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"Try to time it Luna." My mom said. She held my hand while Nell went and got her phone from downstairs.
"HOW AM I GOING TO TIME THEM WHEN THE PAIN IS HORRID?!?!"  I cried out. I tried hard to keep a respectful mouth but, it was HARD.
"Come on." My dad picked me up and carried me out. The next contraction hit.
"6 minutes." Nell stated, over all the noise.
"FOR FUCKS SAKE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled. I was crying . The pain was terrible.
"Calm down Luna." My mom tried to soothe. "Where's grandma?" She asked.
"Fucking some man from the ball." I told her.
"KILL ME PLEASE. RIGHT NOW, JUST KILL ME!!" I digging my nails into the seats of the car as we sped to the hospital.
Contraction 2.
"I'm never having another kid. I don't want another one ever again . I want some one to kill me RIGHT NOW!" Nell said her hand into mine and I looked over at her.
The ground began to shake roughly. Contraction 3 hit.
I screamed and the car we were next to scurried into another car. It was an accident.
The traffic barrier crumbled down, scattering across the freeway. We got off.
Contraction 4 caused thunderstorms.
"FUCKKKK!" I screamed. Tears ran down my face. I threw my head back to call myself. Thunder struck. Once, twice, three times.
"Luna your eyes.." Nell pulled away.
"FUCK OFF CHANEL!!" It was raining hard now.
I closed my eyes. And hummed. In my chest I felt like a part was opened. Revealed.
Cars were moving to the side and parking. I continued to hum as the next contraction hit.
"3 minutes apart now." My mom said now. I could see the hospital now, as I opened my eyes it seemed like it sped up to me rather than the other way around.

They pulled into the emergency entrance space. Nell picked me up and put me in a wheel chair. I kept humming.
Doctors were waiting for me. They took me to an exam room checking my cervix.
"6 centimeters!" A nurse yelled. They pulled me into a different room changing me out of my clothes quickly. "Get ready to push hun."
"I'm not READY!" I cried. The walls shook. I calmed myself.
"Just push baby." Nell held my hands squeezed as the pushed my knees up to my stomach.
"THIS FUCKING HURTS YOU BITCH!!" I let go of Nell's hand and punched at the guardrails.
"Now. Push Luna."
My mom said. I shook my head relentlessly. "I'm not ready. I can't do this."
"FUCKING PUSH LUNA!" Nell yelled at me. I was taken back, but proceeded to push.
"NOOOO NOOO NOOO. I can't do it Nell. It hurts. I can't do this." I kept shaking my head in a dizzying motion.
"Yes you can, L. Push. Go ahead."
I grunted, trying to force the little demon out.
"Get OUT of me you little shit!" I huffed.
"I see the head," the nurse told me.
I forced myself to push a little more.
"A little more." The nurse said.
Now when she said this I thought, I'm almost done. It's almost over. I pushed with all my might then.
"The heads out, now for the shoulders."
The lady said.
"BITCH WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'the shoulders'? I thought the dickhead was out of me." I cried angrily.
"You have the shoulders left and then we can just pull him out from there. " she said.
"NOO HELL FUCK NO. Put him back. Put it back. It's just gonna have to stay there. " I shook my head and hands in a frenzy.
"We can't do that ma'am. We need you to push." My mom was laughing.
"It's not funny." I was sobbing.
"Push LUNA." I growled and pushed long and hard. For what felt like forever to get his shoulders out.
"SHOULDERS ARE OUT." The lady yelled in happy relief. I felt them pull him out. I cried. I cried so hard.
The nurses took him to clean him off before handing him too me.
His beautiful hazel eyes were filled with tears, he whined angrily. His face was slightly chubby and his short little body fit in my arms too perfectly.
"You're so perfect." I whispered. He yawned and pressed his lips together in a firm line. He had little dimples. His little hospital baby hat was loose on him.
Nell watched at my bedside, before getting up. "He looks like you." She stated. That sparked a smile and I wiped my face with my one free hand. He just stared up at me.
"He just has my eyes." I chuckled.i tugged at his hat so it would cover his ears. It fell a little over his eyes.
"Hi there, Safire." I whispered. I planted my finger in his tiny hand. He moved his head to look at Nell.
"Let me hold him." She asked. I frowned, my heart dropped a little.
"Relax, I'm holding him, not taking him to the fire station." I shrugged.
I handed Safire to Nell and she sat down immediately with him. He was being fussy with her.
I began humming and he stopped. Nell looked over at me. I smiled softly. My body felt so tired and worn out.
"Goodnight Luna. " Nell whispered and I drifted off.

"Excuse me." A nurse woke me up. I sat up quickly.
"You have to sign the paper work. For his birth certificate." Safire was sleep in the little bed. I reached out for the paper and began filling it out.
Nell came back with water and breakfast foods. After all, I'd slept the entire night with Safire.
"Morning sunshine." She put the food on the other table on my left side and sat in the chair. "Sleep well?" Nell asked.
I chuckled, "Really really well." I finished the paper work and handed it back to the waiting nurse.
"I'll be coming back with the printed copy." She threw a fake smile at me.
I nodded and rolled my eyes.
I pulled Safire closer to me. He was snoring softly. I wrinkled my nose up.
"Can I take a picture?" She asked. I shook my head.
"Eewww no. I look like I got ran over by a bus." I stared at Safire.
Nell laughed, "You're exaggerated as hell. You don't look anything like that."
"Fine. One picture."I sighed.
"Cheeseee." She laughed , I smiled faintly.
When the flash went off, I pulled Safire's bassinet close to me before removing him.
He jolted. And cried out. I held my hand out to Nell. She handed me his blanket.
"Are you cold? What's wrong baby? Did mommy wake you up too soon?" I massaged his little foot with his baby footie on.
He pressed his head against my boob. My hospital gown began to feel damp . At first I thought I was sweating, like heavily, but it wasn't under my boob that felt damp.
I looked down my gown and saw the drips coming from my nipples.
"Ohh, it's time to breastfeed." I undid the buttons on my right arm before shuffling Safire over to my right side to breast feed.
Okay, I thought.
He started to eat slowly, and then progressed more and more. My god, it hurt.
The nurse came back in and placed the printed copies on the table stand.
"You are a natural. Most of the time I have to come show the new moms what to do." She laughed. I sighed.
"When do we get to go home? I wanna wash up with my body wash." Safire's head fell back as he fell back to sleep.
"Probably tomorrow afternoon, there are still tests that have not been run on Safire and we just want him to be okay." She nodded at me.
"Okay then. Thank you." I told her. She left the room soon after.
"Luna?" Nell sat on the side of the bed.
"Yes?" I tilted my head.
She grabbed my hand in hers, and her eyes met mine.
My heart started to skip.
"I want to be here for you, and Safire. All the way through. I want you. I've wanted you for so long."
I opened my hand and a little black box sat in it.
"Its just a promise ring. I won't be the same as I was before. I won't drink, or party as much as I used to. I'm not even into it anymore. I just want you and Safire with me."
I felt like a log was lodged in my throat. I knew if I talked my voice would break. So I opened the box and placed one of the rings on my finger. Nell took the other out and put it on hers.
"Temporary. Cause I'm going to marry you." I laughed, and the tears I was holding back, fell.
She grabbed my face gently in her hands and her thumbs wiped away the tears.
"I'm going to marry you, Luna." She stated. I kissed her. Nothing lustful at all.
I just wanted her lips on mine.

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