. I want to hear his magnificent laugh. Mostly, I want to feel him in my arms again. I don't want to be alone anymore. I don't care if he's crazy anymore, I don't care if he's a mad killer. I'd let him kill me of he'd wanted, I can't care anymore...but I've hurt him. I left him, I broke his heart. Unless he's really strong, I think I broke his ribs too. I'm a terrible person, and I'm sorry.

"Tadahi, I really am sorry..." I whispered through the soft blowing wind. I then decided to go to bed.

"Hey! okay?" I heard Hanna ask when I walked in. I have her a questioning look as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Yeah, I'm great. Why?" I asked. She gave me a 'don't lie to me, bitch' face but nodded. I walked into 'my room' and locked myself in. I sat on the bed deep in thought. I fear him, yet I love him. I want to see him, but I don't think I'm ready to talk to him yet. Maybe I shouldn't visit him...maybe coming here was a bad idea. What if he's forgotten about me? What if he's dead?, I would've been feeling the pain like Akiteru. What if he hates me for leaving me? Will he kill me? Maybe I should just stick to checking up on him, just to see him again. I can talk to him some other time...when I actually have the guts to talk to him. I wonder if he misses me as much as I miss him.

A/N: if you know where that quote is from, I love you

Later brats ♪~ ()

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