Chapter 20 (Finale)

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I'd like you all to please hear the song as you read this last chapter.

"Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake−it's everything except what it is!"

Tsukishima's POV:

*one month later...*

"Do you two want anything?" I asked as I headed out the door to head to the store. The two lovebirds were playing some Call of Duty or something like that.

"Nah! We're good" yelled Hanna, her eyes not leaving the screen. I shrugged and headed out. There was so much I've missed here, but there's also better things in Germany. I passed by my old house. It was now old, wrecked up, and practically dead. I soon passed where Tadashi lives. I decided to go and visit but as I rang the doorbell and waited, I realized he wasn't home. I was about to leave when-


Yamaguchi's POV:

"Tooru, stop, you're embarrassing!" I said jokingly in a blush.

"That's not what you said last night~" He whispered in my ear as we walked back to my place. My face turned a deep shade of red remembering the events of the previous night. I punched him softly and he over dramatically reacted.

"Ah! Tadashi hates me now! What ever shall I do with myself?" He said pretending to stab his heart.

"Come on, weirdo" I said in a laughed as I grabbed his hand in my own. We had just turned the corner as I was admiring his beauty. His face then turned from soft to worried.

"Hey...who's that?" He asked as he pointed to my house. Confused, I looked and my eyes widened once I saw someone I had completely forgotten about.

"K-Kei?" I said as we made eye contact. His beautiful face more masculine, his hair a little bit longer than how it was, he was slightly taller, he looked more mature. Has it really be a year..? He looked at Tooru and I holding hands, and then he looked at him.

"Tadashi" he said while glaring a bit at Tooru.

"You're here..." I whispered as I felt tear water brim my eyes. He looked at me, smiled, then looked back evilly at Tooru. I couldn't hold it anymore, I broke. I let go of Tooru's hand and ran with open arms and a teary face to Kei. He open his arms and caught me as I rammed into him.

"I've missed much" Kei said as he hugged me. I hugged tighter as more tears fell. I then remembered Tooru was still there, and I haven't told him about Kei. I pulled away and wiped my face.

"Tooru, this is Kei Tsukishima..." I said as I began to rub the stupid concealer off my left wrist.


"My soulmate" I finished. I couldn't bring myself to look at his face.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I thought...maybe if I had someone to pull him away from my insanity, I'd be okay! When you came into my life, I completely forgot about him and my misery! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I finished as I made eye to eye contact with him. I was surprised to see him with a small smile on his face.

"It's okay, Tadashi..." He said as he, too, began to rub his left wrist.

"You helped me out of my own misery too" he said trying not to let his tears go out of control.

"Stupid, Oikawa"

I furrowed my eyebrows. He has a soulmate?

"You're lucky, Tadahsi. Your soulmate came back to you...and he's alive-" He broke down before he was able to finish. So his soulmate is dead, just like how I killed Evelyn, so her soulmate is suffering too. I was about to walk over to him and hug him, but I couldn't move. My legs were immobilized, they felt heavy.

"What is-" I tried to speak, but then all of the color began to drain from everything. Stars began to appear, then galaxies. Soon I was pulled away from everything.

"HELP ME!" I called out as I was being pulled away from Kei and Tooru, they reached for me. I was being pulled into nothing but white. I then softly heard cries of joy and people speaking.

"...dashi! My baby!.." I heard what sounded like my mother speak. Mother?

"...okay...or..?" A man spoke. He sounded familiar.

"...rate increasing...normal...brain...your son is..cured!?" I heard someone speak. I then opened my eyes and was nearly blinded by the white light. I slowly sat up and was immediately embraced by what felt like four arms.

"My baby!" Mother spoke. You're alive!?

"My boy!" F-Father...? I looked around.

"Wha happened? Where am I?" I asked, my voice sounding squeaky. I sound like a little kid.

"You're in the hospital, you were in a coma for quite some time young man. You were attacked, am I right? It's a good thing your parents made it out with minor injuries, we weren't sure if you'd wake up" said a man as I presumed to be a doctor.

"Where's Kei?" I asked. My mother pulled away from me and gave me a confused look. She looked at the doctor and he shrugged. My father furrowed his eyebrows. My sister's was asleep in my father's arms.

"Darling...who's Kei?" She asked clearly confused. I looked at my left wrist and my eyes widened. Tears began filling my eyes but they wouldn't seem to come out. Out of all the things that could've happened to me, I hated that this had to be the outcome. It was now, where I wish I have died rather than anyone else.

My wrist was blank.

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