Chapter 5

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"I may be your dream, but I'm someone else's nightmare"

Tsukishima's POV:

I woke up to the dreadful thoughts of the afternoon before.

"Yachi is dead" I told myself as I sat up.

"Who killed her? Why would they kill her?" I looked at my phone for the time.

7:05 am

"Time so get ready for school" I told myself in annoyance. I then looked at my desk and saw the sketch of the boy I drew yesterday. It then hit me.

"I'm going to talk to him today" I asserted myself. I jumped out of bed, nervous yet excited for the possible outcomes of the day.

*at school*

I walked into the classroom, early as usual, and saw the boy already there, sitting at his desk and writing in his notebook with a peaceful face expression.

"He's in my class...?" I asked myself. He then looked up and noticed me staring,. I looked away and felt my face heat up. What is this? I looked back up at him and notice him flipping the pages of his notebook. I was hesitant, but I decided to go talk to him this very moment.

Yamaguchi's POV:

I was drawing a picture of Tsukki when I heard someone walk through the door. I didn't really care who since Tsukki usually arrived five minutes before the bell rang, but I just had to look when I felt the person's eyes staring at me. I looked up and saw Tsukki looking right at me. I tried to look as calm as possible as he walked toward me. I can't talk to him yet! No, not yet! Think, think, think!

"What's your name?" I heard him ask once he reached me. HOLY SHIT TSUKKI IS TALKING TO ME! Wait,what do I do? Should I just not respond with words? Yeah, that's it. I ripped out a piece of paper and wrote my name down.

"Yamaguchi, Tadashi?" He asked as he read it to pronounce it right. I nodded. His face grew a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Are you mute?" He asked. THAT'S A GOOD EXCUSE, I'LL GO WITH THAT- I gave him half a nod while making a side movement with my hand meaning 'you could say that'. I think he understood.

"Sorry, I'm Tsukishima, Kei" he said while extending his hand out to me. I shook it with a smile. What is this? Why is Tsukki being so nice to me? He's usually mean to people when he first meets them, what the hell makes me an exception? Does he know that I watch him? Does he know I killed Yachi? There will be more deaths if anyone else gets in the way.

"U-um, h-have you always been in this class?" He asked. I slowly nodded. He doesn't know I'm in his class? No, that's not the things should be focusing on...TSUKKI IS STUTTERING!? He then took the empty seat next to me and sat down.Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing!?

'Class is starting soon, should you head back to your desk?' I wrote down. He read it and smirked.

"Well, you're always alone right? At least when I see you around campus, you are. I thought the nicest thing to do was to befriend you" he said while pulling out his things. I smiled and nodded. He stopped what he as doing and stared at me as I smiled. I wrote.

'Do I have something weird on my face?' I asked. He looked at it and turned a light shade of pink.

"N-no, sorry, I just thought you had a nice smile...I mean-" he facepalmed himself once he realized he's messing up.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud..." he whispered to himself. I smiled once again. Tsukki is talking to me, he's blushing, does that mean he likes me? Hopefully. Don't you worry Tsukki, I'll talk eventually.

'It's okay, and thank you by the way' I wrote. He put his hand covering his mouth and turned a deeper shade. He tried fixing his glasses to avoid eye contact. The teacher then began to lecture. Today should be good.

*time skip to after school*

"See you tomorrow Yamaguchi" Tsukki said as he continued on to his house. I've never felt more alive. I walked into my house and decided it'd be best to shower before visiting mother.

Tsukkishima's POV:

I paced around my room, deep in thought about how I really felt about Yamaguchi.

"Why does he make me like this? I can't even speak correctly around him! I blush around him-" he then stopped once he realized how he felt. He then smiled as he spoke his thoughts out loud.

"What if he's the one? What if he's my soulmate? Maybe if-" he stopped once again as he remembered one very important detail about his 'soulmate' issue.

"He can't t-talk..." Tsukishima whispered to himself as he fell to his knees. He grabbed his backpack that was next to him and pulled out hid drawing of the boy. He stared at it, deep in thought, the began to softly cry.

"The first time I actually like someone, the first time I think I'm in love, it had to be with a mute..." He spoke as he fell to the ground. He put his headphones in, pushed play, and listened to any random song that came on. He didn't even bother to skip it. His cries became louder once the song Neptune by Sleeping At Last came on. He covered his mouth, laid his head back, listened to the music, and soon enough he fell sleep. Before he did, he felt a soft mouth figure touch his forehead. He didn't open his eyes, for he knew it was his mother. His eyes shot wide open once he heard a laugh he's never heard before. He looked around the room, half asleep, but saw no one. He closed his eyes again and played it off as his imagination. Soon enough, he fell asleep.

"Sweet dreams Tsukki~"

A/N: Sorry for the very short chapter, I've been busy studying and working

Later brats ♪~ ()

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