Chapter 13

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'Evelyn' figure ^

"We're family! I thought I could trust you! I looked up to you! I loved you..."

Yamaguchi's POV:

"Little brother" She spoke to me. I cringed at the mention of our relation. I only pray she doesn't say my name.

"Why the hell are you here?" I sneered. She smiled and gave me her stupid innocent look.

"I only wanted to see you before I kill you" she said as she pulled out one of her guns. I passed her and sliced it. She smirked and dropped them all, leaving her only with a katana of her own. We sword fought as we talked.

"Your boyfriend is hot, Tadashi. Why don't you share him with your beloved older sister?" She said as she swung. She got a bit of my arm but it was bearable.

"Idiot. Only a fool like you would try to take him away from me. Anyone who's ever tried, I've killed" I responded. I then looked over at Kei only to see him passed out. I grew worried.

"Oh don't worry, he's not dead. I drugged him before I exploded the building. He can't hear, see, or feel a thing" she said while taking a turn and swinging again. I blocked it and held our swords in place.

"That right, you killed Kei's mom, didn't you? You bombed the hospital, didn't you? You killed OUR mother, didn't you!?" I yelled as I overpowered her weak strength. She gasped and light tears formed in her eyes as she fell flat on her ass.

"W-what do you mean? She wasn't in the hospital! Mommy was at work! I DIDN'T KILL HER!" She yelled with soft tears as she quickly got up and swung at my leg. She missed and began breathing heavily.

"You moron. You didn't even know if she was in there yet you blew it up? Idiot. It's no wonder why father sent you away to boarding school so young" I spoke while slowly walking up to her.

"If you didn't know, father is also dead. He died some years ago, Evelyn. Mother didn't tell you that now, did she?" I said in a smirk as I lifted my katana to lilt her head up to look at me. She cried softly.

"You may be only a fucking minute older then me, yet you still call me 'little brother'. Stupid. Mother always told me she missed you, that she'd prefer you instead of me. For your fucking information, she beat me every god damned day" I said while lifting my shirt and cloak for her to see my slowly fading bruises. Her eyes widened.

"You're so fucking stupid. You didn't know any of this was happening yet you did all of this to me!" I said enraged and looked her in the eye. I raised my katana and was ready to decapitate her.

"You're pathetic" I spat. Just as I swung to cut her head off, but she jumped. She looked at me with murderous eyes and a gigantic smile plastered on her face.

"If anyone is pathetic here, it's you, Tadashi. Kei said so himself" she said while slowly getting her weapons and walking away. It was only then did I notice her left wrist was blank. I ran after her, but being the abnormal person she is, she disappeared from my sight.

"She'll be back for you, but I'll keep you safe" I said as I walked over to Kei's body and picking him up bridal-style. 

"Let's go home, Kei"

Tsukishima's POV:


'you killed Kei's mom'

'Anyone who's ever tried, I've killed'

'You're so fucking stupid'

'You're pathetic'

I shot up in a sweat in fear and with a headache. I looked at my surroundings and noticed I was in Tadashi's room. Was I asleep the entire time? What time is it?

8:45 pm

Why am I just waking up at this time? Where's Tadashi? I reached for my glasses and got out of bed. Before I stepped off, I felt like there was something ready to come at me, like glass or something. Paranoid, I checked and saw nothing. I got up and just as I was about look for Tadashi, he came in with a plate of food and a piece of toast in his mouth. He looked so adorable and flustered once I opened the door. He tried speaking, but because of the toast, it came out as muffled noises.

"Why don't I help you?" I asked while taking the plate from him and setting it down on a table in the room. He sighed and took the toast in his hands to talk.

"I made you dinner. I know it's a bit late, but you were asleep for a long time and I didn't want to wake you up. I-uh...I hope you like Ramen. It's not instant, I made it myself!" He said while scratching the back of his head in a blush. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Anything from you is perfect" I said while picking it up and beginning to eat.

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*time skip*

Currently, Yamaguchi was showing me photos of his parents and telling me stories. Nearly the entire time, I had one name on my mind.

"Hey, Tadashi?" I called. He perked up from one of the photos.

"Yes?" He asked in a smile. He's so adorable.

"Who's Evelyn?"

A/N: hoeeeeee shietttttttt

sorry it's so short ¯\_()_/¯

I bought this grey sweater from Victoria's Secret: Pink

and I love it so much, you don't even know

Later brats ♪~ ()

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