Chapter 14

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"If I had to change one thing in my life, it would be meeting you"

Yamaguchi's POV:

"Who's Evelyn?" Kei asked. I froze. Did he hear us? Was she lying? Was he ever asleep? Was he ever drugged? Did he see!? Maybe I should tell him for safer purposes...

"E-Evelyn Yamaguchi is my twin sister" I told him while pulling out a photo of out family with her before she went to boarding school. I had photos of her like the ones she'd send on holidays and she posts on social media and such, but I'd stick with this for now. He took it in his hands.

"She looks familiar, not like you, like I've met her before" he said examining the photo closely. He then smiled.

"You're still adorable" he said while looking right into my eyes. His eyes looked full of lust for some reason, but I paid no attention to it. I felt my face heat up and I pulled out another picture in front of my face. What I didn't know was that I pulled out a pretty recent picture of her. His smiled toned down and he took the photo.

"This is...your sister..?" He asked. I nodded and prepared myself for the questions that were just threatening to flow from his mouth about her. Yet, the question he asked wasn't about her at all. In fact, it caught me completely off guard.

"How much do you love me?"

Evelyn's POV:

"If anyone is pathetic here, it's you, Tadashi. Kei said so himself" I said as I got up to leave. I heard him follow, but I fastened my pace and lost him. I then went into an alleyway while gripping my right arm where Tadashi lightly cut me. I then settled next to a dumpster and fell. I began to cry in agony and shame. I then rubbed the concealer from my left wrist and looked at the words imprinted there.


"Why do indeed to pretend? Why can't we just bring them both with us? Why can't we be happy!?" I yelled to nothing as tears continued to flow.

"God, I'm so fucking stupid. Tadashi is right. I really am pathetic!" I yelled as I pulled my hair.

"Tomorrow, my love. I'll ask them tomorrow. I'll make it up to them, I'll bring them with us" I said as I pulled out a picture of my beloved Akiteru (Pls don't kill me, but I've made Akiteru ONE year older than them) from my right high sock. I smiled and kissed it as I laid down.

"Then we'll all be happy" I said as I fell asleep.

*the next day*

"Alright, if I remember correctly from yesterday, they should live here" I said as I stood in front of what I think is where Tadashi and mother live...or lived. I turned the door knob and went it. It was just as I remembered it. The house was quite so thee other two must've been asleep.

"I don't understand why I had to act like such a bitch to Tadashi. I really do love and miss him. It was good to see him a again..." I whispered to myself but stopped once I saw what was going on in Tadashi's room. My eyes widened and I bursted into the room. I ran over to him and embraced him.

"Tadashi! Tadashi speak to me! Are you alright!? What happened!? Who did this to you!? There's blood everywh-" he cut me off by pushing me away. His mouth had blood and he looked dead.

"What the hell do you want? Here to kill me? Just do it then. Kei left me and it's all your fault..." He said and then coughed. Kei left him? Why did he leave? No, this wasn't supposed to happen! The plans changed! I was supposed to bring them both! Where the hell is he!?

"Tadashi, no! That wasn't meant to happen! I'm not really like that! It was all an act! At first I was supposed to separate you from Kei to bring him back with me to Germany to live happily with me and my soulmate! Was he who did this to you!? Why that little...WHERE IS HE!?" I practically screeched. Tadashi smiled briefly before wiping the blood from his mouth and sitting up.

"Well, you see..."

A/N: sorry my loves, I had a little bit of writer's block. That's why this is so short. But fear not for the huge turn awaits! A new life will come, and a new era shall begin! Hopefully you'll find it in your hearts to continue reading this stupid story afterwards. After all, this WILL end up as TsukkiYama (;

Later brats ♪~ ()

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