3 Months

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**Luna's POV**

" I feel a bit lightheaded, Mrs. Leone. May I go to the nurse's office?" I asked.
"You can wait , Luna. As I've told other students who asked to leave the room also." She replied irritably.
"But I'm pregnant and I am lightheaded, I think that's a little better than just an excuse to get out the classroom, don't you think?" I snapped back.
"Fine." She huffed, signing a slip. She passed it to me. "Please hurry." She said.
I walked down to the nurses office and asked for a headache pill.
"You're pregnant, aren't you?" Mrs. Pincinotti said from her desk. I nodded, irritated.
"You aren't allowed to take aspirin." She said. She was tearing through a JCPenny magazine, like she'd seen it already.
"Fine, can I call home?"I growled. She looked across from me shortly before nodding.
I used my phone instead.
"Mama?" I asked as soon as I heard the line pick up.
"Yes Luna?" She sounded occupied.
"Is it a bad time?" Suddenly gloomy, irritated.
"No, no. What's up babe?" She said.
"I have a real bad headache and I feel nauseous."I huffed.
"Okay, I'll come pick you up soon. Tell Nell you're leaving early." My mama hung up.
I text Nell that I was leaving, I didn't get a reply.
I left it alone.

I got home, and I found her sitting on my bed, her head hung in her hands.
"What happened?" I sat next to her, unable to comfort her, because of my own mood.
"Would you love me if I never left?" She blurted. I was surprised, but I just frowned.
"I wouldn't not love you if you did. If you had to go, that's what would happen." I took off the book bag and placed it on the floor.
"But what if I left because I loved you." Nell looked at me. And my eyebrows furrowed.
"I think I'd be able to understand why you couldn't stay." I growled, suddenly agitated. "I'm having a baby. Why would you want to stay?" I rolled my eyes.
"That's not what I'm talking about.." She trailed off, shaking her head.
"Right, because I've been raped. I'm damaged goods. What's here that you'd want."
I got up and went around the bed. "I'm tired Nell. I'm going to take a nap."
I felt myself cry, just enough to make me sleep easier.
I fell asleep.
I woke up, with a huge wave of nausea. "Noo not today." I whined and I quickly grabbed the small trash can beside my bed to vomit in it.
I felt my hair being pulled from my face, I began to cry.
No reason for it, I just began to sob. My body shook while I cried, and occasionally vomited. I felt myself sleep again, until I was shook back awake.
"You need to eat." Nell stated. She had food in her lap.
She pulled me up in a sitting position, careful not to press into my stomach.
"Hmm, eat." She said, handing me food.
I ate slowly, trying to determine if I was really hungry. I was.
"You keep waking up and going back to sleep. I think you have a fever." Nell touched my forehead, then shook her head.
"Where's my mother?" I sighed.
I stretched back out, and relaxed in my bed.
"She's making your doctors appointment. You have one tomorrow, I believe."
"Leave me alone." I replied irritably.
"No, take another nap." She replied. I frowned.

I decided to go to sleep, even though my stubborn side wanted me to argue and disagree, I fell into a slumber.

I was in a hospital. My body was sore, draped in sweat and blood. My face felt tired, and my head hurt from what seemed like crying. I heard a distant cry. It became closer and closer, a baby's cry. I looked down, and in my arms was a baby. All wrapped up, crying. I tried opening the baby's blanket, it wouldn't budge as I tugged it from its face, panicking now. I heard footsteps toward me. I looked up and I saw him. The one who had caused me pain. He tried to reach for the baby. My baby. The next minute all I felt was rage. I looked at him, and told him he wouldn't touch her. Except, it came out in a different language. Something foreign. I think latin. He started screaming in agony, yelling in pain. He gripped his hair in both hands, tearing at his self, as I stared. I felt myself calming. I looked back at my baby. Now I could see her. Her chubby face, with held dark blue starry eyes. Her skin a ravishing shade of chocolate. Her silky brown curls fit her perfect round face. Her face scrunched up and her lip poked out and I saw her pout. And she started crying.

I woke up sad. I felt like my heart had broken. I sat up and looked at my somewhat swollen stomach.
Then I looked up.
My mother, father, and Nell stared at me. Their mouths open.
My mother spoke first, "Is there a reason you know how to chant latin?"
I stared confused, "I don't, what are you talking about?"
Nell stepped in. "You were chanting latin and you set your bed on fire." She lifted the end of my bed, causing me to tilt.
"Your grandma knows about this stuff," my mother scrambled off, leaving my dad and Nell.

"Are you okay?" Nell edged toward me and sat near my feet.
I nodded, still confused.
She looked into my eyes, "No really, are you okay?" I fell into a trance, and answered honestly.
"I really don't know. I feel weird. Kind of different."
Nell laid next to me. "Hmmm." She said, I looked over at her. "You feel kind of different too. Magical." I laughed at her and she joined my laughter.

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