Questionable Actions?

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I started off Monday with falling down stairs. I'd been sleepwalking and then I dropped like a bad habit.
My parents, slept over it though, so I wasn't worried, just in so much pain. I made myself some cereal, sitting to eat. I was still immensely tired, but I had to wake up.
I washed out the bowl and put up the cereal. Then I went upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. I waited for Nell to come get me at the door, because usually she was late, but not today.
She pulled out of her driveway and stopped in front of my house to honk her horn. I ran out to try to avoid the cold morning air.
"You're early? My god, never thought I'd see the day."
"Oh shut up, Luna, God forbid." I think she has a hangover.
I laughed in a exaggerated loud way, "Do you have a hangover?"
"Yes, so shut the hell up." We drove silently to school.
"Luna?" She said as we parked inside her reserved spot.
"What, Nell ?" I tilted my head over to her.
"Wanna chill later?" She smiled, sort of appealing, sort of scary.
"We don't chill, like ever, so what do you want?" I rolled my eyes.
"I swear I just wanna chill, like watch a movie with you or something." She stared at me, with more seriousness than I'd ever seen on Nell. Ever.
"Fine. But the minute you try something, I'll kick you over to your house." I deadpanned her.
"I swear I'm not. What do you wanna watch?" I felt myself lean away.
"It doesn't matter. Just bring a movie." I shrugged, then a topic popped into my head. "You and Tommie?"
"We not together no more, end of story." She ended the topic quickly, and I got out of the car.
I went into my first hour, with the need for a whole lot of food.
Same for my second, and third hour.
Lunch didn't come quick enough. I rushed into the cafeteria, grabbed my lunch and went to sit at my table.
"Tired?" I heard Nell's voice interrupt whatever stage of dreaming I was at. I'd ate quickly and put my head down, not realizing how dramatically tired I was.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."  I lifted my head, yawning.
Tommie walked over as well, with her lunch tray and sat down. They didn't talk much but the tension was beyond us. Tommie wasn't so much my friend, but more so known as Nell's girlfriend. She became a friend after they became an item. I don't know what we were anymore.
"So," I ended the awkward silence, "How is your classes going?"
"I'm moving." Tommie blurted. I scrunched my face up.
"What? Why?" I looked over at Nell, her nonchalant act was apparent.
"My mom got a job in Arizona, we already packed up majority of the stuff." Tommie rushed out.
I sighed, "That sucks."
"Yeah I know. We'll be moved probably by Wednesday." She frowned.
"Well I hope it's better than this place." Nell had finally spoke.
"Me too." Tommie spoke quietly, There was an awkward silence before Nell got up and left.
"It'll be good. Things will be new and fresh and you can start over, without the dickheads." I looked over at Nell's disappearing figure.
"You're right." She said. And we sat in silence, for the rest of the lunch period.
The bell rang for our lunch to end, and another lunch to begin.
"See you, " I waved at Tommie and headed to class alone.

School felt like it took forever to end, and also like it ended too quickly. I walked home slowly, and got there quickly. Not sure what was up with the universe today.
I put my bag down in dining room, so I could get a snack out of the fridge.
I heard my phone ring.
I put the string cheese I had grabbed on the table, and picked up my phone. I answered.
"Chelloo?" I said.
"Open the door," Nell said.
I grabbed my string cheese again and walked to the door.
I opened the door and Nell walked right in.
"Tell me why you walked home by yourself?" She looked upset.
I frowned, "I always do."
"Why? I tell you not to every time and we supposed to chill today."
"Nell, I walk home everyday, and your not my mother or father, therefore I'm not required to listen to you."
I began walking to my room. I felt her pull me back.
"Don't do it again, " she said, her face mere inches from mine. I nodded, rolling my eyes and I walked up the stairs, to my room.

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