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I hated snow. When I was little, around 4 or 5 I picked up snow and I held it until it melted, I got frostbite which felt so despicable to me as a child, I hated it ever since, but of course, it was unavoidable.
It was only October though.
My mother talked on and on about Halloween. I usually went out every year, but this year I'd make the exception for my swollen the ankles. I sat in the living room area with my papa watching Jane The Virgin. Nell sat across from us. I laid in my fathers lap eating a bucketful of candy my mother bought me. Don't worry, I was still at the beginning of the bucket.
"Okay love, I'm going to go the the room to sleep." He kissed my forehead before removing me out his lap. I pouted but I still replied, "Okay papa, love you, good night."
I laid there with the candy and ate while I watched. Nell sat and watched also. My stomach only swelled up a tad bit, but it wasn't noticeable to people who didn't know me. I ate the bucket candy slowly.
"You need to eat food." My stomach flipped, marking Nell's statement a definite.
"I don't feel like cooking." I whined, pressing continue watching on Netflix.
"Fine." Nell huffed and called in a order of food. "Now you don't have to cook." She mocked.
"Thanks." I smiled.
Nell stayed over more and more. Her mom came over sometimes to check and see if she was really here majority of the time.

"It's just she's usually in so much stuff, and she lies constantly it's hard to believe she's serious. Especially with a kid like Luna." She'd said one time. And though Nell occasionally drunk and smoked, she barely lied to her mom, her mother was barely ever there for her to lie to her. Not even call wise.

"I'm hungry!" I pouted. Nell waved me off.
"Oh shut up! They'll be here in like 5 minutes." A horn went off twice. "Or maybe now.." She waited for the knock on the door for her to open and pay. She came back and gave me the pizza box while she had a smaller container of what smelled like hot wings. I drooled. "I want someeeeee!!!" My stomach flipped and flipped. Probably just the baby moving.
Nell deadpanned me, before handing me 5 wings on aluminum foil.
She muttered something under her breath, something along the lines of she hated pregnant people.
"It's okay, " I replied joyfully, "Pregnant people love you too." I snickered in a creepy way to annoy her.
I ate literally 2 slices of pieces before complaining about being full.
"Time for bed." Nell said, taking the pizza box and placing it in the fridge.
"I don't want to go to bed, I'm not tired." I sat up, folding my legs under me like a chair.
"Not doing this tonight, Luna. Come on." Nell folded her arms, waiting. I sat, stubbornly. "Fine." Nell shrugged, she came toward me and shoveled me up in her arms. I cried.
"I wanted to finish the season." I cried more.
She ignored my cries and laid me down.

**Nell's Pov**
She whined and protested, and all I could think about was how childish she was being. She aggravated me. I laid next to her, she legs spread out in petty disagreement. I sighed, "Luna, please close your legs and go to bed."
Luna scooted over and folded herself up. I laid down next to her and pulled her into me. "Goodnight." I said. Luna ignored me. I ran my fingers through her hair, which gave her at most 5 minutes awake before she fell asleep.
I closed my eyes, savoring the peaceful moment.
I usually stayed up most of the night, because sometimes she would be uncomfortable every five minutes so she'd just keep waking up.
I also had problems sleeping myself. Memories I'd rather not have usually wake me. Occasionally on the nights I have good dreams, I'll wake up because I'll feel Luna kissing my forehead, and rubbing my stomach in her sleep.
It make me laugh, but I'd just go back to sleep.
As I predicted, Luna was sleep. Her body fully relaxed and stretched out. She turned on her back, resting her hand across her outtie. I stared at her.
Her features were relaxed, and I saw a trail of drool begin. And it felt like something froze in me. Luna's peaceful face, made me feel a little more protective of her. Her relaxed state was beautiful, sending an unlawful amount of chills up my spine.
She looked so gorgeous, at ease. I couldn't help but take in the moment. She started whispering.
"SUNSHINE mi única luz del sol, Me haces feliz cuando el cielo está gris.." She stopped talking, but I recognized the song.
It was You Are My Sunshine, in Spanish. I remember when she first moved here, she would sing it all the time. That was just the beginning of middle school though. And it felt way to long ago from now.
She had started snoring now, a sound I was use to hearing therefore it wasn't as annoying.
"Nell?" She said, suddenly blinking awake. I was startled but I answered.
"Hmm?" I asked.
"Are you going to stay?" She asked, and for a minute I saw panic. Her beautiful brown eyes filled with panic and worry.
I nodded, "I'll stay. For as long as you need me to."
"What if I don't want you to go?" Luna whispered. Her lips parted in sad awe.
"Then I won't leave." I ended the conversation.
And her eyes fluttered closed with the warmth of my words.
She was just so beautiful.

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