First Time

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My mother was assigned to do my eyeliner and mascara, after doing my hair into a messy bun. I wasn't allowed to put on the dress until I was done.
My mother was putting on my mascara.
"So how are you and Nell?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked, my mother stopped and stared at me knowingly.
"You two are something. You follow each other around like magnetic stickers." She rolled her eyes.
"Um we're okay I guess." I went silent, nervous.
"Are you guys... dating?" She asked.
"I don't know really. I think we are just attracted together, that's all."
I wasn't  sure where to go with this. I didn't know what Nell wanted or even what I wanted.
She finished the little bit of make up she applied and sent me to the downstairs bathroom where my dress hung.
I stared at myself, for a second before slipping the gown on me.
It felt so nice on me, like elegant suiting.
I pressed my hand to my stomach," No funny business, Safir. Mommy's orders." I circled my finger in a circular motion above me, I learned that I protected myself from harm or dirt if I did this.
"Are you ready?" My grandmother asked. I sighed, anxious now.
Slowly, I pulled the bathroom door open, Nell and my grandmother stood in front of the door like guards.
"Stunning, I know." I chuckled nervously. The little pearls in my ear dangled a little as I moved my head.
"I'll be in the car, hurry up." My grandma rushed.
Nell stepped forward, "oh the things.." I watched as her eyes lowered to my lips. My breath caught.
"I don't want to wait." I blurted in a whisper.
"Wait? You don't wanna wait for what?" She closed the space. I looked up at her. Inhaling her breath and she exhaled mine.
"Sex. I don't wanna wait for sex." I whispered.
"Tonight?" Nell asked. I nodded, smiling nervously.
"Are you sure? " she asked. I nodded, and grabbed her hand.
"I'm very positive." I intwined our fingers together. She pressed her lips to mine, in a eager matter.
"Okay." She said before leading me out to the car.

The mansion we were invited to was humongous. We looked terrible compared to the people walking inside with their families.
"We're dressed alright?" I asked. For a second, I felt as big as a house.
"Yes, my darling. The mayor knows we are poor people." She chuckled.
Nell pulled up behind our car and got out.
She was dressed in an all black suit, her hair was wet and curly. I was witnessing her in all her fine glory.
"Stop drooling." Nell laughed. I rolled my eyes.
"Asshole, I'm not. You look...decent." I shrugged.
"You look edible." Nell whispered, when she leaned down toward me.
"You can't eat me." I frowned.
"Or can I ?" She ran her hand down my arm and then moved her hand to my hip.
"Stop dick head." I laughed.

Majority of the night, Nell kept her distance. The mayor talked to me, he was actually funny. He apologized for the way I was impregnated but I told him it wasn't necessary for him to. He offered me a assistant job after the baby was born. Of course I accepted.
The mayors wife, who was also pregnant, sat with me when my ankles got swollen and she made me laugh at her attempts to take off her own shoes. She was due any day.
My grandma flirted with some man in the corner, the man was interested and I could tell by the way his hand felt around every few minutes. It was disturbing to watch.
"Tired?" Nell asked. She walked up to my table and took a seat next the Mrs.Lindane and I. She was sleep.
"Just a little. I'm ready to go home." I looked over at her.
"You sure?" She asked. We weren't talking about going home anymore.
"Positive as my pregnancy tests." Nell laughed softly.
"Okay." I stood and walked around to my grandma.
"Granny?" I tapped her. Her head spun toward me.
"Hm child?" She stared blankly.
"Nell is taking me home, I'm tired." I yawned to add affect.
"Okay sweet pea. I'll be home a little later." She turned back towards the man whose arms she was in.
I folded my arms and walked away.
Nell walked up behind me and placed her hand on my lower back. Chills ran down my body instantly.
She opened my car door, and I got in.
I leaned over to unlock her door and she got in quickly.
"What do you want to listen to?" Nell asked. I could tell she was trying to be sweet, I loved it.
"It doesn't matter." I shrugged.
She left the radio alone and I placed my knees up to my chin.
The ride home was just small chit chat.
It was also short.
I didn't panic at all though. I was calm and a bit excited.
Nell pulled out her keys and unlocked the door, she held it open for me to come through before walking in after me, the house was dark but I didn't turn on the lights.
I walked up my stairs slowly and at first I saw a faint light.
Then the light grew only a little.
Around my room were Christmas lights hung up, and candles. I stood, and stared at the lights surrounding me.
"It's so beautiful." I sighed.
"You like it, then?" Nell asked from behind me.
"I love it." I turned toward her. Moving closer I placed my hands on either side of her face and kissed her. I could tell she was surprised.
Her hands hovered mere inches from my waist. I pressed them to my hips and allowed her to pull me closer.
Her hands slipped down to back of my thighs. I felt myself get lifted off the floor.
"Are you sure?" she asked again. Nell was near the bed. I nodded quickly before pressing my lips back to hers.
I felt her put me down. Her hands slipped up my back to unzip the dress I wore.
She tugged it off softly, also taking my hair out of its ponytail. I looked up to her and our eyes met.
"Chanel?" I whispered. She sighed.
"Yes?" Her breath was shaky
"You can do it now." I laid on the bed and slowly stripped off the panties. She pushed me by my thighs, up the bed. Nell hovered above me momentarily, staring.
Then her lips met mine, and she started a slow kiss. She then pulled away, leaving a tingling sensation down my neck.
My breath quickened.
She moved between my breasts, kissing between them then moving to each boob to slowly nibble on them.
Chills ran down my spine.
Nell continued down my body. Her lips making it in between my legs, kissing my pussy. I felt her tongue slowly lick me, and moaned, only softened. She quickened and I got louder.
I felt her slip her fingers in me and I started pulling away instantly. Nell pulled me back and I started moaning again, louder now. She was shushing me now, and I felt her pull away. I looked toward my legs and saw her stripping off her pants.
I could tell she was already prepared. The dick was a show and tell itself.
"Umm..." I lifted a little.
" I'm not gonna stick the whole thing in Luna." She went down once more, eating slower, before she came up and rubbed it against my hole. I gasped.
"Not in yet, calm down." She sighed. I exhaled hard, more to breath, less to calm my nerves.
"Okay." I said.
"Okay?" She asked. And I felt her enter me.
I reached for the pillow, any pillow, to scream.
"Luna, are you sure about this?" Nell pulled back out slowly.
"Very sure. Just do it." I panted, my breathing was hitched.
She pushed back in, I held the pillow over my face. Instinctively, I forced my thighs back together. That resulted in Nell having to pry and keep them open, while stroking.
It felt like heaven. Like an rich crack addict going into a crack house. That type of heaven.
She twisted our fingers together. While she stroked, I squeezed her hand.
I cursed, whined, moaned, screamed, and everything. My body shook relentlessly, when she sped up. I called her name, she leaned over me. Pressing her lips to Mine and shoved inside me.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I yelled. Nell kissed me again, while I dug my nails into her back.
I heard the door downstairs open.
"LUNA! CHA—Nell?!" I heard my mom call.
"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath. Nell pulled out and quickly dressed. Me, on the other hand, was stuck. I couldn't move my legs AT ALL.
"Can't move." I cried. Nell pushed me towards the headboard and pushed the cover over me. Then she climbed into her blow up bed.
I heard footsteps on the stairs and My mom peeked in.
"Luna?" She whispered.
"Hmm?" I huffed. My heart was still racing.
And then all of a sudden a horrible pain hit.
I screamed so loud.
"What is it Luna?" My mama cut on the light and sat on the bed.
I felt myself get really wet.
I moved the cover and sheet off of me. It was blood and pain.
The next contraction hit.

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