Chapter 3

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Aesthetic Credit: @baphfanfics

Stark Industries Headquarters was a modern building that was incredibly updated in technology and security. Not updated enough though to keep Monica out. 

On a mission, the girl walked in, adorning a suit dress and with a look that told everyone to stay out of her way. She was let in immediately, not even questioned. After all, one day she would be their boss.  

An earpiece glowed lightly as she made her way through the building to the upper floors. "JARVIS, you there?" She muttered softly while waiting for the elevator.

"Always, Miss Stark," JARVIS answered her immediately. 

A smile lit up her face as the door dinged and opened to an empty elevator. Entering it, Monica hit the close door button quickly and the PH button. She was visiting a high-level office. "Obadiah isn't in the building, correct?" 

"Yes, Miss Stark, the tracker you put on his car, indicates that he is still at the Starbucks a block away. Also, the second of your ten online orders are ready, Miss Stark." 

"Thank you, JARVIS." She grinned happily. Walking through the waiting area, she stopped by Obadiah's secretary. "Hello, is Obadiah Stane here?" 

"No, do you have an appointment?" The girl asked. 

Monica almost felt pity for the woman when she looked up to see Monica Stark standing in front of her with a confident smile. "No, I just need to talk to him real quick, do you think he'll be long?" Monica asked sweetly. 

Stuttering, the woman rapidly shook her head. "Not at all, Miss Stark, he should be back any minute, do you want to wait here? I could get you anything you would like." She offered, shooting to her feet in shock. 

Giving the woman a soft smile, Monica shook her head. "That won't be necessary, could I perhaps wait in his office?" 


When the door shut to the office, Monica jumped up and hacked into the system. Her flash drive plugged in, she searched the ghost drives of the computer. "Miss Stark, Obadiah has left the Starbucks. He is about three minutes from the office." 

"Suggesting a detour," Monica murmured, pulling out her computer and shutting down the traffic lights at the intersection Obadiah was approaching, forcing the man to take the back roads to reach the office. 

"Outstanding, Miss Stark, estimated time of arrival has been bumped up to seven minutes." 

"Beautiful, JARVIS." 

Then a video popped up on Obadiah's screen, it was stored in the ghost drive and showed a little known terrorist group that had been causing trouble in the middle east. The Ten Rings. It looked like it was a captive video. 

Clicking play and translate, Monica watched in abject horror. "You did not tell us that the target you paid us to kill was the great Tony Stark. As you can see, Obadiah Stane, your deception and lies will cost you dearly. The price to kill Tony Stark has just gone up."

Monica sat back in the chair as tears welled in her eyes. She had suspected Obadiah was behind her father's abduction, but now that the proof was in front of the girl, she almost couldn't believe it. Monica never thought Obadiah capable of hurting her or her father. Now she knew she was wrong, and it hurt. Not only that, but the hurt quickly festered to hate and Monica glared at the picture of Obadiah and Tony on the front page of a magazine that was framed in the man's office. 

Before, Monica had only planned to make him pay for the under the table selling, but now she wanted Obadiah to feel so crushed and buried in all of his mistakes that he would never be able to get out of the mess he made. 

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