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Bad News Travels at Jump Speed

New Sol, Darios

"We lost Tulan Base," Seda said, his somber mood clear even through the comm screen.

Reyne felt the blood drain from his face. "All those people..."

"We got lucky. Nearly everyone was evacuated. They're on their way to Nova Colony as we speak." Seda gave Reyne a pained look. "Vym and Jed stayed at the launch controls to make sure everyone got out in time. I'm sorry. I know you were close."

"It's not the first time she died," Reyne said flippantly, before sobering. "At least she was with Jed when the time came."

There was a lengthy pause before Seda spoke. "Fortunately we were in the process of moving everything from there to Darios. Our material losses could've been a lot worse. As it is, we lost a printer and two warehouses full of munitions, not to mention three tons of food. But if we'd been one week later in moving the stocked Matador and two printers..."

"It's still a major loss," Reyne countered. "We're down to just one launchpad that the droms don't know about, and New Sol won't stay a secret for long. There's been so much activity, it's just a matter of time before the CUF's onto us."

"You just have to hold out until we can retake Sol Base."

Reyne blew out a breath. "Well, we've been wondering about when they'd switch gears from focusing on the fringe stations to hunting us down. Are you safe?"

"No one's safe, but I'm in the safest place I can be. Only a handful of people know this asteroid exists, and even fewer people know its location. You and Critch are at a greater risk of being found."

"I'm not that important. You're the one holding the fringe together."

Seda belted out a loud laugh. "I'm just playing the role of politician right now. I put on a strong face and tell a good story, but everyone knows the two torrent marshals are what's keeping us fighting."

Reyne smiled. "You area politician with the stories you weave." His features straightened. "I'm loading the Henry Fitzroy with food and several techs to help you out with the code we need for Silent Night."

"Good. Give Will my coordinates just before he launches. The less anyone who's on the ground here knows, the safer we all are." He paused briefly. "I want you to know, I'm also pulling in a hacker to help."

Reyne frowned. "Not the same one who designed Mason's program that killed Gabriela?"

Seda pursed his lips before speaking. "Vapor? Yeah, the one and the same. She's the best hacker in the Collective and can be trusted as long as you're the highest bidder."

"And if you're not?"

"Then you can trust her to screw you over." Seda swallowed. "She's a risk, but she's a known risk. We need the code, and if anyone can work it out in time, it's Vapor."

Reyne gave him a doubtful look.

The corners of Seda's lips curled. "Trust me, I don't plan to let her off the hook for killing Gabriela. The way I see it, Vapor's just as responsible as Mason is for her death."

Reyne nodded in agreement before changing the subject. "Any word on Critch and Throttle?"

"Everything's on track. They should make it to Myr tomorrow."

His back ached with tension. Two high-risk missions in play at the same time meant stress clung to him and seeped heavily into his gut. "I have eight specters here for the operation, but if Critch needs the firepower..."

"They won't be able to help him. You, however, need all the firepower you can get. I can see what else I can scrounge up if you need."

"I sure wouldn't turn anything down." Reyne stretched his legs to relieve the tension, but it did no good. "If you can find something, make it sooner versus later. With the CUF switching gears, we've got to be ready. Wish me luck; I'm off to talk with Hatha about bumping up our timeline."

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