Chapter 4

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Tsukki's 'Drawing' of Yamaguchi ^

"Why should others have it if I can't?"

Tsukishima's POV:

"Maybe I should talk to him tomorrow" I suggested to myself. Satisfied with my action, I continued drawing. I drew him as I remember him daily. I drew his hair, looking ever so soft and delicate. I drew his eyes, his pupils small but entrancing. I drew his face, his freckles making him look all the more better.

"Kei!" I heard my mother yell as she got home. I ignored her and put my volume even higher (if that was possible) to perfectly hear Too Good by Drake.

"Kiyoko dear! What happened!? Kei, come here!" I heard her yell. I took off my earphones and obliged in a sigh.

"Hey Kiyoko, what's-" I stopped once I saw blood on her. Her face and uniform had slashes of blood and she was crying so much.

"It's Yachi! She's been killed!"

Yamaguchi's POV:

*before the incident*

"Where's your father?" She asked while holding my hands. My breath hitched. She doesn't remember, should I tell her? It'll break her heart like back then...

"U-um, mother, you might not remember because of your concussion but-" a doctor came in and cut me off.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Yamaguchi, but your son has to leave now. Visiting hours are cut short today" said the doctor. I was grateful yet upset. I didn't want to just leave my mother here, but that buys me time and a good way of breaking it to her.

"Alright, thank you, Doctor. I'll visit you after school tomorrow alright mother?" I asked her. She nodded and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I could get used to this.

"Goodbye darling" she said as I walked out. I passed the lady in the front desk and she smiled at me and waved. I smiled and waved back as I walked out the doors. Once I was out of her sight, I cringed. I was walking home when I heard Tsukki's voice. My ears perked and I followed wherever the talking was coming from. The hospital was fairly close to the community gym, most likely where Tsukki would be at this time, but he was talking to what sounded like...a girl!?

"...even if you don't like me back, could you at least give me a try? Maybe you could learn to like me?" I heard. I clenched my fists. Another one. I somehow ended up making my way on top of the roof. I kept my head low so I wasn't noticeable, and they were speaking pretty loud so what they said was audible enough for me to hear.

"What's your name?" Tsukki asked her in a blank face.

"Y-Yachi" she said sounding terrified. It seems like she doesn't feel too sure about confessing to him, it's like she doesn't even like him. If I remember correctly, her soulmate is Kiyoko. Well, I can't let my guard down now, can I? That lesbian bitch won't have Tsukki while I'm around. I then saw him grab her arm, and run. I ran across the roof to get an idea of where they're headed.

"Tsukki's house..." I whispered to myself. As I watched them leave. I crouched back down once I heard two more girls speak.

"Where are they going?" One of them asked.

"Probably gonna go have sex or make out" said the other one. Fury took over me as I jumped off the roof of the gym and ran to Tsukki's place, without having the girls see me. I felt no pain as the thorns in the bushes impelled my legs. I felt nothing of tiredness as I practically used all of my stamina to reach his place. I decided to stop by my own place which was a few houses before Tsukki's to get something to finish Yachi off with.

"She shouldn't even be near my Tsukki" I spoke to no one in particular as I opened the door to my house. I went to my room and took out my weapons from underneath my bed. I'm honestly surprised mother never even looked in my good, yet I'm grateful. Besides, I got everything from her room anyways. I didn't want to make a ruckus so I didn't take a gun of any sort. If I want her dead on first slice, I'd need something longer than a regular knife. I decided to go with a katana.

"This'll do nicely" I told myself. I grabbed my gas mask and looked into the mirror. I had a blank face as I felt my cheek. I shook my head. I put on my mask, grabbed my black sweater, my katana, and practically zoomed to Tsukki's house.

"She can't have Tsukki, he's mine. Tsukki isn't gonna lose his virginity to her, he's gonna lose it to me. Tsukki isn't gonna give his first kiss to you, he's gonna give it to me. Tsukki isn't gonna love you, he's gonna love me!" I yelled to no one in particular. I reached Tsukki's house and made my way into his back yard. I got onto the tree where I always hid in view of his room. Nothing. No one was there. I jumped down from the tree and walked around the perimeter of the house. I was about to bust into the house to look for them but though a window, I spotted them in the kitchen talking. The window was closed so it was hard to amen out what they were saying.

"You little bitch" I said through gritted teeth as I saw her give him a hug.

"No one touches Tsukki, but me" I sneered. They then headed towards the from door. I got onto the tree and made my way to the roof to get a better view. They're heading back to the gym? Well, I can best them there this time.

*small time skip*

"Alright, Tsukki is gone. Time to make my move" I whispered to myself as I jumped off the roof of the gym for the second time that day. Yachi and Kiyoko were holding hands and talking.

"I only need to kill Yachi so I'll spare Kiyoko" I noted. I moved in close to them as they entered the empty gym. I spotted the electric box hidden on the side right before you enter the gym. I went to it and used my technical intelligence to unplug the lighting from inside. Yachi shrieked.

"Maybe a power outage. Well, I should take you home" Kiyoko said trying to calm the blond girl's nerves. I hid as they came outside. The sky was and array of beautiful orange, pink, and light purple colors that evening.

"Today marks the day Yachi Hitoka dies" I said to myself as I ran the speed of light right past the two, cutting Yachi into half. Kiyoko shrieked once she processed what had happened. She fell to her knees and stared at Yachi's corpse with tears pouring down her face. I walked up to her and stabbed Yahi's corpse right in the head. Blood got all over Kiyoko as I did so. She looked up at me.

"Do you want to die next?" I asked her in a scarier voice that sounded completely different from my own. She backed away and rapidly shook her head 'no'.

"Then get lost" I said as I stared at her with a blank face while taking my katana out of Yachi's body. She got up and ran. I didn't bother to look where since I had to get rid of the little mess I made.

"We can't have you laying around now, can we?" I spoke to her upper body where her head was. I used my strength and picked up both her halfs and took her to my own home. I threw her down in the basement and cleaned up the trail of blood. I couldn't clean much but the part that traces back to my house since the police and ambulance were already at the gym once I reached it. I went back home and burned Yachi's body.

"Now Tsukki has one less person trying to steal him from me" I spoke as I watched her body turn to ashes. I cleaned them up and threw them away. I looked at the time.

9:43 pm

"Well, time sure does fly when you're having fun doesn't it?"

A/N: I can never sleep :/

Later brats ♪~ ()

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