Chapter 12

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(Translations will be at the end)

"Have you ever wondered what it'd be like if I just...oh, I don't know...disappeared from your life one day?"

Yamaguchi's POV:

I woke up with a massive headache and I was barely able to see. I looked up at the window. It was if the sun was already setting. How long was I asleep for? I looked at the time and my mouth fell ajar.

6:34 pm

"What the hell-" I paused when I saw Tsukki's glasses still on the night stand next to the bed and glass pieces around the floor of my room.

"Someone's playing with me. Well they don't know who they're dealing with" I said as I got out of bed and walked on top (yes, ON TOP) of the glass shards. Once I made my way out of the stupid glass pieces, I pulled them out of my foot.

"Kei?" I called, no answer. I grew worried and angry and began ignoring the pain of the impelled glasses as they left my foot covered in blood.

"Kei!?" I called again. I quickly went into the bathroom, disinfected them, and put my socks and shoes on. I then noticed the door was wide open, slightly broken, as if it was kicked.

"Ich komme für Sie, Kei." I told myself. I taught myself German because mother said it helps keep people sane.

"Ist mir egal wer Sie nahm," I said as I put on my black cloak with a white crow on the back. I grabbed a regular black gas mask and put it on in the mirror.

"Und ist mir egal wenn Sie weg lief," I said as I grabbed every possible weapon I could carry on me.

"Aber ich werde Sie wieder zu bekommen, egal was!" I yelled at I practically flew to his house.

"Kei" I called as I kicked the door down. I looked around for signs or clues of any sort. I saw a rotting corpse of a woman on the floor of the kitchen. I thought he said they were supposed to take care of that. I'll do it later. I examined the corpse a bit and noticed the slashes. I felt the dry blood as I ran my fingers through the deep cut on her throat. I then looked at the slashes on her wrist. The two were exactly the same, identical. They were done on the same day. I then looked at the knife. It was a simple kitchen knife. I stopped to think about it all as I picked up the knife.

"This knife isn't sharp or strong enough to cut through human flesh this deep" I said to myself as I lifted her left wrist. I noticed the imprint of her wrist.

"Ew, no"

I ran my thumb over it and saw it smudge. What the hell!? This imprint isn't real! She never found her soulmate!? Did she do this herself? I then looked back at her neck, then back at the knife, then at her wrist, then back to her neck. Then it hit me.

"She didn't kill herself...someone murdered her!" I concluded. I then furrowed my eyebrows.

"Did I do this? I couldn't have done this, I was with Kei the entire day. We were looking for my mother's body...then we went to my house...then I stayed there..then he came telling me his mother died. It couldn't have been me. Could it be..." I thought as I gripped my neck in slight worry. I flipped the woman over and looked at her neck. As I suspected, there was an X mark right on the nape. My eyes widened in fear.


Tsukshima's POV:

It's dark, I can't move, I'm sitting in a chair, I'm numb, I'm cold, I think I'm naked, someone is touching me, and I don't like it. I think I'm opening my eyes, but I'm not so sure. Am I literally blind? Am I drugged? What the-did Tadashi do this? Is he the one touching me? What the hell is going on? I tried talking, but I felt fabric stopping me from moving my lips. What is this? Is this rape? Is this someone's kink? That's gross, why does this person choose me? I was just waking up to-

*flashback to this morning*

I sat up and stretched as I yawned. I looked over to my right and saw the most cutest thing ever. Tadashi was sleep cuddling with a pillow and the slightest bit of drool was walling down his adorable face. I kissed his forehead and got up from bed to use the bathroom. I then heard what sounded like a girl speak.

"He can't have you, only I can" the voice spoke. I looked around and saw a silhouette at the window right above the bed. The figure then hit Tadashi with several glass bottles and threw the shards everywhere.

"Tadashi-" I tired to yell, but she then hit me with a bottle and I passed out.

*end of flashback*

"Ah! My love! You're awake!~" I heard the same voice from this morning call. I slightly panicked, but made it so it wasn't noticeable.

"Who the hell are you? What have you done with Yamaguchi? What are you doing to me!?" I yelled a bit. I heard her laugh a bit at the mention of Tadashi, I twitched.

"Tadashi is fine dear, as a matter of fact, he's on his way here to get you. Of course he won't have you. I'll protect you my love, I won't let him take you away from me again. I'll kill him this time" she said while caressing my face. She then look off the muffled blindfolds and revealed her face to me. She had long flowey black hair with a flower crown and braid on. She was wearing a black schoolgirl's uniform with a red bow. She had on black heeled boots and high socks that looked fairly nice with her outfit. By the looks of it from my perspective, without glasses, it looked like she had freckles. She reminded me of Tadashi a bit, but I must be missing him too much. I admit, she was beautiful, but she wasn't enough to catch my attention. I mean, I'm only into Tadashi as far as I'm concerned. Wait-

"What the hell gives you-you have no right to call him that!" I yelled in anger. She merely laughed.

"I have my reasons, Kei" she said slyly. She then walked over to the hundreds of computers she had with cameras, one of them practically following Tadashi. I grew worried.

"He should be coming in through that door right about..." She began while pointing to her left. I waited.

"Now" she said. Again, I waited. Yet, nothing happened. Instead, each one of her cameras began to disable one by one. She grew fearful.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" I asked with a tone attitude (SAL T). She looked at me with a smile. How did she calm down so fast? What does she have planned? She then grabbed means ran onto the outside. I would've fought her of course if I wasn't numb.

"Come on, love! He close! I want you to witness his death!" She said in a vile manor. My eyes grew wide once an explosion was visible. The small building she was keeping me in, now in flames and towering down. I looked down as tears for I knew it would be the death of him in there. I felt the woman increase her running speed. When I looked back up, I saw the same guy that killed Hiyori following us. It was as if he was flying out of the flames. Honestly, he looked like another batman (fav).Only, he had a different mask on this time. Since I didn't have my glasses, I couldn't exactly see his face form the distance, only the clothing and figure. The guy was incredibly fast, he kicked the girl and she went flying. He grabbed me from my back and set me down aside. Why is he doing this? Why hasn't he killed me yet? Hopefully the rumor is true, that he only goes for girls.

"Oh, there you are Ta-" she began, the man punched her in the jaw, stopping her from speaking words. You'd think she'd be wincing and crying in pain, but she stood up.

"Evelyn" the man spoke sternly.

"It's been a few years, hasn't it?" She paused in a smirk.

"Little brother"

A/N: Evelyn Yamaguchi has been based off my beautiful sinnamon bun II'mPersonSoBlah

Of course she's gonna be completely different from my sinnamon bun, but I just needed someone to play the 'bad guy' role and she volunteered~

German translations:

"I'm coming for you, Kei."
"I don't care who took you,"
"I don't care if you ran away,"
"But I'll get you back, no matter what!"

OH YEAH, I CHANGED MY THEME AGAIN (so it doesn't scare some of you binches)

Later brats ♪~ ()

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