Baby Shower Pt. 2

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My mother made me play games, socialize, and eat. For the remainder of the party, I listened to advice on babies, read baby cards out loud, pretending some of them weren't annoying. The games were long and fun at first, until people got too tipsy off the wine in the baby bottles that were served. Then things started getting obnoxious. Onna couldn't stay long, so I made her take her mother a plate, seeing as though Tina couldn't make it. Nell disappeared after the first long and "fun" game. I think that's when things got really boring for me. The gifts in the corner were stocked to the ceiling, and beginning to crowd the room. My feet and back hurt from standing and talking to people. My head hurt from the amount of noise, then to top it all, I was Just altogether tired.
When people decided it was time to go, I was so relieved I almost cried. After people started leaving the party kind of ended quickly. My mother made me help her put up a couple dishes of food, before releasing me to my room.
When I could go to my room I wanted to run, but my ankles were in pain, so I walked.
I got upstairs and saw Nell sitting on my bed. Her eyes wandered to me, over me.
She walked over to me grabbing my hand, as soon as she was close.
"You look like you need to take a long bath." She intwined our fingers, I looked up at her.
"That's because I do." I told her quietly.
Nell smiled, "So it's a good thing I made one for you right?" I nodded at her . Nell pulled me into my bathroom, the lighting controlled.
"Can I?" Nell gestured to my clothes. I nodded.
I let her take off my jacket, then my pants. She stripped off my shirt, then unhooked my bra, she kneeled in front of me and gently took off my panties. I felt chill bumps everywhere. I had never been exposed in front of her. Nell took my hand in hers, "Get in." She nodded to the tub.
She kneeled next to me, then pulled the hair tie I had out of my hair. It didn't hurt though. Nell ran her fingers through my hair, lingering at my roots. Massaging my scalp.
She took a sponge and some type of sleep soap, out of the bag she had in her hands. Nell ran the wet sponge over my chest, across my back. Then she made her way down, to my stomach, thighs, my private area. I sighed. She massaged my feet after she washed me all over. To top it all she washed my hair slowly and gently. Not once did I feel uncomfortable, all I could feel was me being safe. She made me stand and her out, even though I whined a little, she dried me off and then wrapped me with the towel. After walking me to bed, she slid the towel off me and a silk nightgown on me.
"Lay down." Nell said very softly. She set up my pillow where it actually made me comfortable. I laid facing toward her.
She took off her outside clothes and laid down. I stared at her, she stared back, it wasn't as awkward as it sounded.
"You are so very beautiful." Nell told me. I smiled, my cheeks turning a weird shade of red.
She lifted my head and hit a button and from then I felt something massage my head and neck. She grabbed my hand and held it. She used her other hand to gently rub my scalp. I fell asleep slowly. My body felt so at peace I felt like I was breathing heaven in and out of me.
"Goodnight Luna," Nell whispered. My heart leaped and sighed.
I felt her kiss my lips.
"I love you." I whispered. I didn't mean to say it a loud but my heart had allowed that.
"I love you." She replied. She kissed my hand and I peeked at her. I smiled a little, basically trying to fight sleeping. I was drifting off so slowly.
"Goodnight Nell." I whispered and my body drifter to sleep.

That Saturday I woke up in the air. Literally. Nell was sleep and I was panicking.
"Nell?" I cried.
"Hmm?" She said, her eyes still closed.
"NELL!" I yelled. Her eyes popped open and she darted up.
"What. The. Hell." Nell gasped and tried to get me down but when she touched me my body burned her.
"I don't know how to get down." I panicked, I lifted my hands and whatever was near or under me lifted also.
"I'm going to get your mom." She began to walk towards the door.
"No! Don't leave me! Please. I'm scared." I was crying hysterically. She grabbed my phone and dialed my mothers number.
"What is it, Luna?" She yawned through the phone.
"I think you need to come here!" Nell stared at me.
My mama huffed. I was sobbing by now, I was so terrified.
When my mother came in, all she did was frown.
"Well if you look at that," my mother shook her head. "Your grandmother is going to be so happy."

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