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Deadly Pursuits

"Get us out of here, Throttle. Make it fast," Reyne ordered.

"Good idea," she said numbly.

"The CUF will be all over Sol Base soon, if they're not there already," he added. "And I guarantee any runners in the area will be docked and checked."

"Where do we go?" she asked.

"The Coast will be the safest place," Demes offered.

"He's right. Set a course for Nova Colony," Reyne said.

"Oh, shit," she said. "Too late. We've been flagged by a CUF ship."

"On the speakers," he commanded.

"Fringe hauler Playa-Seven-Five-Five-One-Bravo, this is the Collective Unified Forces frigate Nautilus. You are hereby ordered to dock at port Five. You have five minutes to comply. If you show any signs of noncompliance, you will be fired upon. Respond within sixty seconds, and convey ship logs and crew list."

"What do we do now?" Throttle asked.

Reyne's lips thinned. "We do what runners do. We run."

Demes let out a whoop.

Throttle's eyes widened. "We can't outrun a frigate."

Reyne shook his head. "Chances are, the Nautilus has most of her docks full with runners right now. They can't make jump speed without first releasing or battening down any ships in their docks."

She frantically worked at her panel, while Reyne transmitted static back to the Nautilus. "There, that ought to have them scratching their heads for a minute or two." He then broadcast to the entire ship. "Strap in and hold on. Things are going to get downright bumpy."

Demes watched Reyne for a moment, and his lips curled up. "You might not make a bad pirate after all."

"I'm a torrent, not a pirate," the runner snapped back. "And figure out a way to jam that damn tracker."

"I'm closing the solar sails now," Throttle said. "And powering up the Flux."

Reyne pulled up the grids around Darios and found the location of the Nautilus. It was one of five frigates over Sol Base. Fortunately, nothing the size of a warship.

"The Nautilus is dispatching drones," Demes called out.

With no time to get Sixx on the bridge, Reyne had to turn to Demes. "Are you familiar with Class Five photon guns?"

Demes grinned. "Of course."

"You take forward guns, I'll take aft. Do not fire until I give the order. We can't fire unless we are out of all other options. The instant we show we have firepower, they'll send the whole damn fleet after us."

"Can I use the phase cannon?"

"Why does everyone want to use the damn cannon?" he muttered, before adding. "No, stick with the guns."

"Throttle, tell me you'll have us to jump speed before the drones get within range," Reyne said."

"Only a few more seconds. Powering up jump shields now."

"Only a few more seconds, and the drones will be in range," Demes said.

Reyne ignored the Nautilus' hails and watched the drones approach on the grid. "They're eight-fifty clicks out. Hurry, Throttle."

"Double-checking coordinates now."

"You're double-checking?" Demes asked. "There are drones flying over here to blast us with an EMP."

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