Chapter 3

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A dark figure moved soundlessly through the night next to a man in black. "FE, go around to the back, you'll be the big guns." Miles whispered to the girl.

The silent woman stalked the wanted murderer in the night.

She appeared behind him as he turned to run from Miles, cutting off any escape. Desperately the man pulled a gun and tried to shoot her, firing off all his rounds at the armoured girl. "It's over." Monica told the man.

Then a shot fired off and just like that the criminal was dead. Miles and Monica turned to see Professor Helm standing with a gun in his hand. "They deserve to die." He told the two who srood in shock before walking off.

"We need to go." Miles whispered before following the Professor.

Monica looked down at the body with hesitance but when sirens softly sounded in the distance, she too ran.

When they were finished eith patrol that night, Monica didn't stay to talk to the small group of crime fighters, instead taking off immediately for her home.

She didn't sleep that night, instead, Monica found herself crying in her lab as she attempted to justify her part in what had happened.

At school that day, Monica was pale and bags colored her undereyes as she mived through from lecture to lecture. When he finally approached her with his dark hair and his beautiful accent, Monica almost sobbed as the body flashed through her eyes.

"Hey, Mon, wait up." He called to her as he jogged to catch up. "Hey, are you okay? You look exhausted did something happen?" He asked in concern, touching her arm lightly only for the girl to flinch slightly.

Monica blinked a few times before answering. "Um, no, I'm fine just tired. You know, trying to help dad through the whole government thing."

Miles squinted his eyes at the girl in suspicion before he grabbed her upper arm and dragged her aside. "Something is bothering you. Out with it." He ordered in concern as he gently took Monica's chin in his hands.

Monica took in a breath before she looked up at Miles with a soft smile. "It's nothing really, I've just been stressing over dad." She lied to the man before tilting her head up and kissing him softly.

The soft kiss turned rough as Miles pushed her against the wall, his hands roaming her body as her hand buried itself in his hair. Eventually, Miles pulled away, panting slightlt. "That was so not fair." He mumbled to her, pecking her lips lightly.

Monica chuckled with a careless grin. "All is fair in love and war." She whispered to him.

"Hey, the Iron Lady girl, you know her right?" Miles asked as they reentered the students walking around the campus.

Monica smiled knowingly and nodded. "Yup." She answered, popping the p at the end.

"Who is she?" He asked curiously, looking down at his girlfriend.

Monica pressed her lips together and grinned while shaking her head. "Sorry, no can do." Monica sighed as she caught sight of the time. "Sorry,  I have the internship so I've got to go. See you later." She bade Miles farewell.

She almost had a heart-attack when his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back to him. "A kiss goodbye?" He asked softly.

Monica sighed and relief silently and pecked his lips before running off to her car and peeling off to the Stark Industries building.

"Hey Monica." Pepper greeted as Monica walked into the office.

Monica smiled and nodded back, setting up her small desk. "Hey Pepper what's on the agenda today?"

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