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Three Captains

Throttle kept the Honorless within visual sight all the way back to Nova Colony's docks. Of course, Critch could've easily outrun them if he'd wanted—he had twice the power—but he hadn't, likely because Reyne still held the tablet and the only way to contact the CUF commandant.

After they docked, everyone except Sixx remained on board in case Baker brought trouble along. Sixx accompanied Reyne as protection against both the CUF officer and Critch's people, who seemed to populate the entire Colony.

"We'll hold the meeting in my office," Critch said, hardly giving them a glance.

"Nice guy," Sixx said drily to Reyne after the pirate and several of his crew walked ahead.

Reyne nodded, and they followed Critch into the Uneven Bar and out the back door, through the kitchen, down a wide hallway with crates stacked against both walls, and finally to another door.

Critch entered a long code on the wall panel. The lock clicked, and the door swung open. He strolled inside, followed by three of his crew—including the one who'd left Doc's bunk in a rush the morning they left Tulan Base—and lastly, Reyne and Sixx.

As soon as they entered, Sixx took up a position between Reyne and Critch's crew. If the crew tried anything, Reyne would almost feel sorry for what Sixx would do to them. Almost.

Reyne turned his attention to take in the simple room. The first time he'd been here, he'd had a hellish headache and hadn't expected to leave Nova Colony in one piece. Now, he could appreciate the setup. The room was large—spacious enough for the entire crew of the Honorless to sit at the stone table that took up half the space. The other half was open, with only a rilon desk. A single painting decorated the wall, and Reyne instantly recognized the black-rocked Terran landscape where Critch had been born.

The pirate took a seat in the luxurious leather chair and powered on the panel that covered much of the desk's surface. "I have a direct line to the docks," he said. "We'll know the moment this 'Baker' arrives. If you'd prefer to pass the time at the bar—"

"I'll stay here." Reyne took a seat across from Critch. "That way, you won't forget to notify me when our friend lands."

Critch's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't say anything. He hit a comm on the side of the desk. "Send in a meal for six."

"Right away, boss," came an immediate response.

Critch threw a quick glance around the room. "Make yourselves comfortable. We could be here for a while."

Reyne watched Critch ignore him for the ten minutes it took before several attractive waitresses delivered six trays. He followed them as they placed them on the large table. His mouth watered at his tray of mashed philoseed, cavote pudding, and... "Real meat? How'd you manage to get that out here on the Coast?"

Critch took a seat, grabbed a fork and knife, and began cutting into his steak. "We have a farm in Nova Colony. It raises both goats and chickens. It's been quite productive." Then he tacked on, "And highly profitable."

Reyne went for the meat first. "Critch, you crusty ole pirate, you may have a few surprises in you yet."

The six of them ate in silence, with only the sound of silverware on plates. Reyne didn't mind one bit. The last time he had meat was during the Uprising back on Terra. He and Critch had come across a farm that had been bombed by the CUF, and they'd rounded up the injured animals and feasted like kings that night.

Things had changed a lot since then. And yet, it seemed they were coming full circle.

Not long after they finished, the waitresses returned for the trays. Critch had returned to his desk and became intrigued by something on the screen. He tapped his comm. "Intercept whoever leaves that ship, and bring them to me. And keep a close eye on that ship. If it does anything even remotely suspicious, puncture its hull."

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