Granny Powers

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My mother had been irritable for a
while. When she called my grandmother, she had to endure a two hour rant about how she had been right and my mother was wrong for moving out of state on her. Meanwhile I lowered myself finally. I was trying out my "powers" and seeing what I was capable of. So far I could lift things with my hands and that's it.
"Luna what the hell are you doing??" Nell frowned at me as I moved her shoes across the room. I laughed, and my bed shook. I stopped instantly.
"Hmm.." I wondered something.
I screamed suddenly, and just as I thought, the house shook abruptly.
"LUNA STOP RIGHT NOW OR IM COMING UP THERE!" My mother yelled up. I laughed.
Nell set next to me and chuckled too.
"Let me see your hand." I held my hand out to Nell.
"No way. Not a chance in hell." She frowned, backing away.
"No look.." I grabbed her hand before she moved away completely.
I shut my eyes and a whole world flashed before our eyes.
There was a light coming from a tall window with a canopy bed in the middle. A girl lay asleep, in the middle of her bed, with items revolving around her. When she turned, the items fell gently, and the lights flashed once. She woke up.
She stepped from the bed, slipping on sandals, her outfit came to her.
Then as sound as everything was, the silence was ambushed with the opening of her door. People with rope mobbed toward her and her eyes changed to a angry shade of ginger. Her hands closed into fists, I saw as the mob tried grasping for air, crawling to the girl. Then they went up.
I let go of Nell's hand, it was hot and my mind was spinning.
I glanced at Nell who was standing near me. I frowned. My fist lifted and I opened my hand. I saw her exhale.
I was upset. The baby had started kicking and that calmed me.
Nell grabbed my hand again and threaded our hands together tightly.
"It's okay, he's okay. You're okay." She told me. I leaned against her forehead.
"I'm scared." I frowned, the bed trembled a bit.
"It'll be okay." Nell spoke.
"Your grandmother is coming." My mother yelled up my stairs.
"Okay." I grumbled.
"You're grandmother doesn't like me." Nell stated. I scrunched up my face in fake confusion.
"What? Of course she likes you." I was lying through my teeth.
When we were 15, precisely 2 years ago, my grandmother came to visit. Me and Nell were like best friends, but my grandmother hated her, because that was also the year Nell came out as gay.

"You hang with her?" She asked me. I shrugged as we sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast.
My grandmother had a knack for making my mother do things she normally hated doing, i.e, sitting at the table. With her.
She turned to my mom, "You allow her to hang with that girl." Nell was sitting on my porch with her basketball, like always. I heard her walk up.
I got up from the table quickly, making sure my grandmother didn't grab me.
She yelled after me though.
"Hey." I greeted Nell.
"Luna, get away from that girl. You won't play with her while I'm around." I froze in the doorway. Nell stared at me confused.
"Is she talking about me?" Nell asked, after placing her basketball between her feet.
"That's my Amma. She's a homophobe." At this, Nell rolled her eyes and I continued my way outside.
The entire day, my grandmother called me inside to do things she could've done herself.
Every time I went back outside to play, about 5 minutes later she'd call me back with a new predicament, annoying me.

"She hates me." Nell said again. Laying across my bed now.
I kick her side, "Maybe she does but, I love you." I blurted.
She tilted her head toward me, "of course you do." She smirked.
I rolled my eyeballs, "Yeah I love you enough to not smack you when I wake up everyday."
"Sureeeee." She laughed, wriggling her eyebrows.
"Ugh, please die." I frowned, mockingly.
Nell gasped, "Of course I can't die, who else would want to sleep next to you while you snore like a hog."
I laughed, "You are a hog."
Nell pushed me.
"You'd better stop before I call my mom and tell her you hit me." I raised my eyebrows, facetious.
"Mama!" Nell yelled. I gasped, laughing."Luna hitting me again. I'm getting mad, 'cause I just wanna take a nap." I laughed hard, Nell grinned.
"LUNA MARIE MARTINEZ! LEAVE CHANEL ALONE!!" In her voice, you could tell she was already upset.
I glared at Nell, then flipped her off, "Suck a penis, Nell, suck a penis."

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