Chapter 17

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"You're too wrapped up in yourself to notice he was hurt too!"

Tsukishima, Kei's POV:

"nichts ausmacht!"

"auf der linken Seit!"

"mehr Glück beim nächsten Mal, Kei"

They spoke to me. Throughout the year, I was able to learn German, but not as fast they wanted me to. When I first came to Germany, I told Akiteru all about what happened. I didn't think I'd miss Tadashi but here I am still thinking about him. Akiteru told me I should join a sport to get my mind off him, so I obviously chose volleyball. Now they're here calling out these words that take me a while to process.

*after practice*

"Well, I don't know...maybe I'll be willing to go if you tell me WHERE in America (pls, let it be) your friend lives" Hanna spoke with her German accent poking out. She's the only person willing to befriend me. She comes to my practices and we walk home together since we're practically neighbors. She doesn't know I have a soulmate, she doesn't know about Tadashi. She hasn't found her soulmate yet but she doesn't mourn over it like I least, I think.

"Well...I'll tell you that later. Can you at least consider it? It's not like we'll be moving there, just visiting!" I tried to convince her. I really miss Tadashi and even if I'm too afraid to talk to him, I want to at least see him. She pursed her lips.

"Yeah, I'll consider it. Maybe I could finally meet my online friend I've been wanting to see in person for years" she said with a light smile. If anything, I'd say she's in love. I nodded my head and have her a hug. We soon reached our place and parted ways.

"See ya, Tsukishima!" She said in a peace sign.

"Later, Lautenshlager" I shot back as I walked in. I closed the door and noticed everything was completely dark. I then heard a small cry coming from my brother's room. He was gripping his chest and crying ever so softly.

"Akiteru! What's wrong!?" I yelled as I dropped my bag and ran towards him.

"She's...gone..." He said through painful sobs. What?

"What do you mean? Who's gone?" I questioned worryingly.

"Evelyn Yamaguchi, my soulmate. My love, she's...she's dead!" he said in another cry. I jerked back at the mention of that psychopathic name. My eyes widened in fear and realization. What if Tadashi killed her? Well, she WAS after us, but why one year later? Was she hard to track down or something?

"I guess I gotta get used to this stupid pain huh?" He said trying to change the mood. I gave him a sympathetic look. I got up to leave the room, but I reminded myself to let him know.

"So...Hanna and I are planning a trip to America this think you wanna come along?" I asked him. He thought about it but then shook his head 'no'.

"Sorry Kei, I would but I have school. I get no spring break remember? You and Hanna should go and enjoy yourselves anyways" he said in a painful smile. Oh, you're always trying to look at the bright side aren't you?

*ughhh I have writer's block here so...tIME SKIP: THREE MONTHS LATER*

"We made it Tsukishima!" Yelled Hanna as we walked off the plane.

"You ready to meet your boyfriend?" I teased while grabbing my luggage. She turned a deep shade of red.

"H-he isn't my boyfriend! I just confessed to him and he said he felt the same, we won't know if we're anything unless we end up as s-soul mates or something!" She rambled. We then walked out to where we were supposed to get picked up by her 'little crush'.

"There he is! She said pointing to a fairly tall skinny boy with brown curly hair. His hairstyle suit his figure perfectly. His skin was fairly white and his face had the perfect shape. He then caught view of us.

"Hanna!?" He yelled with excitement spread across his face. I looked at Hanna as she heard him call. She ran towards him for a hug. I noticed a faint imprint begin to form on her wrist. I smiled. He's the did she not feel the pinch?

"Ernie!" She yelled with her arms wide open and tears in her eyes. They embraced each other on a long hug, as Hanna practically cried on his shoulder. Soon enough, they pulled away and gave each other the loveliest smiles. It was only then when they noticed their wrists. They gasped and Hanna practically threw herself at the poor guy once again.

"I knew you were the one..." She whispered, barely audible. I pretended to cough to signal that I was still there. They then both looked up and me and quickly asserted themselves.

"Tsukki, this is Ernie. They boy I've been telling you about for the past year. Ernie, this is Tsukishima. My best friend" Hanna introduced us. We shook hands and nodded. A 'manly' greeting apparently. We then walked out to Ernie's car and he took us to his apartment he offered to let us stay in. I wonder what Tadashi is doing right now...

A/N: sorry it's short
it's about to go down ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Soon (;
Btw Hanna is based off hannahisabananapeel & Ernie is her 'crush'

Later brats ♪~ ()

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