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Sticky Situations

"Chutt's tracker has gone offline," Reyne said as he walked into Seda's office at Rebus Station. "What's that mean?"

Seda looked up from his screen. "The tracker are set to go offline if the can't read vitals. It means Chutt's either dead, they cut the tracker out of him, or he hit his EMP."

"Could the signal be blocked?"

Seda shook his head. "These are interplanetary trackers we're talking about. With Chutt on Terra, there should be nothing capable of blocking his signal."

Reyne considered their options. "We have to initiate the plan."

Seda leaned back. "We can't go in after Critch until he's found the generators. If we go in for him too soon, we could blow our chance at freeing everyone. Besides, if the prison's scans catch you or any of your crew on the screens, Ausyar will know there are torrents on Terra. We have to play it safe."

"No," Reyne said with finality. He paused and took a seat. "Listen, their cover is likely already blown. If Chutt is offline, how much time do you think Critch has?"

"You have to give it time. Critch hasn't hit his tracker yet. Be patient."

"I am the patient one. If I were in there, Critch would've broken me out two days ago. I'm going in with or without your help."

"These things have to be planned carefully. You've seen the schematics for yourself. You can't just go in half-cocked. Listen, I've analyzed every escape from the Citadel. There have been six successful escapes and forty-seven near-successful escapes in the past twenty years."

"What constitutes a near-successful escape?" Reyne asked.

"A near-successful escape is when they make it outside the Citadel, only to be killed within the first three days. You know why so many are unsuccessful?"

Reyne waited for an answer.

"Because the CUF has more dromadiers patrolling Rebus Station than any other fringe station."

"I noticed that. I had a hell of a time getting to your office without being caught."

"You didn't need to come here. I could've met you at the Last Drop Café again."

"We don't have time for scheduling meetings. We have to get to the Citadel."

"You realize that even if you get Critch out of there, as soon as the alarms sound you'll have hundreds of dromadiers called in. Based on the past escape attempts, they'll arrive on site in as few as twelve minutes."

"Twelve minutes? I can work with that."

"I need a drink." Seda stood and walked over to the bar in the corner. Unlike Lincoln's office, this room was small and austere. No artwork hung on the walls, and no ornate tchotchkes decorated the simple wood desk or table. A handmade Terran rug covered the stone floor, adding the only color to the brown room.

"How long have you worked out of this office?" Reyne asked.

"Ever since I became stationmaster. Sixteen years, give or take a few months." Seda looked around before handing Reyne a glass. "I know it could use a decorator's touch, but it works fine for me."

"Hm." Reyne accepted the drink. "I can see why you and Vym are friends. You remind me of what she might have been like in her forties."

"There's no one like Vym Patel." Seda took his seat. "Once we free Critch, the Citadel will raise the threat level. When we return to take down the prison, any mistake will be costly."

"Then we'd better not make any mistakes."

Seda gave a small nod. "So when are we heading into the Citadel?"

"In one hour. My team is already in place."

He downed his whiskey in a single gulp. "Then we'd better get going."

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