Chapter 10

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"You're so perfect darling, why can't you see?"

"Because there's no one there to show it to me"

Yamaguchi's POV:


"Yamaguchi? It's me." Tsukki said softly with a blush. I smiled and slowly put my knife in my pocket. I let him in and lifted a finger signaling I'd be right back. He nodded and I ran off into my room, practically cleaning the entire place. I carefully hid each and every weapon I had possession of. I looked at the time.

8:46 pm

"Why is he here so late? Why is he here again? Why is he here?" I asked myself as I unlocked to door. Just as I stepped back into where Id left him, I was dumbfounded to see him crying while looking at the ground. My eyes grew wide. Did someone hurt him? Is he okay? Why is he crying? Why isn't he speaking? He then opened his arms and pulled my into a big hug. He was barely stable so we needed up falling on the floor, basically spooning.

"You're the only one I can go to" Tsukki spoke as I felt his tears fall on my neck. He dug his face in my back as he pulled me closer. He soon began sobbing. I tried my hardest to turn myself to face him, and I lifted his head and made our foreheads touch. I looked him straight in the eyes and furrowed my eyebrows.

"My mother is dead" he stated. I paused. I didn't do that did I? Of course not...I was here the whole time.

"I don't know what to do. My brother wants me to move with him now since I told him I'm alone now. He keeps insisting for me to go live with him in Germany but...I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave you..." He said in a whisper to my ear. I felt my face heat up so much at that statement, I knew it was beat red like a strawberry.

"You think I could stay with you until they finish cleaning her blood and body from my house? I wouldn't know what to do with a dead body" he stated. I nodded ans smiled. I sat up and motioned for him to do the same. Once he did, I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I pulled back and have him a smile. He pulled me into a hug and whispered.

"I...I love you...Yamaguchi" and I felt my heart stop, I froze. His face grew upset once he saw my reaction, he stood up and began yelling at himself on his way out the door. I reached my hand out for him to stop, but he didn't. Tsukki wait! Don't leave!

"Of course you don't love me back, there's no way you'd love someone you've only just met. Especially if that person was me, a jerk. There's nobody out there who even like me for me! What could anyone possibly see in me-" he stopped rambling once he felt me tug on his shoulders, turn him around, and kiss him right on the lips. It was brief, but I'm sure he got the message. Just to be sure, I decided it'd be best to answer his message verbally.


"" he cut himself off and stared at me in shock. I smiled. His eyes widened and he looked at his left wrist rather rapidly once he felt the little pinch of the imprint. Once he looked back at me, I already had my left hand up and my sleeve rolled up for him to see with a loving smile on my freckled face.


His eyes teared up, he looked so happy. He looked at my wrist and immediately felt ashamed.

"W-when did I tell you this?" He asked. I sighed.

"You probably don't remember but a few years ago, I was being bullied by three kids. You passed by, called us pathetic, and they ran off scared. I know I'm pathetic, and I-" he cut me off with a kiss that caught me completely off guard. I felt my face heat up and he pulled away. I covered my face but he moved my hands away.

"You have such a beautiful voice. Why did you pretend you were mute?" He asked with a disappointed look. I shrugged.

"I wanted the first things I say to you to be...I don't know...something memorable and nice so I decided not to speak until the moment was right. Mine's memorable alright, but it's not so nice..." I said in a nervous laugh. He grabbed my hands and kissed my forehead.

"Well, I'm glad you're my soulmate. I don't know what I would've done without you. I know we've only met a few days ago, but it's felt like I've always been with you" he admitted, I nodded in agreement even though I knew that I've always been close to him or around him. He's just never really noticed. I'm glad he did.

"By the way..." I began. He looked up at me while giving me a questionable look. I smiled.

"Perfection. That's what I see in you. You're perfection in my eyes-" he cut me off with another kiss. He slid his tongue into my mouth which caught me completely off guard like before, I gasped. He used both his hands and held my face while I slowly put my arms on his waist and pulled him closer. He bit my lip and I moaned softly. He made kisses down my neck onto my collarbone and found the soft mark he'd made earlier. He bit down on it again, making it worse. He kept sucking until light blood came out and I moaned. This time, I actually moaned his name.


"Call me Kei" he said as he stopped. I nodded then responded.

"Only if you call me Tadashi"

Later brats ♪~ ()

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