Chapter 16

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"Du bist so schön, wie eine blume"

Yamaguchi, Tadashi's POV:

*one year later*

"No, please! Tadashi-" Yelled Evelyn as I impelled her head.

"Well, that's enough of you, dear sister" I said as I pulled the knife from her pretty little head. I looked in the mirror directly in front of me, covered in Evelyn's thick red blood. My eyes looked dull, grey even. My face was blank, I had felt nothing.

"Now then, I'm sure your boyfriend will just love that everlasting pain in his heart because of your death" I said while picking her up. I decided it'd be best to clean her up. Wouldn't want anyone accidentally discovering her. I first cleaned the blood off myself and then I took her to the basement and threw her in the furnace. As I watched her burn, I began to hear screams. I shook my head and decided to continue cleaning. Once again, I looked in the mirror, this time, I saw a reflection. It was a person in the abandoned house next door. I turned around to see the person but they were gone. It must've been my imagination. I slapped myself and walked into the bathroom to conceal my imprint for the week once again. Ever since Kei left, I've been concealing it like Evelyn told me to. After what seemed like a few minutes of cleaning, I had finished cleaning the entire house, on accident, thoroughly. I then decided to take a nap.

*time skip*

*ding dong* (11/10 sound fx @ me)

I shot up from the couch to the sound of someone ringing the doorbell. I sighed as I got up to quickly look in the mirror to check for any signs of blood. I passed the kitchen and swiped my pocket knife into my right pocket, ready for an assault if necessary. I sighed once again then opened it.

"Hello-" I cut myself off. My eyes widened at the beauty standing before me.

"H-hey! I'm Oikawa! Your new neighbor..."

Oikawa's POV:

"No, please! Tadashi-" I heard a muffled voice next door scream. I got goosebumps from fear. What is that? Tadashi? Maybe they're playing a game? Maybe they're watching TV too loud? Maybe once I'm done, I should make a cake or something and go greet them.

"Tooru dear! Come up here and start settling your things into your room!" I heard my mother call from upstairs.

"Coming mom!" I said as I passed a window in the hallway. I stopped once I smelled something awful. I looked around the house a bit to see what the smell could've been, but i found nothing. I walked over to my mother, but then stopped again. I saw someone in the house. The person stopped and looked in the mirror. I got to see one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen. I felt blood pump to my face, I felt my heart rate increase, I felt attraction. The person then noticed my staring so I quickly ran from the window.

"Who..was...that...beautiful...person?" I asked myself out of breath while entering the empty room soon to be called mine. I locked the door and fell to the ground while gripping my shirt, still lightly panting. I then smiled to myself and left the room, going once again to my mother who calls for me.

*time skip*

"Here goes nothing..." I whispered to myself in a gulp as I rang their doorbell. What if they're not home? What if he isn't even single? What if they're a married couple? What if they don't like me? What was that screaming earlier-

"Hello?" the beautiful freckled boy answered. I felt my face heat up.

"H-hey! I'm Oikawa! Your new neighbor..." I said while making a peace sign. Crap, I stuttered! Calmed down Oikawa, just give him the cake and flowers and lEAVE-

"O-oh, hello. I'm Yamaguchi. I hope you'll like it here and I hope we get along" he said while extending his arm out to me with light red on his face. I shook it then extended the flowers and small cake.

"I thought I would make a good first impression if I gave you these...I made the cake myself" I said to him as he took it in his arms. He gave me a small innocent smile, it made my heart flutter.

"Thank you...would you like to come in?" He asked while walking further into the house. I nodded and walked. The odd smell was back but it seemed to be coming from the vents. Maybe his basement was in need of cleaning. The rest of the house seemed insanely neat, however.

"Take a seat, I'll make some tea" he said sweetly. He's so adorable, is he even real? I then remembered why I wanted to come talk to him in the first place.

"Oh, um-I heard some screaming coming from your house earlier. Did something happen..?" I then heard him drop the kettle and make a small noise of hurt. I got up and went to his aid almost instantly.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded and laughed nervously while gripping his right hand. I extended my hand for him to give me his own.

"You burned yourself. You need to be more careful, Yamaguchi! It could've been worse" I scolded as I ran his hand under the cold sink water. It was only after I saw him staring in awe was when I noticed I was practically holding his delicate hand. His face was flushed a bit and then I felt my own begin to blush. I immediately let go and began cleaning the spilled water on the ground.

"Stupid habit." I whispered to myself as I grabbed paper towels.

"Ah, thank you. I'm so clumsy" he said in an adorable laugh.

"Oh! And sorry about the screams earlier. I was watching some old family videos and I accidentally put the volume too high" he answered. Oh.

"Ah, I see. Does you hand feel better?" I asked slightly concerned. He then turned his attention back to his hand. I took the time and examined him. His beautiful dark hair went perfectly with his skin tone. His freckles made him look all the more adorable. His smile was just the cutest thing ever. His voice as angelic and sweet as anything. So far, he seems like a sweet and innocent person, but I can sense his hurt. I then also noticed he has no soulmate yet. Well, it sure as hell isn't me, it would've shown by now, but I wouldn't mind dating-nO, DON'T THINK LIKE THAT YET! YOU'VE ONLY JUST MET HIM! AT LEAST GET TO KNOW HIM BEFORE YOU ASSUME YOU LIKE HIM!

"Yeah, thanks for your help. Now, let's go have some of your cake and get to know each other better shall we?" He suggested in another astounding smile. I nodded and followed him back into the living room.

*um...3(?) hours later*

"No really! I used to wake up at three in the morning just to look at the stars from my rooftop!" I said in a laugh, Yamaguchi laughed as well.

"I always loved space. It's so interesting isn't it?" He asked. I nodded and a very important question came to my head. We both gasped at the same time and asked in a smile.


A/N: please don't kill me

Later brats ♪~ ()

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