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After I came home from the doctors office, I ate food. I walked upstairs, carrying my second plate and went to lay on my bed. Nell came up behind me with her food and turned on my laptop to watch Netflix.
"What are we watching?" She said, not looking at me as she spoke. I was stuffing my mouth when she said it so I tried to chew faster.
"Pampire diareees,"I tried to say over chewed food. I meant Vampire Diaries. She scrunched up her face in disgust but began playing the show.
As always, I was sleep within minutes. The food making me drowsy and the baby having already been sleep, I could tell It was nap time.
But I start craving a sliced dill pickle, with kool-aid. I dreamed about it, and I was starting to get agitated in my sleep.
I tried to put it off, ignore it but I wouldn't go away.
I started crying out my sleep. Nell rubbed my head, trying to soothe me. And I was okay for a moment, until I started wanting it really badly.
"Nelllll!?" I whined, she continued rubbing my head but she was still watching Vampire diaries.
"Yes?" Nell answered.
"Can you get me a pickle with some tropical punch kool aid?" I whispered. "Two pickles, actually, bring me a jar. With kool-aid." She looked confused momentarily, before getting up and going to the store.

5 minutes later ...

I started pacing, she was taking too long and I really wanted that pickle. I started to pace harder and faster, but then I sat down because my ankles were hurting again. I started sobbing. I heard my door open and Nell walked over with a bag and a concerned look.
"Hey! Hey, what's wrong? I got what you wanted. She pulled out my jar of pickles and my kool-aid. I wiped the tears from my face and scooted back to my pillows. Nell opened the jar and gave me a packet of kool-aid. "Hm." She said as she handed the jar and kool-aid to me.
I smiled, happy, my emotional outburst over. I sat and ate half the jar of pickles and watching the show. I don't know when I drifted off to sleep.

"Wake up, Luna." I heard Nell say. I saw light when I opened my eyes, meaning it was morning time.
I huffed and shuffled to my bathroom running bath water. I took my morning pee, my prenatal pill and waited for my bath to fill up.
When it got halfway full, I stripped and eased in the hot water, letting the tips of my hair dip them selves in the water.
I cut the water off and leaned back. After a few minutes I began scrubbing myself with dove body wash. Then I dipped myself back in the water going under momentarily. I held my stomach, and came back up. I wiped the water out my eyes and got out.
I wrapped a long black towel around my body and a short blue towel around my hair.
Walking toward my dresser, I began thinking how I'd rather stay home and sleep, so that'd be my wardrobe today. Sweatpants and an over worn t shirt.
I dried my hair and then my body, then I sloppily applied clothes to myself.
I put on my socks and shoes, and waited for Nell to call me downstairs.
My ringtone went off and I grabbed my bookbag, my charger, my earphones and my phone and headed out to the car.
My hair was in a messy top bun. I got in the car, put All my cords, except earphones, inside the front of my book bag and zipped it back up.
"Goodmorning." Nell said as we pulled off. The ride was silent, mostly because I was tired and my body didn't agree with being woken up.
I spoke up, "Stop by a gas station. I need a red Bull or something."


Now I was unaware that getting an energy drink, was the worst mistake that I could have made that day. I grabbed a Monster energy drink and paid. I opened it when I left out. I drank as I walked and got in the car and we continued on our way.


At first, my stomach hurt, but just a little. Then this wave a nausea caught up with me and I felt soo sick. I opened the car door and started throwing up. The car was still moving.
"Yo, what the fuck!? Are you trying to kill yourself ?" I shut the door and turned to a very upset Nell.
"Well I should've vomited on your carpet floor. God knows how it needs to be cleaned anyway." I said snarkily. I crossed my arms.
Nell sighed heavily, I'm assuming to calm herself, "don't do that again." Was all she said and we pulled into the school lot.
I looked over at her, and she was leaning against the steering wheel with her head down . (Don't worry, we were parked by now.) I felt bad.
"Sorry." I said.
"It's okay." She replied and got out to help me.
She carried my bag and I got my phone.
Now I wanted a steak and cheese sandwich.
I made myself wait until lunch. Then I made Nell get my food.
"You're spoiled." She told me when she came back with my subway. I smiled hard.
She smirked back and held my food toward me, "Here you go." I tried to grab it and she snatched it back.
"Soo," Nell teased, "I've got a question."
"Could you ask it with my food in my hand?" I reached for it, and she pulled back.
"Do you like me?" Nell asked.
I tilted my head and squinted, "Noo, I don't." And I reached for my food, she pulled back again.
This time she out it in her lap. A devious smile came across your face, "Come get it."
My cheeks felt like they were on fire. I took a breath, got up and sat in the chair next to her.
I ran my finger up her leg and looked her in the eye, "I. Don't. Like. You." I said and snatched my food and walked back to my side.
Nell narrowed her eyes at me, "two can play that." She left me at the table and went to her actual class.
"Whatever." I said and ate my sub.

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