Chapter 9

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"There's no running from love now, is there?"

"How fucking long have I been like this..." the blonde muttered to himself as he shamefully took care of his erection. Once finished, he was forced to lay with his thoughts as the water was a constant reminder of all the tears he's shed over this damn boy.

He got out of the shower and went down into the kitchen. He immediately froze once he saw what was before him. Staring wide-eyed at what used to be his mother, alive and breathing, now on the floor with a knife slash right through her neck. It was if she did it herself for she had a knife in her right hand with few fresh marks on her left where the words were imprinted on her wrist.

"Ew, no"

Kei had never known that was what his father first said to his beloved mother. There were many things he's never noticed. He's never noticed his own mother's stress and suffering. He's never noticed those marks on her arms and legs. He felt the tears slowly fall down his cheeks as he was left with no words. His own mother suffered so much, she decided to take her own life..she'd never.


Tadashi was cleaning his masks, deep in thought and question. He would often ask himself what he would do all by himself, what he would do without his beloved, twisted, brutal mother there to cook for him and keep him sane? It was only when she first got hurt when he noticed her beating were the things keeping himself strained. Without the pain she endured on him, he had no control. His abilities were limitless. He could go on a rampage and kill everyone who's ever even looked at his precious 'Tsukki' as he nicknamed him. His mother's pain inflicted onto him, he could practically rule the world. Had his mother known of his capability? Had his mother known of his lovesickness? Is that why she'd beat him senseless everyday? There is no possible way of knowing that now, she is dead after all.

"Tsukki..." Tadashi whispered to himself as he held his katana and gave a big smile to the blank wall in front of him. He was knocked out of his hypnotic thoughts when a rather soft knock was heard at his door. Tadashi was quick to grab a small pocket knife and answer the door. If who he saw there didn't matter so much to him, he would've killed them then and there.

"Yamaguchi? It's me."



I'm still debating whether or not I should have Yams kill off some of my babies or have one of YOU guys kill off my babies ψ(`∇')ψ

Oh wait,

Should I kill off some of my volleyball babies? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'll have you loves decide! ☆〜(ゝ。

Later brats ♪~ ()

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