Giving "ME"Away

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Today I was 7 months. I felt oddly different. Less nauseated, happier, and a bit on the bothered side, if you get what I'm saying. Nell bought herself an air mattress. She put the bed on my side just in case. Also today, my grandmother arrived. She almost knocked down the door, how hard she was knocking. Nell went and opened it, immediately speeding back up the stairs.
"Where is she?" I heard my Amma's obnoxious voice traveling through the walls. My mother was awake now and I heard them coming up my stairs, coming to torture me.
"Luna, baby, get up. I wanna see how big that baby has made you." Amma sat on her suitcase she had rolled up my stairs. I sat up, my feet dangling, a few inches from the floor.
My Amma pulled me up, "You so small, girl. You been feeding my grand baby and my great grand baby?" My grandmother turned to my mom. "She's too tiny Rosalina, you better be feeding my grand babies."
I almost rolled my eyes.
"Yes Amma, she feeds me. I eat everything." I smiled, a fake smile.
"Not enough then. You look malnourished." Once again, my grandmother insulted, "that baby is gonna be the size of a newborn puppy." I pushed my lips together in a firm line.
"Oh okay." I put my legs back in bed and laid in comfortably on my left side.
"Well I'm gonna let you —" she looked behind me. "Why is that girl in here, sleep?" My grandmother asked. I almost forgot she was an elder, or that I can be respectful.
"She takes care of me. Takes me to my therapy, school, and doctor appointments. She's trustworthy that's why she's here." I informed my Amma.
"You like pussy too?" That question threw me. I was so shocked, my mouth dropped open.
"What?" I didn't even know how to answer this. I was starting to like Nell, not that she'd ever know.
"Well I'll just leave you two to sleep." She stared for a minute, before getting up with her bag and dragging it down stairs.
I couldn't roll my eyes enough. "Nell?" I called to her.
"Hmm?" She replied back.
"Are you comfortable?" I asked.
Nell set up, leaving on the side of my bed, "Yes. Are you and the baby comfortable?"
"Pssshtt! Me? I'm never comfortable but him," I pointed toward my stomach, "He's probably snug as a bug."
Nell laughed, "Well okay." She went back to sleep.
I sat up. A strong sense of wanting to clean came over me.
I got up, put on my long socks and started picking up clothes. I straightened the bathroom, my dresser, and my sheets on my bed.
Soon my room wasn't enough, I began cleaning the landing at the top of the stairs, then working my way down the stairs.
I was happy for the little bit of magic I had, because my back would've been killing me from all the things I had to get off the floor.
By 11 am, the house was spotless, I even managed to clean under the couch with my grandmother on it. She didn't wake up when I lifted it.
I tied my hair up and washed the rest of the dishes in the sink. Before I knew it I was starting to wash off the mud from my dads shoes. Even from my own.
Then I got drastically tired, I went back Upstairs and laid on my bed and passed out.
What felt like 2 hours later, I was awoken by the feeling of my stomach flipping.
Whatever this little boy was doing in me, I felt so disturbed by it. I felt like he was doing somersaults on the butterflies that felt like they were erupting inside me.
"Stop! Freaking Christ !" I put my hands on either side of my stomach. To soothe him, I massaged where I thought his head was and worked my way around to where his feet might've been.
"I want to sleep. And watch a movie. Clearly it's impossible to do both." I mumbled to myself. Nell came in from her shift.
"What you doing?" She asked, taking off her vest and boots. I climbed off the side of the bed, following after Nell.
Nell turned and faced me. "Yes, Luna?"
"I wanna go out." I told her, sort of frowning.
"You can't." She proceeded, laying down and grabbing her completely off the edge of my dresser.
I caught an instantaneous attitude, "I can. I want to."
She looked up at me, "Lay down, you're not going anywhere."
"I'm hungry and I wanna go out." I could tell I was making her angry. She stared up at me for a few seconds before giving in. "Come on."

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