Chapter 6

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"The only one for you, is me"

Yamaguchi's POV:

I was making my way down Tsukki's window when i heard a car pull up in the driveway.

"Must be his mother" I told myself as  jumped over the fence. I stopped in my tracks once I heard a familiar voice approach the door. I ran to the front yard and hid behind a tree.

"Oh Kei is going to love you! He's been pretty upset about not having found his soulmate yet, you're perfect for him!" I heard his mother speak. Before I jumped to conclusions, I would have to look at WHO she was actually talking to. I peeked over and saw the most popular, most 'beautiful', most talented person at school.

"Hiyori Shiritzawa" (not a Noragami reference) I said through gritted teeth as I put my fist onto the tree. She isn't gonna have Tsukki, I am. Shes not perfect for him, I am. She's not his soulmate, I AM! Without being cautious about my strength, I had made a dent/hole within the tree. I checked the time.

4:46 pm

"Gotta go visit mother~" I sang to myself while leaving the premises. I should calm down for she is no competition, I can easily overpower her and win Tsukki. She'll be gone soon enough.

*at the hospital*

"Hello, Tadashi!" Mother welcomed me with a smile and open arms. I smiled back and hugged her.

"You're okay right? I heard there was a murder by our house. You gotta be careful out there, honey" she said while caressing my face.

"Yeah, everyone made such a big deal over a little murder. The murderer must be pretty experienced to hide his tracks like he did. Maybe he'll strike again" I said with a laugh. Mother must've thought I was joking because she laughed too. I'll just keep it at that.

"So how was school, baby?" She asked. Well at least I can say I have a friend now for like, the first time in my life.

"It was great, I actually made a friend today" I said while scratching the back of my head. She gave me a big smile.

"Oh look at you, finally making friends" she said in a laugh.

"By the way, how's your father? Where is he? He hasn't visited...does he know I'm here?" She began to question. Her face grew worried. I don't want to break her heart, but she needs to know. I grabbed her hands and sighed.

"M-mother..uh...I don't know how to-" think Tadashi, think!

"You might not remember much because of the accident, but..." I took a deep breath and held in my tears. What if she remembers? What if she goes back to how she was before? I guess there's no turning back now.

"Nine years ago, the three of us were walking home from the park. We were happy, you two were holding hands as I skipped in front of you guys. I...I accidentally went too far from you two, and a man caught me. He ran me into and alleyway and three other men came. You and father came soon after as they were removing my clothes. You punched a few and they grabbed me. Father told you to run home with me, but you didn't listen. You stood there frozen with me crying in your arms and you watched as they pulled out a gun and shot him in the head...." I took another breath and looked at her horrified face.

"Father is dead"

Tsukishima's POV:

I woke up to my mother's yelling.

"Kei, come down here! There's someone I want to introduce you to someone!" I heard my mother call. I didn't even bother responding, I just turned my volume up and stayed in bed. I felt like someone was keeping their eyes on me. I opened my eyes and saw a girl figure watching me through the cracked door. I jolted up from my bed, put on my glasses, and noticed she was gone.

"Kei!" I heard my mother yell. I rolled my eyes, got out of bed, and went to go see who she brought home this time. I almost fell off the stairs once I saw who was here.

"Ah, there you are. This here is-" I cut her off.

"Hiyori Shiritzawa" I continued for her.

"Oh, you two know each other? I'll leave you two here then. Don't forget to use protection! Have fun while I'm at the store~" I cringed as she left.

"So, what do you-" I was then tackled onto the ground by Hiyori. She looked at me, her eyes full of lust.

"I want you, Kei. I need you" she cooed in my ear. She pulled my shirt off and started unbuttoning my pants. Instead of getting turned on by this like any other straight man would, I made a disgusted face and kicked her off me. I stood up and watched her groan as she gripped her stomach. She came at me trying to get me down but I kept dodging her. I noticed a distinctly familiar shadow by the glass door right before the back yard tree. I looked over and saw a silhouette standing there for a brief second as the sun began to set.

"What was that!?" Hiyori screeched. She saw it too?

"Was that-" I was cut off when the doorbell rang. Neither of us moved an inch for we were terrified out of our minds. The door was then unlocked and slowly revealed a figure standing there. The person had a white mask with a smile and fresh blood on it. He had black clothes on and he was holding a katana. He kept his head shifted on me and I could've sworn I saw his fists clench.

"What the hell!? Kei, who is that!?" She screamed. Once she said my name, the person shifted his head over to her and began walking to her.  He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out the door.

"KEI, HELP ME!!" She screamed. I honestly would've helped her but I was too terrified to move. After what seemed like two minutes, I fixed my clothes and ran out to find her and the man. I ran all around my are and heard her screams echo within the community gym. Why would he take her there? Is he the one who killed Yachi too!?

"PLEASE LET ME GO! I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG! PLEASE!" I heard her scream. I was going to run out and help her but I heard the man speak in a low, deep fixated voice. It almost sounded fake.

"You couldn't keep your distance, you bitch. You actually passed the limit. You will be punished for you actions" he spoke to her. As he did, he stuck his sword out sideways and slice her head right off. I gasped rather loudly and the guy turned his head, exactly facing me. It all happened so fast, one minute I was facing the man, then the next, I was knocked out cold.

A/N: sorry it's so short

Later brats ♪~ ()

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