Chapter 1

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"People don't cry because they're weak. They cry because they've been strong for too long"

Yamaguchi's POV:

"Two rights, then a left..." I told myself as I wrote down where Tsukki was going in my notebook. It's been ten years since I first found out he's my soulmate, I love him to death. Every girl he's ever dated, I've tortured. Every person who's ever touched him, I've broken thier arms. Anyone who's ever spoken to him, I've kept tabs on them. Luckily, he doesn't really talk to others much. I've never talked to him, every time I try, I get nervous and just pass him as he gives me a weird look. I often sneak into his room at night and watch him sleep peacefully, when my mother isn't home. Sometimes I cut off a piece of his beautiful hair, but it's hardly noticeable, I'm not a monster. I follow him everywhere, I never let him out of my sight. He's the only one for me, and I'm the only one for him. My love is trying so hard to find his soulmate, yet he doesn't know it's who he least expects it to be.

"Oi, Tsukkishima" my ears perked once I heard someone called his name. I looked in the direction the person was and saw a volleyball player from Nekoma, Kuroo as I remember, and two Fukurodani players, Akaashi and Bokuto. Bokuto had his arm on Akaashi's waist. Kuroo was holding someone's hand. He's small, I've never seen before hiding behind Kuroo. I haven't done anything to them because they've already found their soul mates. I have my eyes mainly on Kuroo whenever he's around him, for he still hasn't found his.

"What do you want?" Tsukki asked, clearly annoyed.

"We just wanted to know if you wanted to come practice with us" Bokuto asked.

"I guess so, who is that?" Tsukki asked while pointing to the small boy with blond hair and brown roots. They began walking towards the community gym and I followed close enough to listen.

"Huh-oh! Yeah, I found my soulmate the other day. This is him" he said while proudly showing off the small boy. He looked up from his PSP and looked at Tsukki. Well, I can rest easy knowing he won't do anything sleazy with Tsukki.

"I'm Kenma" he simply said. He then went back to his game as if nothing happened and Kuroo smirked and put his arm around him.

"Looks like you're the last one man. You're eighteen, and you STILL haven't found your soulmate" stated Bokuto.

"Do you even think you have one?" Akaashi asked. Tsukki rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure I have one...I just haven't found them yet" he stated while his face turned a bit of light red in embarrassment. The other four didn't see him when he pulled up his sleeve to look at his wrist, but I did. His face was full of disappointment once he saw it still blank, it hurt me.

"Don't worry Tsukki, I'll talk to you eventually. Then you'll see that I'm the one for you. I just don't have the courage right now" I whispered as I continued to follow them.

*time skip*

The time is 6:43 pm when Tsukki heads home. Of course, I follow him. He was hearing music and looking up at the stars. Once he reaches his home, no one is present. Not this mother, nor his brother. He went into his room and sat on his bed. A thought must've really messed up his mood because he then suddenly took his headphones off, and he just started at the ground. His face turned into a face of hurt and pain, I didn't like to see him like that.

"Why can't I find my soulmate?" He asked himself. I froze. He took his sweater off and looked at his blank wrist with tears eyes. He then gave a hurtful laugh.

"They think I don't care about it. They think I play it off as nothing. They've all found their soulmates" he said while pulling out a notebook.

"Suga has Daichi, the King has his Queen, Asahi has Noya, Tanaka has Ennoshita, Bokuto has Akaashi, and now Kuroo has Kenma" he said as he wrote down Kuroo and Kenma's names down. I felt my heart ache once I saw tears fall down his face. I had an urge to get down from the tree, and go in right through his window. I unconsciously began to move forward from the branch, about to expose myself to the moonlight. I came back to reality once I heard someone call him by his first name.

"Kei, I'm home! How was school?" His mother called. He quickly cleared his face from any signs of sadness, he wasn't very good at it. He hid the notebook as he called out to her.

"It was fine mother" he called back. He fixed his glasses and struggled to put his sweater back on. His mother then came in the room with a genuine smile. It became a sad smile once she saw his wrist and face. No words were needed to tell that Tsukki was upset, a mother always knows I suppose. She sat next to him on his bed and hugged him. He dug his face in her neck and began to softly cry again.

"Another one of my friends found their soulmate today. I'm the last one" he told her as he quietly cried. She rubbed circles on his back.

"It's okay. You'll find someone soon. It took me a while to find my soulmate. When I did, your father was hesitant to accept it" she said in a saddened chuckle.

"And now he's gone" Tsukki added. His mother sighed but nodded. She stood up and put her hand on his head.

"Come and eat dinner, I brought you dessert for when you finish. Your favorite" she said in a smile. He smiled softly at the ground.

"Thanks mom, you're the best" he said as he got up and followed her. I stayed in that tree with my legs crossed. He is so lucky to have a mother like that. I looked at my phone for the time.

7:16 pm

"Dammit, if I don't go home now, the beatings will be worse!" I told myself as I swiftly and quietly made my way down the tree and out of Tsukki's yard. As I was running home, which was a few houses down, I thought about Tsukki in his misery. All I have to do is say a word to him and he'll know. He'll know that it's me. He'll come looking for me, he'll want my love. Just one word, better make it worth it. I opened the door to the place I hate to call home and saw the woman who gave birth to me sitting in a chair already waiting for me.

"Welcome home, Tadashi"

Later brats ♪~ ()

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