Chapter 15

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(here's a song to give you good vibes throughout this chapter~)

Third Person POV:

"You said 'I love you'

And I said it too

The only difference is

I didn't lie to you"

"Well, you see..." Tadashi began. His sister listened with a worried look as he began to tell his tale.


"So...Tadashi" Tsukishima began to question while playing with his pasta strand.

"Yes, love?" Yamaguchi questioned.

"I want you to be completely honest with me here..." He continued.

"Why did you kill Yachi and Hiyori?" He finished. Yamaguchi practically froze at his question.

"I-I didn't..what are you talking about-" he paused once sighing. He looked down in a frown, but looked back up in a gigantic creepy smile, tears falling down his cheeks.

"They were trying to have you, Kei. I couldn't have that. You were to be mine and mine alone. No one else is ever allowed to take you..." The small boy spoke while slowly reaching for a kitchen knife in a smile, just ready to run out the door and kill anyone in his view.

"I'll kill them if they try!" He said as he pounced at the defenseless blonde

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"I'll kill them if they try!" He said as he pounced at the defenseless blonde. He stabbed the knife into the floor, right next to the taller male's head. His legs spread on each side of Tsukishima's torso. The blonde was naturally afraid, as anyone would be if they found out their soulmate is a lovesick killer. He did the most obvious thing to do, he knocked his boyfriend off himself with a kick to the gut. He then quickly stood up and watched the smaller boy cough up blood and curl into a little ball with that creepy smile stained on his face along with tears pouring down him.

"K-Kei-" he said with another cough of blood, although, the tall blonde cut him off.

"S-shut up! You psychopath! You murderer! I was willing to set aside those kills, but you're too insane to be around! You really are a pathetic excuse for a human being!" Tsukishima said to the boy on the ground as he grabbed his jacket and ran out the door.

"W-wait, my love..." Yamaguchi said as he reached out for his lover with one arm, but Tsukishima was already long gone.

"Dammit" the small boy cursed himself in another cough of blood. Tsukishima kicked him in every human's weak spot. That pin point right underneath your rib cage, right above your digestive system. The lovesick boy then tried to crawl over to his room to rest on his bed, but he gave up once he reached the edge of his bed. He then closed his eyes for a bit as he coughed. About an hour later, he heard a voice he wish would just disappear from the face of the earth.


*end of story/flashback*

As the young boy waited for his twin sister's reaction, he silently cried knowing he'd go completely insane without Tsukishima around him. His sister wiped the tears away with her thumb. He then looked up at her and noticed she had a look of sorrow and pity along with light tears.

"Oh Tadashi..." She began with a pitiful smile as a single tear fell from her face. The small boy's head rested on his sister's lap as she sat on her knees while petting his hair.

"You've had it rough, haven't you? Having to go into hiding because of killing those stupid girls. Having to protect Kei like that from everyone. Having to go through all that, only for him to just waltz out here calling you something that could kill anyone inside. Give me your wrist, we're hiding this stupid imprint" she said as she got up and went into the bathroom to get their mother's concealer. She sat back down on her knees and extended her hand out for her brother's wrist. The boy obliged and she began to conceal it. She then heard her phone ring, signaling she had a message. She pulled out her phone and looked at the text that was from Akiteru.

From; Akiteru❤️: 'Guess what? Kei is actually coming to Germany! Looks like you'll get what you want after all. All of us happy and together! Hopefully you're on your way back with him and his soulmate. I also hope your brother and parents are doing okay!'

Evelyn then scoffed in a smile and then showed Tadashi. He sat up, read it, and raised his left eyebrow.

"Who's that?" Her brother asked. She then smirked.

"Kei's brother. The reason why I'm here. My soulmate. The person I'm destined to marry." she explained. Tadashi got the message and then laid down on her lap again.

"I should go after him. I can't live without him. He needs me, I need him. Someone could try and get cocky with him. If I go now, I could catch him before the plane descends-" his sister cut him off.

"Tadashi, no! Don't go after him! Let him be!" She scolded with a slap right on his face. Tadashi stared in shock at his sister's sudden outburst.

"Listen...I don't want you to...well...go crazy without him, but...I think it's best you leave him be, for now. I'm one hundred percent sure he'll come crawling back to you...if he doesn't die. Let him spend time with his brother. Let him be worry free. His mother is dead, and god knows where his father is! Akiteru is all he has left...just like how we now only have each other" she said while caressing his right freckled cheek.

" I guess I'm going to be alone for a long time..." He spoke while getting a bit teary eyed again. His sister playfully slapped him lightly.

"No, stupid! You're not going to be alone. I won't leave you! I'm staying here and living with you until Kei comes to his senses and come back to you. She spoke. Tadashi then nodded and soon fell asleep at the comfort of his sister's lap. He rested peacefully knowing nothing bad could happen with his beloved twin sister by his side. With the two killing homicides living together, inseparable, nothing off could possibly happen...


Later brats ♪~ ()

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