Official End of Little Stark

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Hey guys! So, update, first off, yes the book is (in some opinions) finally finished. Of course the story isn't, so long as the Avenger's cinematic universe goes on, so does the story. 

Unless of course I decide to kill of Monica, which I could do because I'm a god. 

Kidding! i am so Kidding, this probably my most successful book so yay all of you, for making all of this happen. Outside of that, the second installment to this series is now officially up, it is called Lady of Midgard and is officially promoted as a Thor love story, so no more of my changing of minds as to who she'll end up with or killing lovers off, sorry Jake, she is officially - until further notice - with Thor Odinson. 

Because the next book is a Thor fanfic more than it is a Tony one, there will hence then be more Thor than Tony, but don't worry all of the characters - original or otherwise - will make there way into the other book as well. 

This also includes Jason and Angelica, actually there is going to be quite a bit more of Angelica. 

In any case, my ramblings are finished, this was all I needed to say - I really hope you did enjoy Little Stark because I absolutely adored writing it. 

So final update as to the information concerning Little Stark:

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