Chapter 2

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*Italics are often flashbacks*

"Those who smile the brightest are often those in need of happiness"

Yamaguchi's POV:

"Welcome home, Tadashi" She spoke in that sour tone of hers. I flinched.

"H-hello mother" I responded softly as I shook in fear. She stood up and slowly walked over towards me.

"You're home pretty late aren't you. Why is that?" She asked in a sneer. I shivered.

"I was with a f-friend" I lied. She passed me, closed the door, and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Liar" she said. I was terrified as she looked at me with a blank face.

"Give me your left arm" she demanded. I was hesitant, but obliged. She looked at it and made a 'Tch' sound.

"You're soulmate knows what they're working with. A pathetic excuse for a child and lover. I'm too tired to beat you, go to your room. You get no dinner again tonight" she said as she let go of my arm. I nodded and headed straight to my room. I locked myself in and got down on my knees.

"Thank whatever God is out there, I'm free tonight" I whispered as I fell on the floor. Not wanting to do anything to disturb the woman, I stayed laying on the floor, thinking about Tsukki. A few moments of thoughts and I fell asleep.

*the next morning*

"This is what you get for coming home past six last night!" She yelled as she kicked my stomach, thighs, and back. She picked my up and punched me in my stomach, making me nauseous. I bit my lip in order not to scream. If I did, she'd practically kill me.

"Don't you ever do it again" she said as she pulled my from my hair up to her face. I slowly nodded, for it was difficult to not in pain. She let go of me and went off to her room. She's a smart woman, hurting me in places where no one would ever see. She knows how to fight, she used to be part of a dangerous gang growing up. That's basically why she's like this to me. She then came back out in her work clothes.

"I'll be back a bit late today, most likely before four. I want you home before me or else it'll be worse. You are allowed to eat today, just don't eat too much or you'll throw it up again. That useless stomach of yours doesn't process much" she said while putting on her shoes. I don't understand her. It's like she hates me, yet she still shows obvious signs of her caring about me. She sometimes brings home a dessert or a treat to share with me. Most days she's beating me up, and other days she does nothing but give me a pitiful look. Although she's like this, I still love her. She chose to keep me when there are millions of other options she could've done with me. Its a lot of pain living with her as a mother, but it's pain I'm willing to take.

"See you soon, Tadashi" she said while looking down at me.

"Goodbye mother" I said as I got up from the floor while gripping my stomach. She watched me struggle to get up for a while, then closed the door and took off. I looked at the time.

6:38 am

"I...better get ready for school if I want to s-see" I told myself in pain while heading towards my room.

(This chapter is going to be about Yams and his mom so time skip 'til after school)

"Gotta get home, gotta get home" I told myself while practically running home. I was only a turn away when I checked my phone for the time.

4:02 pm

"Shit! She's probably already home! I'm gonna get hurt again-" I stopped when I didn't see her car in the driveway. I peeped my head in the doorway and called for her.

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